Thapki English Written Update Episode 388 Tuesday March 14 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-03-13 15:08:14 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 388  Tuesday March 14 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 388

Tuesday March 14 2023


What a tactical, intelligent little kid! Bani is controlling Thapki like no one else business just to make sure Tina and Bihaan are safe. Thapki was about to see Bihaan near the cupboard when she shouted at the top of her voice that she is hungry and needed food. She keeps Thapki busy so that Bihaan and Tina can hide comfortably. She tells her mum to prepare her her favourite meal, a meal that is also Bihaan’s favourite. As Thapki goes to prepare her daughter a meal, Bani gets Tina and Bihaan inside into hiding. Bihaan jokes around with her that she has made me feel hungry as well by choosing her favourite meal. Bani humorously tells him not to joke a power of a woman.


Bihaan and Bani resembles each other in many things. Even though, till now neither Bani nor Bihaan has discovered they are one blood. They only have clues as hinted by both. Bani tells Bihaan that he talks exactly like her. They hug each other happily.


As always, Thapki is education oriented. The same she used to encourage Bihaan to take his studies seriously is the same way she has started with Bani. She tells Bani she should now go for tuition. However, Bani doesn’t want to go because she has Tina and Bihaan in the house. She is forced to fake illness. She used onions to induce a fake fever.


She tells Thapki that she is unwell and don’t want to go for tuition. Thapki checks her temperature and confirms indeed she has fever. Thapki hints to her about taking a leave from work so she can care for her being that she is unwell. Since Bani doesn’t want her at home, she tells Thapki to just go to work; she will take care of herself well. Thapki agrees to go but tells her to make a phone call in case things go south.


Immediately she is gone, Bani brings Tina and Bihaan out of their hiding place. She flaunts her idea of fake fever, that was so perfect. They both agree to go play: Bani agrees under on condition, Bihaan take her as his daughter- which Bihaan agrees.


Preeti was left wondering why Thapki left had leave hurriedly. She reports to Suman that Thapki came but didn’t give them an ear, but left suddenly. Suman, as first thinker as she is, tells Preeti that Shraddha-the witch must have scared her in some way. Suman puts a knife on Shraddha’s pic, as sign that her end is near. She comes, finds the knife on her pic and gets so angry it that she tells them to clean the room speedily.


Preeti is so loyal. She wants to clean the room and continue enjoying her day. She asks Shraddha for a broom which Shraddha tells her to look for by herself. Suman is boiling in anger that is ranging like fire that will burn those who read and leave without following Senior Kiongos. She wants to kill Shraddha once and for all. No sooner had she picked a knife to attack Shraddha than Preeti shouted at the brim of her voice. A shout that could tremble the unshakable mountain. The sound was so loud that Suman almost confused it with a trumpet from above. She takes a stop from stabbing Shraddha. Shraddha is now in a confused world. She felt a pinch of cold blood curdling down her veins. Her heart almost stopped beating. She must have wetted her pants… she is so scared that she finds herself asking an irrelevant question. She asks for Tina and Bihaan. Sankara also comes and reports to her that she has checked everywhere and hasn’t seen Bihaan and Tina. Little did they know Bihaan, Tina and Bani are bush playing at Thapki’s place.


Bihaan hears thapki’s voice and alerts Tina and Bani that Thapki is back. He rushes tonget inside the house but the door gets locked. Bani quickly formulates a plan and hides Bihaan and Tina in a scarecrow like structure. She then stands by the door, Thapki sees her and questions about her fever. She says she is now fine. Additionally, she informs Thapki about a scarecrow she has made, which she points to her.


Right on time, Shraddha and Sankara come looking for Tina and Bihaan. Thapki sends Bani inside so she can handle them. They try to harass hear so she can produce Bihaan, asking her not to hide them. Thapki also warns them that that is her house they should leave with immediate effect. All these exchanges happen near the scarecrow where Bihaan and Tina are hiding. Bihaan finds it uneasy when Shraddha and Sankara molest Thapki. He spats on Shradhha’s neck and laughs with Tina.


In the night, Bihaan goes to Thapki’s room. He finds her attractive will a killer figure that provokes his manly feelings and starts admiring her. He feels like he should with her on the bed, glued to her and immersed in her honey pot trembling and sweating profusely. He comes back to his senses and walks out feeling sorry for stepping in her room whilst wondering why he found himself admiring her. On his way out, Thapki hears a bang from the door and wakes up.


Bihaan wakes up Tina and Bani and informs them he is afraid Thapki might have seen him in her room. Without a dilly dally, Thapki comes in and tells Bani that a thief has entered her house. She tells Bani to stay alert, but never step from her bed, as she treats the thief a lesson. Thapki switches on the lights. Whaaaaat! Bihaan and Tina! She has seen them.


Thapki promises to inform Balu that they are there. She also get him on the know that Sankara and Shraddha looked for her there. Indeed, Bani was right when he told them that if Thapki knows they are there, she will spill the beans to Balu’s.  Thapki discloses to Pandey’s that Bihaan is in her place.


Before a hen could swallow a grain, Balu arrived in a convoy with Sankara and Shraddha ready to pick Bihaan and Tina. Bihaan and Tina are gone. Bani is left in pain for she will miss Tina. She tells her mum she is not happy at all. On the other side, Sankara taunts Bihaan for going to Bihaan’s house. There is a divide opinion in the house. Balu has his own take on Bihaan, Shraddha has own while Preeti says Bihaan should stay with Thapki coz she stayed there for a day and nothing happened to him. Preeti’s statement provokes Sankara who reminds them of a doctor’s report, which Balu slams as an old report-a report which is 7 years old. Balu recommends they need to show Bihaan out citing they did a mistake to trust the doctor’s report.  He plans to talk to Thapki about the matter. What a looming danger! Sankara tells Shraddha to be on toes lest their life will get ruined.


Balu commands them to take Bihaan to Thapki’s place. They are standing outside waiting for Thapki to open for them the door. Shraddha takes Bihaan out of the car in abide to tell him a story. She starts to narrate to him their own love story in a different version. She uses two characters, Raja and Rani whom she says were enemies. Sankara smiles listening to her. She says that Rani was stammering. She goes on to narrate that one day Rani left Raja while Raja writhing in pain pleading with her not to go. This story troubles Bihaan so much that he starts reflecting his past life. She adds that nowadays, Raja has gone mad and Rani still don’t want to listen to him. Bihaan gets a heart attack and falls down.


Shraddha smiles at this ordeal asking in pretence what is up with Bihaan. Tina is confused and calls out her dad to wake. Thapki is yet to open the door. The pandey’s rush to Bihaan. Finally, Thapki opens the door, when Shraddha is giving Bihaan some tablets. Everyone asks what happened to Bihaan he has been fine all along. Tina cries so badly. They take Bihaan back to the car and leaves with him, leaving Thapki wondering what happened to Bihaan. She promises to discover what it is coz it is long since she last stayed with him.


Thapki calls the principal inquiring about Tina. The principal informs him that her family came and cancelled her admission. So STRANGE!


Dhruv wants to know why Shraddha took Tina back and Shraddha says it is because of Thapki, whom they accuse has ruined Bihaan’s life. Dhruv falls in her trap such that Balu’s words fell on deaf ears. Balu tried to convince her that, indeed Thapki was there, maybe God want to unite them again. Dhruv and Shraddha speak on voice. Shraddha accuse Thapki of blinding Balu and that’s why Balu doesn’t listen to her ideas, as Dhruv congratulates him for ensuring Thapki has stayed away from their house. Dhruv is so strong that Thapki will never return to their house, and all her doors back are closed.


Balu tells their verdict on Thapki is very wrong. Shraddha slams him that he better keep quite. Dhruv is the one who runs that house and his decision is final. Sankara is worried about what might happens to her when Thapki returns. She asks Shraddha about it. Instead, Shraddha slaps her face and tells her not to be afraid of s stammering girl. She urges Sankara that Bihaan is hers whether by marriage or not and she should hurry up and trap him, by pregnancy maybe. Tina and Bihaan are not okay with staying there. They both rubbish Pandey’s hood lamenting how they miss where they were. Tina misses boarding school. Bihaan then sees a basketball and then remembers playing with Thapki. Tina misses Thapki and promised to pray so that they can come, after Bihaan had informed her they are very car.

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