Good Friday and It's Signifance in Our Lives As Christians


Posted by Kiongos on 2024-03-29 05:59:11 |

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Good Friday and It's Signifance in Our Lives As Christians

What exactly is Good Friday?

Good Friday is a day filled with Hope, when Jesus Christ died to Pay the price for our sins.

The Significance of Good Friday, And Why Label a Sad Day as 'Good'?

It may seem peculiar that well over two billion Christians worldwide annually observe Jesus' betrayal, brutal beating, torture, and cruel death - and refer to it as Good Friday.

Jesus, a Jewish individual from a small town in Judea, was born and died under the rule of the Roman Empire (during the reigns of Emperors Augustus and Tiberius).

Jesus was renowned for his acts of kindness, bringing healing, care, and forgiveness to humanity.

Jesus reached out and healed lepers, restored sight to the blind, advocated for the welfare of prisoners, and honored women in an era when they were often deemed inferior.

However, despite his benevolent deeds, many of the Jewish religious leaders of that time opposed him and his teachings.

On what is now commemorated as Good Friday, Jesus was falsely accused, betrayed, beaten, whipped, mocked, and cruxified.

Crucifixion, his method of execution, was a slow and particularly cruel and agonizing form of Roman punishment.

To grasp how this day could be considered 'good,' one must understand why God sent Jesus into the world and who Jesus was.

And, importantly, that Jesus' death marked not the conclusion of the story, but rather a beautiful beginning!

Why was Good Friday Necessary?

God's Blueprint(plan) for Humanity

According to the Bible, when God created the world, there existed perfect harmony between God and humanity, as well as among humans themselves.

However, Adam and Eve's disobedience introduced darkness into the world through sin.

This deeply grieved God.

A plan was set into motion to demonstrate that despite human sin, God still loves humanity and desires a relationship with them. This is where Jesus Christ - God's Only Begotten Son - enters the picture.

God the Father sent Jesus, his only Begotten Son, into the world as an infant. Jesus arrived quietly, humbly, and without pomp. He came to demonstrate love and to reconcile humanity with their Creator.

Throughout Jesus' time on Earth, he experienced human life firsthand. He walked among people and understood the challenges of life.

Jesus cared for and empathized with people from all walks of life, demonstrating immense love, compassion, grace, and mercy.

However, his life, death, and resurrection were about more than just being kind and compassionate.

To reconcile humanity with God, the just penalty for all their wrongdoing and sin had to be paid - essentially, sin had to be put to death.

And so, Jesus bore the weight of humanity's sins upon himself. He sacrificed himself for humanity.

Even his name, 'Jesus,' chosen by God before his birth, means 'Savior.' "He will save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21).

"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins”, Matthew 1:21.

Why is Good Friday Significant?

Jesus Paid the Price for Our Sins

When Jesus died on the cross, he bore the weight of the world's sins and darkness so that humanity, and all individuals, could have the opportunity for a renewed life in connection with God, free from the barrier of sin.

Jesus endured the most excruciating and humiliating death of his time on behalf of humanity. He was mocked, scourged, stripped, and crucified. It was a painful, undignified, and public form of death.

The journey Jesus undertook to the cross was the most arduous journey anyone has faced.

Good Friday holds significance because Jesus endured every aspect of this suffering to offer hope to the entire world.

"It is finished" (John 19:30), Jesus' final words on the cross.

Though it may seem that humans were in control of Jesus' punishment, Jesus could have halted the process at any moment.

Angels could have rescued him. However, he persisted because his love for humanity surpassed the pain he endured.

How Do Christians Commemorate Good Friday?

A Day Filled with Hope

Because of Jesus' sacrifice, individuals can have a genuine and meaningful relationship with God.

Christians can experience unconditional love and eternal hope. Jesus held onto this hope for humanity so that individuals can hold onto his hope in their own lives.

Customs surrounding Good Friday vary among Christian denominations and churches hold services on Good Friday, during which Christians remember Jesus' journey to the cross, fast, pray, and attend church services.

Some individuals may choose not to consume red meat during the Holy Week or on Good Friday in remembrance of the painful death and the blood Jesus shed on the cross.

Regardless of how Good Friday is observed, there is often a sense of prospection because, three days later, Easter Sunday celebrates Jesus' resurrection from the dead.

While Good Friday may seem somber and sorrowful, it is indeed a day of profound significance.

A truly good day, indeed!

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