Sarab Arrested For Meher's "Murder"| Tuesday July 2 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-06-24 20:59:27 |

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Sarab Arrested For Meher's "Murder"| Tuesday July 2 2024

Choti Sardarni Written Update For Tuesday June 25 2024

Sarab Arrested For Meher's "Murder"

Seher says, "Wow, a cycle. I asked mama for a cycle on my last birthday. She fulfills my wish." Param asks, "Papa, are you missing mama?" He says, "Yes. When will you come back, Meher?"

Kulwant calls Harleen and says, "Rajan is out of jail. Tell Sarab, he’s very dangerous." Harleen says, "I can’t. He is very happy. This news will upset him. I will increase security in the house." Seher asks all the servants to sprinkle Meher with flowers. Karan says, "She’s so happy." Param asks, "Papa, will Meher mama come?" Sarab says, "Yes, she will come for sure."

Bitu packs Seher’s gift. Jeeto asks, "What’s in it?" He says, "A pillow. I stole it from Rana’s room." Ginni says, "You stole Jeeto’s blanket? What if she opens it?"

Rana says, "We will write their name on it." Bitu writes Rana’s name. Kulwant packs her gift. She says, "I hope Seher likes this gift." Yuvi says, "She would love it." Rana replaces his name on Bitu’s gift.

Sarab gets Seher ready. She says, "I won’t open my eyes till Sandhya aunty brings mama." Sarab says, "Where did Sandhya go? I hope she comes back." Sarab says, "Meher ji, where did you go?" Kulwant comes and says, "Seher, nani is here. See, I got you such a big gift."

Kulwant asks, "Where is Seher?" Sarab comes out. Sarab says, "She’s in her room. She says until Sandhya gets her gift, she won’t open her eyes." Sarab says, "Sandhya has gone out." Harleen says, "Don’t worry, Sandhya will come back."

Yuvi asks, "When is the party starting?" Kulwant is worried about Sandhya. Karan and Param bring Seher. She says, "I won’t open my eyes until Sandhya aunty brings my gift." Param and Karan say, "Seher, see, nani got you such good gifts."

Yuvi says, "Dadi, check what Rana and Bitu got." Yuvi opens Rana’s gift. It’s a blanket. Yuvi says, "A blanket? Are you crazy?" Sarab laughs. He opens Bitu’s gift. It’s a pillow. They fight with each other.

Seher says, "Mama’s friend, why aren’t you coming?" Harleen says, "See, your cake is here." Harleen says, "It’s a fairy doll cake." Lights start sparking. Harleen says, "What’s happening?"

Meher’s voice starts singing the lullaby "Tum se mujhe mili pehchan hai." Seher opens her eyes. She sees Meher in a reflection.

Seher says, "Mama..." She gets happy. It’s Meher’s projection. Everyone claps. Karan says, "Meher mama..." Sandhya is projecting her with software. Seher gives a flying kiss to Meher. Seher hugs Sandhya.

Seher cuts the cake. Everyone wishes her a happy birthday. Seher makes everyone eat the cake. Sandhya plays music. All the kids dance and celebrate. Sandhya looks after the arrangement. Sarab looks at them and smiles. Meher says to Sarab, "It all happens because of Sandhya. You are thumbs down."

He says, "You can tease me. But please come back. I feel so lonely. I miss you a lot." Meher says, "It’s Seher’s birthday; you shouldn’t have a tear in your eye today." Kulwant says, "Sarab, come celebrate with us." Sandhya plays with the kids. She hugs Seher.

The police come in. Sandhya is shocked to see them. They turn off the music. Seher says, "Who turned off the music? Call mama’s friend. She will play the music."

The inspector comes. He says, "Mr. Sarab… You’re under arrest." Everyone is shocked. Sarab says, "Don’t be scared, kids. They are here to celebrate." He sends the kids inside. Sarab asks Sandhya to be with the kids. She says, "But all this..."

Sarab asks, "Which crime are you arresting me for?" The inspector says, "My name is Saranjeet. You’re accused of killing your wife Meher." Everyone is shocked. Harleen says, "What?" He says, "Here is the arrest warrant." Sarab says, "Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind?"

Seher says, "Mama’s friend, why did you call the police? We don’t like the police." Sandhya says, "Your dad called them so your fear goes away forever." Sandhya goes out. Ginni and Jeeto are with the kids.

Harleen says, "My brother can never do this." Kulwant says, "Meher was his life." The inspector says, "He killed her." Sarab says, "Enough." He says, "We have proof. He killed his wife on March 31." Sandhya says, "He didn’t. Meher’s murder was done by my..." He says, "Shut up. Your name is Sarab. In your love, he killed his wife." Everyone is shocked.

Sarab says, "Are you crazy? I can’t even imagine harming my wife."

Meher is in the hospital. She’s in a coma. Her treatment is going on.

Sarab says, "Nothing happened to my Meher ji. She’s alive." He says, "Go to the police station and say it there." Kulwant says, "Don’t even dare to touch my son. I will see how you take him there." He says, "If you interfere with the law, I will also take you there."

Kulwant says, "I will make one call and..." He says, "I am from the crime branch. No one can stop me." Harleen calls the IG. She says, "Some inspector came from the crime branch. He’s blaming Sarab for killing Meher."

He says, "This is a matter of another state; we can’t interfere. For now, let him take Sarab. I will do something by morning, don’t worry." Sarab says, "Let me meet my kids."

Sarab comes to the kids. Seher says, "Why is the police here?" Sarab says, "I called them. We are playing chor police. I lost, let me go play." Seher says, "You won’t go anywhere." Yuvi says, "It’s Seher’s birthday." Seher says, "Tell them you will play tomorrow."

Sarab says, "If I don’t go, I will lose." Karan says, "No, papa, you can never lose. Papa will come back fast." Sarab says, "It will take some time. I will come back by tomorrow morning." Param says, "Papa, it’s Baisakhi tomorrow." Sarab says, "I know. I promise I will celebrate Baisakhi with you three only." Seher says, "Promise?" Karan says, "Papa always makes the right promises." Sarab says, "Promise."

Sandhya says, "How can you go with the police?" He says, "Not in front of the kids. They shouldn’t see any problem. Please smile in front of them." Sarab says, "I will win." The kids say, "Yes." Sarab says, "Please take care of the kids. I am leaving them in your responsibility."

The inspector says, "Let’s take him." Kulwant says, "I will also go there. A station is a public place. You can’t stop me from coming there." Harleen is crying. She says, "I won’t let anything happen to you." They take Sarab.

Sandhya says to Param, "Don’t worry. Your dragon daddy will win." He says, "I am not young to see what’s happening. I know what arrest means. Please tell me why they have taken papa there."

Sandhya says, "It’s a confusion. Your papa hasn’t done anything." Sarab comes to the police station. The inspector asks for a black cloth. He says, "I don’t need to hide my face. I have not done anything." Kulwant says, "I am with you, Sarab." She comes there with Bitu.

Sarab is taken to the interrogation room. He says, "Why am I here? You can have an arrest warrant, but you don’t have any proof. What proof do you have that I have murdered my wife? Who complained against me?"

Rajan comes and says, "I did. I am the only witness. You had an affair with my fiancée Sandhya, and when your wife found out, you killed her. You gave her place to Sandhya. Gave her your bed. When Meher found out, she went to Sandhya’s village. You killed her there and burned her."

Sarab throttles Rajan and says, "Where is Meher? You hid her. Tell me where she is." Rajan says, "She’s dead. You did her funeral." Sarab shouts, "That wasn’t my Meher. She will come back. She saved me. She will come back because she’s alive."

Meher is at the hospital.

Kulwant says, "Sarab, stop it. If he dies, it will be on you. The kids are waiting for you. You will be in trouble."

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