Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Thursday 29 February 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-02-07 20:13:22 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Thursday 29 February 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Thursday 29 Feb 2024

Sun rises. Meher remains seated outside. The doctor emerges. Meher inquires about Sarab's condition. He urges her to listen attentively, stating there's little time.

Meher anxiously asks what happened to Sarab. The doctor explains that the bullet is lodged in his spinal cord, and attempting to remove it could be fatal.

Leaving it could result in a coma. He implores Meher to make a decision and sign the necessary paperwork. Meher, overwhelmed, sits down in shock.

Recalling her moments with Sarab, Meher is approached by Ginni, who hands her the phone. Param appears on a video call, expressing concern for Sarab.

Meher tearfully reassures Param, who shares his faith in God's promise to heal Sarab. They pray together, and Meher instructs Param to stay with Ginni and Karan while she remains at the hospital.

Back at the hospital, the doctor asks for Meher's decision. She opts for surgery to remove the bullet, believing Sarab would not wish to live in a coma. The surgery begins as Meher and Param pray fervently for Sarab's recovery.

At the CBI office, Manav submits his fingerprints and addresses the group, emphasizing the importance of confession in resolving crimes.

He interrogates Robbie, who denies involvement, prompting Kulwant to suggest checking the CCTV footage. Kaushal dismisses her suggestion, citing the culprit's cunning nature. Meanwhile, Sarab's surgery proves challenging, causing anxiety for Aditi and Meher.

Amid Sarab's deteriorating condition, Meher rushes to procure blood for him. Facing obstacles, she seeks help from a stranger, who lends her his bike to hasten to the hospital. As she races against time, Sarab's condition worsens, and doctors struggle to save him.

Finally arriving at the hospital with the blood, Meher's hope is dashed when the bottle breaks upon delivery.

The doctor instructs the nurse to search other blood banks. Meher mentions there was only one, and the doctor warns that Sarab may slip into a coma.

Meher tries to recall who in their family has AB- blood type. She remembers Harleen, who has fainted, and the nurse informs her that Aditi's husband is AB+. Meher attempts to call Manav, but his phone is busy.

Manav orders his officers to house arrest all the suspects but realizes his phone's battery has died.

Amrita informs him they are all being investigated. Meher rushes out to find Manav, concerned about Sarab's dropping pulse.

Spotting her, Manav approaches her, and Meher grabs his hand, urging him to donate blood as Sarab is in dire need.

Despite her pleas, Manav hesitates, citing the pain Meher's mother caused him. Meher implores him, promising anything in return for saving Sarab's life. Eventually, Manav agrees and heads towards the blood bank.

Karan cries while Param comforts him, pleading with God to heal his father. At the hospital, Meher prays fervently as Amrita observes her. Manav donates blood to Sarab and, later, notices Meher praying.

Despite Sarab's stabilized condition, Amrita's joy contrasts with Vikram's sinister smile. The doctor informs Meher that Sarab is stable but not yet conscious.

Meher approaches Manav to express her gratitude, offering to fulfill any favor in return.

Manav teases her about resembling a politician's wife and questions the sincerity of her offer. Meher insists she is genuine and will do anything for him. Manav, touched by her plea, decides to continue the investigation to uncover Sarab's shooter.

Manav arrives at Kulwant's house and confronts Bitu and Rana about their involvement. He pressures them for information, revealing the fingerprints on the gun.

Kulwant defiantly defends herself, while Manav calmly enjoys her parathas. He questions Bitu and Rana, who explain their motives for picking up the gun.

Meanwhile, Param tries to comfort Harleen, who desperately wants to visit Sarab in the hospital. Manav accuses Kulwant, Bitu, and Rana of being skilled actors and hints at uncovering the truth once Sarab regains consciousness.

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