Thapki English Written Update Episode 382 Tuesday March 7, 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-02-26 17:30:39 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 382  Tuesday March 7, 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 382

Tuesday March 6, 2023


Tina refuses to go, but she is made to sit in car. She cries. Shraddha and Sankara smiles. Veer and Anu cry. Bihaan promises her that he will come to take her back. Suddenly car stops as the road is blocked by the bricks. The woman who is taking Tina to school and the driver get down to clear the way. Bihaan comes and sits in the car deck.


Bani talks to God and says this is wrong…everyone have their father, but I am not having. Thapki says Bani…Bani says if I don’t meet my Papa then I will never talk to you again, please bring my Papa here. Just then her prayers are answered and Bihaan comes in car. Woman tells Tina that she will study here at Agra’s best boarding school. Tina looks at the school. Bani is in the school temple praying. Bihaan gets down the car and pats on Tina’s shoulder. He hugs her. Tina gets happy. Bihaan tells her that he came to take her back and asks her not to tell anyone. Bani is still praying and crying. Thapki also cries. Bani says I will not talk to you God. Thapki says lets go home and turns to go. She feels Bihaan’s presence. Bihaan sits in the car deck. Thapki turns to look at him.


 Thapki sensing Bihaan’s presence and looks at the car, but he is in the car deck. Bani asks what happened. Thapki says she felt like…B…and stops seeing Bani. Warden takes Tina to room and asks her to follow the rules, takes her to room. Bihaan is in the room already. Tina says teacher was saying that I will stay and study here, oblivious to the fact that my Papa came to take me back, and smiles. Bihaan says you must be hungry and says I don’t have anything to make you eat. Tina says I have and shows aam papad…Bihaan looks on surprised. Bani asks Thapki to have aam papad and cheer her mood. Bihaan says nobody eats aam papad at our home. Tina says it is good to cheer up self. Thapki eats it…Bani tells ghajab and says I don’t like it, don’t know how you eat it. Thapki reminisces Bihaan saying the same line. Bihaan asks Tina to have it. Tina eats it.


Dhruv calls Police home and tells that Bihaan is missing from home since night and asks him to find him. Shraddha asks why he is making issue and informed Police. Dhruv blames her for sending Tina and says that’s why Bihaan left. Shraddha gets upset and says let him go, he was waste here. Balwinder says he will search him with his friends. Sankara brings knife and keeps on Shraddha’s neck accusing her as Bihaan goes missing. Shraddha keeps it back on Sankara’s neck and reminds her that she is here because of her favors and asks her to be in limits.


Bihaan calls Tina and asks her to come out. Tina says I love you. Bihaan says I love you too. Later Thapki drops Bani to school and sees Bihaan standing. She could see only his back and not his face. Ranjhana song plays……She walks towards him. Bihaan bends down to pick his stuff. Thapki thinks he is gone and thinks why she is missing Bihaan since yesterday. She sees Bani’s tiffin and goes to give tiffin to her. Bihaan gets up.


PT sir introduces Bani and Tina to each other and tells that Tina will be in Bani’s team. Bani tells that she never loses. Sir asks them to take their position. Bani runs towards Tina and asks her to run. Tina thinks about Sankara’s words that she will make everyone lose, and stands crying. Bani says I am trying to make you understand to run and asks what your problem is. She pushes her. Thapki comes and holds Tina. Tina cries. Thapki scolds Bani. Bani says she made me lose. Thapki gives her tiffin back and asks her to go back to her class now. Tina hugs Thapki.


Thapki says sorry and tells Tina that although Bani is angry type but good at heart. She asks if you will make friendship with me and cracks joke…to make her laugh. Tina is still sad. Thapki gives her aam papad and says whenever mood is off, it cheers up mood. Tina thanks her and says I like it. Thapki feels connection with her as Tina stammers. Thapki asks if she stammers. Tina says whenever she is scared, she stammers while talking. Thapki hugs her and says this thing will never make you stop from doing big and asks her to go to class else will get late. Thapki stammers. Tina pats on her shoulder. Thapki gets emotional and says you will get late. Tina says bye. She starts walking and comes back to Thapki, asks if she will be her friend. Thapki smiles.

 Tina telling Thapki that she is very nice. Bihaan waits for Tina and wears master’s court to get inside the school. Watchman follows him. Bihaan walks inside looking for Tina. Thapki comes. Bihaan hides behind her and asks her not to move. Thapki haven’t seen his face, but felt his presence. Ranjhana plays…….Once watchman goes, Bihaan leaves. Thapki opens her eyes and looks for Bihaan. She thinks it is her imagination and wonders who was this guy? Tina is in the same class as Bani.

Watchman catches Bihaan and says he entered the school. Bihaan says I am not a thief, but Tina Pandey’s father. Bani looks at him. Tina says yes, he is my father. Thapki sees Bihaan and gets emotional with teary eyes. Tere Liye music plays……………….She reminisces the happy moments with him.


Watchman asks why you stole Shukla ji’s coat. Bihaan says I thought that I can meet my daughter by wearing this coat and returns it. Thapki cries and says my Bihaan…I love you so much and can’t stay without you. She runs towards him. Teacher tells Bihaan that their institution have some rules and nobody can meet students without permission. She says your daughter will not be adjusted in the school if you come and meet her. Bihaan starts speaking in English and says I am my daughter’s strength and not her weakness. If I come to meet her, then she will get motivated to study and will not divert her mind. He says next time surely I will come to you, take your permission and meet my daughter. Teacher says okay. Thapki runs to Bihaan and is about to touch him, but stops thinking about Sankara’s threat. She thinks she has to stay away from Bihaan for his life. Tina gets impressed with Bihaan as he talked in English. She says you can cool down anyone’s anger. Bihaan says yes, I know and tells that they will go tomorrow as today is late. Tina tells him that she met her classmates’ mother who hugged her like her mamma, and says if I had my mamma then she would hug me same way.

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