Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 29 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-03-20 19:22:34 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 29 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 29 March 2024

Pathak announces his plan: "I open a coaching center here, and you'll be my partner. There aren't any coaching classes nearby. Otherwise, this recording could be leaked. Shall we shake hands?" Kulwant agrees enthusiastically and shakes hands with him.

Meher and Amrita exchange handshakes. Meher declares, "You'll inaugurate the first coaching center in Atari." Pathak confirms, "We'll inaugurate the coaching center soon."

In another scene, Manav contacts the doctor. "Did Karan experience much pain?" he inquires anxiously. Meanwhile, Aditi initiates a video call. Manav is surprised and asks, "Who accepted the video call?"

Aditi apologizes for being late and suggests having dinner together online. She asks about the plans for the next day, and Manav responds uncertainly. Aditi reveals, "I'm coming over tomorrow." Manav acknowledges that tomorrow holds significance.

Param and Sarab engage in playful activities, lifting their legs in the air. Meher questions their antics, to which Param responds, "We're riding imaginary bicycles."

They engage in a race, with Param expressing confidence in his victory. However, Sarab receives a call from his lawyer, who informs him that Vikram has withdrawn the case. Sarab shares this news with Meher.

Sarab captures a video of Karan and sends it to Vikram, mentioning that Karan's first visit to the gurdwara will be tomorrow, expressing a wish for Vikram to attend.

Meanwhile, Manav receives a text message. Aditi suggests he eats first, but he clarifies that he must take a work-related call. Manav reassures Aditi that his father will take her with him the next day when the DNA report arrives.

In another scene, Meher, Param, and Sarab arrive at the temple with Karan. Meher prays for her family's happiness, while Sarab prays for their continued joy together.

Kulwant and Rana also arrive, with Kulwant praying for her relationship with Meher and Sarab to improve.

Meher asks Amrita if she has informed her mother-in-law about her coaching classes, to which Amrita responds negatively. Meher comments that today couldn't be a better day.

Param asks what Karan will do on this day of service, to which Sarab responds by involving Karan in the service as well. They all distribute prasad to the people together.

Meanwhile, Amrita confides in Kulwant about Lucky's struggling business and her determination to help him. However, Kulwant dismisses her efforts, but Amrita leaves determined to find a solution.

Later, Manav arrives at the temple, where Sarab welcomes him. Manav takes Karan and recalls his conversation with Robbie about obtaining a sample. He contemplates the moral aspect of their dispute, while Sarab emphasizes the importance of perspective.

However, when Karan starts crying, Meher intervenes and takes him. In a separate scene, a doctor informs Manav over the phone that the DNA report is ready.

As Manav prepares to approach Harleen, Aditi surprises him at the temple, expressing her desire to spend time together. Manav agrees and accompanies her for prayers.

However, when Aditi notices the document in Manav's hand, he hesitates to reveal its contents. Manav then attempts to share the DNA report with Harleen, but she leaves before he can disclose anything.


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