Thapki Written Update Episode 320 Wednesday 21st December 2022

Thapki English

Posted by Kiongos on 2022-12-19 20:25:48 |

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Thapki Written Update Episode 320  Wednesday 21st  December 2022

Thapki Written Update Episode 320

Wednesday 21st  December 2022

 Thapki insults Shraddha and making her see her place. She tells Aditi that she will cut rent from her salary and asks her to stay back. Aditi nods. Dhruv smiles. Thapki asks Shraddha not to act to be boss with Aditi again and do not insult her. Shraddha thinks she will never leave Aditi. Preeti asks Sankara to see the gift which Vani gave to her. Sankara says she don’t want this gift and says she will burn it. She burns the gift. Preeti asks are you mad? Sankara asks Preeti to give her saree and says she will burn it too. Preeti refuses. Kosi asks what is happening. She asks how dare she to burn the gift given by Vani. Sankara says she has prayed for Bihaan since childhood and says what she will do without him. Kosi asks her to let Vani marry Bihaan for their betterment. She thinks Vani is rich and they will get crores of money through her. Sankara thinks to kill her.

Dadi and Vasu are talking. Vasu sees Sankara and asks what is in her hand. Sankara recalls planning to kill Vani and planting crackers in the box to kill her. Vasu asks her to show what is in it? Sankara refuses to show it. Kosi comes, takes the box from her hand and sees waste material in it. She asks her to go. Sankara thinks waste materials are just on top, and says it is Vani’s death material. She puts crackers and makes a circle. She then covers it up with colors. Preeti and her husband come there to celebrate Diwali. Preeti is about to light matchstick. Sankara is tensed. She asks Preeti not to light crackers there, and says if vani sees you people here then she might throw you out. Preeti agrees. Sankara sends them to back side of house to burn crackers, and thinks Vani’s death is sure today.

Dhruv asks Thapki what happened? Thapki says she brought Diwali gift for Aditi, but she will not take from her. Dhruv says I will give her gift from your side, and asks her to concentrate on her mission. He asks her to call someone. Thapki says she doesn’t know where did she keep the phone. Dhruv says okay. He comes to Aditi and gives her gift saying someone cares for her so much. Aditi thinks he is talking about him and looks on. She hears crackers bursted and hugs Dhruv being scared. Shraddha happens to see Aditi hugging Dhruv and then laughing with him. She gets jealous and comes to her. She asks how dare you to fly high and asks don’t you have shame to hug and laugh with him. She blames her for the insult by Vani and is about to slap her, but Dhruv holds her hand. He says enough Shraddha. He says why you are misbehaving with Aditi since few days. Shraddha says this girl…..Dhruv says she is family member and sister of Thapki. He asks her not to misbehave with Aditi again then he will tell her everything to Vani. Shraddha is angry and goes.

Vasu returns the keys to Thapki and asks what do you think about yourself. She says we are not puppets to dance on your tune. Thapki asks her to drink water to cool down her anger. Vasu throws water glass and says if this thing was done by my bahu then I would have ended relation with her. Thapki says you would have kicked her out. Vasu says I had done so much for Thapki, but she has ruined them and insulted the relations. She says I won’t let my family break and says I will take back the keys when I have right on it and when you leave from here. She walks out. Thapki gets sad and recalls the happenings.

 Thapki tells  Dhruv that all the accusations from her will be cleared now. She comes out and sees her phone in the crackers circle. She gets the phone, suddenly crackers starts bursting. Thapki shouts. Bihaan saves her. Sankara gets shocked. Bihaan asks why did you go there, if anything had happened to you? He rubs her hand to make her calm down. Sankara gets jealous. Bihaan asks Thapki are you alright? Thapki gets emotional seeing Bihaan’s concern towards her. Kosi and others come out and are shocked. Thapki thanks Bihaan for saving her. Bihaan says if there was someone else, I would have saved her also. Sankara thinks Bihaan have saved you this time, but who will next time. Kosi makes Sankara stand in the crackers circle. Sankara cries and says I won’t do this again. Kosi lights the match stick, but blows it. She twists her hand and asks her not to do this again, says Vani is gold laying hen for her.

Chacha ji comes home and cries holding Kosi’s hand asking why did you leave me. Kosi says when did I die? Chacha tells that he got a call that she is ill and there is no chances of life. Kosi says someone might have joked with you, and says she is perfectly fine. Thapki and Dhruv hear them. Thapki says you won’t be fine, and tells that’s why she called Bihaan’s chacha here and Kosi’s husband. She says she will clear all the accusations off from her.

Bihaan comes there and asks Chacha when did you come? He says he came just now as he missed them. He sees Thapki and says she is Thapki. Kosi says she is not Thapki, but Vani Oberoi, and says Bihaan’s marriage is fixed with her. Chacha says but you had fixed Sankara’s marriage with him. Sankara tells him that Vani has snatched Bihaan from her. Chacha apologizes to Vani and tells that he thought her Thapki. Bihaan also tells that he misunderstood that she was Thapki. Vani tells that she is not weak, vulnerable, emotional and fool like thapki, and tells about her sacrifices for family. She asks them not to call her Thapki and says she can’t bear any more insult. Kosi tells Vani that she had never accepted Thapki as her bahu and says it was good that she died, and says that she has done many dramas here. Bihaan is angry and cleans the lawn. Preeti comes and asks why they are cleaning the place. Her husband tells that today is chhat Puja. Bihaan recalls what Vani said for Thapki.

Vani comes there talking on phone. Bihaan lifts a bucket of dirty water and throws on her. Vani gets angry and asks how dare you to throw dirty water on me? Bihaan says mistake is yours, I was cleaning the place for the puja. He tells whatever Thapki was, but she was mine. He asks her not to badmouth about her. Vani says this means you have thrown this dirty water on me intentionally. Bihaan says, yes. And says you have to remember that someone is with her, for her and will stand with her who can talk without stammering. He tells Thapki lived for family and says she was not selfish like you. He says you can’t understand my Thapki. She slips, Bihaan holds her and then he makes her fall down. Thapki says now Thapki is not here, but I am here…Vani Oberoi. She says once I get married to you, I will make you dance on my tune, keep dreaming. She goes.

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