Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Tuesday April 30 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-04-15 20:52:32 |

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Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Tuesday April 30 2024

Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Tuesday April 30, 2024

Kulwant accuses Gini of tearing her trousers and demands her gift in return. She reveals that the trousers were intended as a gift but got torn. Yuvi defends his grandmother, while Param mentions receiving a tablet from Harleen. Meher expresses concern over Param's age appropriateness for a tablet and suggests returning it for a puzzle.

However, Harleen insists on letting him keep it since he asked everyone for a phone to make a video call. Meher reassures everyone that Param is too young and that she cares for him, but Sarab allows him to keep the tablet, noting his excitement.

As Meher heads towards the kitchen, she faints, prompting Sarab and Harleen to rush to her side. The doctor diagnoses Meher with low iron levels due to inadequate food intake.

Sarab blames himself for not noticing her condition earlier, but Meher reassures him. Harleen advises Meher to rest and takes Param with her. Meher reminds Param not to forget his tuition class, but Harleen assures her not to worry, despite him having missed many classes.

Meanwhile, Jagga discusses ledger issues with his employee until Amrita shows him the sheet she prepared, impressing him. Meher expresses interest in a job as an accountant in their firm, prompting Amrita to hug him.

Sarab brings food for Meher and feeds her, expressing concern over her health. Meher asks about Param's eating habits, and Sarab informs her that he's with Harleen.

Later, Harleen gives Param a burger, and he feels like it's his birthday. However, Meher receives a call from Param's teacher, revealing that he skipped class. Meher confronts Param and snatches the tablet from him, prompting Harleen to question her approach.

Param explains that he was about to finish the last lap of a game. Meher insists he can't miss his class, but Harleen disagrees, reminding Meher of the days they spent in the broken home where he missed classes.

Despite Meher's intention to slap Param, he assumes she's about to hit him again, recalling a previous incident. Harleen expresses concern and hugs Param, assuring him that no one can harm him as long as she's there. She then encourages him to take the tablet and go out.

Meher admits she didn't like hitting Param, but Sarab defends their actions, suggesting things were different. Harleen emphasizes that they shouldn't hit kids and assures Meher she'll handle Param's studies, urging her not to worry. Meher insists on the importance of Param studying and working hard, but Harleen dismisses it, causing Meher to leave.

Harleen reassures Param that he's not a bad boy and that his parents love him. Param decides not to play anymore because Papa asked him not to. Sarab supports Meher, noticing her stress over Harleen's behavior and the implications for Param's education.

Meher expresses concern that Harleen's leniency will lead Param to think it's okay to fail, but Sarab reassures her that things will improve. Meanwhile, Amrita calls Meher to thank her for helping her get hired, and Sarab expresses his pride in Meher.

Later, Amrita and Jagga go grocery shopping and ride home on a bike with Yuvi. Meher gives Param a shower and receives a voice message from Sarab reminding her to take her medicines.

Meher recalls Param's promise to always apply powder on Karan and feels confident that despite his involvement with the tablet, he won't forget his responsibility. She searches for Param and finds him on a call with his friends, refusing to play cricket because he's busy with his new tablet.

Meanwhile, Amrita prepares for work, but Kulwant questions her, suggesting someone else could make the pickle. Jagga offers to go instead, allowing Amrita to leave for work. Harleen gives the tablet to Param and feeds him, while Meher observes angrily as Param greets her.

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