Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Thursday 14 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-02-07 20:13:22 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Thursday 14 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Thursday 14 March 2024

Meher enters Param’s room. He is asleep. Meher remembers Param crying earlier. She places Karan next to Param, who smiles and makes noises. Param wakes up, sees Karan, and hugs him, asking, "Where did you go?" He kisses Karan and expresses gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Baba ji, for sending my brother back to me."

Param threatens not to talk to Meher if she talks like that again. He picks up Karan, but Meher reassures him, saying, "Don’t worry. Your brother won’t ever go anywhere. He will always live with you."

In another scene, Bitu and Rana inform Kulwant that Meher got Karan back from Manav. Kulwant praises Meher, calling her "my sherni (lioness)."

Rana wonders if their problems are over, but Kulwant remarks that Karan is still a problem, referring to him as "that snake." She suggests that Vikram Dewan should take him, anticipating further dramas in her daughter's house.

Param visits Sarab, who hugs him and assures him that he's doing fine. Param recalls Baba ji's promise and expresses joy at Karan's return. Meher enters with Karan, and Sarab hugs them both, relieved and grateful.

Meanwhile, Manav looks at Karan’s photo and plans to take him to his favorite places like Manali and Goa.

Aditi enters and asks for a file. Vikram hands it to her and inquires about Sarab's health. Aditi updates him, mentioning pending reports that will determine Sarab's discharge status.

Seema enters and notices a cot, prompting Vikram to hint at good news soon. Manav silently predicts that in two weeks, Seema will have her grandson in her lap.

Param excitedly talks about decorating for Diwali and welcoming Sarab home. Sarab explains the situation to Meher, reassuring her that they will handle it because Karan will always be with them.

Meanwhile, Manav eagerly awaits Karan's arrival, irritated by Aditi's reminder about preparations for the baby.

Aditi receives a call from the hospital and leaves, while Manav affirms that everything is ready for Karan.

Later, Meher struggles to sleep, recalling Manav's words. She gazes at Karan, vowing to protect him and stay awake all night for him.

Meher arrives at the temple with Param. They pray together for Sarab’s health. Guru ji asks them if they know why the temple is decorated, and Param responds, "Because my papa will come back home."

Guru ji admires Param's innocence. Meher shares that Param can't wait for Sarab to be home and asks when they can go to pick him up.

Just then, Sarab calls them and informs them that his tests didn't come out well, so they need to wait another week. Meher insists on going to the hospital, despite Sarab's refusal. Param and Meher head to the hospital together.

At the hospital, Meher confronts Sarab about not wanting to come home, but Sarab explains that his platelet count is low.

Param suggests asking the doctor to discharge Sarab, and Sarab lifts Karan to show he's still strong.

Meher suggests a thumb fight to decide if Sarab stays in the hospital, and if he loses, he agrees to stay as the doctor advised.

Meanwhile, Manav urges Aditi to get ready as they have to leave. Seema gives gifts for Param and Karan, and Aditi insists her mother accompany them.

Manav hesitates, but Seema encourages them, saying it's what Surya, Manav's father, would have wanted. Manav assures Seema that she will be the happiest when he brings someone home.

Meher and Sarab engage in a thumb fight, with Meher winning to convince Sarab to rest. Param worries they won't celebrate Diwali, but Sarab reassures him. Meher reminds Sarab of Manav's plans for that day.

Elsewhere, Bitu and Rana prepare for Diwali, and Kulwant suggests visiting Sarab's house to convince him. Param expresses disappointment at not receiving a gift from Kulwant, but Sarab promises to give him whatever he wants.

Param asks for his grandmother's laddus, despite Sarab's hesitation due to their strained relationship. Param insists on inviting his grandmother, saying Sarab promised to grant his wish. Meher suggests Param go and play, ending the conversation.

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