Thapki English Written Update Episode 370 Tuesday February 14, 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-02-04 18:47:58 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 370  Tuesday February 14, 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 370

Tuesday February 14, 2023


Neha tells Sankara that she wanted to kill Thapki as she has become trouble for her. Neha says she will kill her tomorrow after game ends, and calls someone, smiles. Next day, Kabir and Bihaan start playing the game. Sankara tells that she will support Bihaan in the next round. Vasudhara asks her to hear the game rules first. Kabir says what you said yesterday about Arjun focused on the fish eye. He tells you have to play similar game and needs a partner. Bihaan says he will play the game and is totally focused. Kabir explains the game and tells that he have to target the apple with knife while his partner would be standing far, and the apples would be coming and going. Vasudhara asks Sankara to go. Sankara says I don’t want to go, I want to live with him and support him and don’t want to die.


Vasudhara says yesterday you said that you are his wife and you will only support him. She scolds her and says we were supporting him since years. Dhruv says I will go. Shraddha stops him and says you have made us pregnant and taking this risk. She says I won’t let you go. Balwinder says I will go. Vasudhara says I will go. Thapki says no, and says I will go. Sankara says okay, die with Bihaan’s hand. Thapki says if I die from his hand then it will be my new life. Aditi stops Thapki and says I won’t let you go. Shraddha imagines throwing knife on Aditi and hopes her dream would come true. Kabir asks who is coming to play with Bihaan, else he will lose. Thapki says I will play and says she has promised to support him for life.


Kabir tries to stop Thapki from participating, but Thapki asks him not to interfere as she is not interfering. She goes and stand far where the arrangements is made. Kabir asks Bihaan to decide if he wants to risk Thapki’s life who has made him win yesterday, and asks him to back out if he wants and says you will get the money which you have won till now. Thapki is standing. Bihaan says no, and says he will play the game, trusting on the trust which Thapki showed on him. Kabir is upset and says as you wish. He asks him to lift knife and target apple, and says your time starts now. Sankara smiles, while everyone is tensed.


Thapki thinks Bihaan asking her to tell her heart talk through her eyes and he will understand. She through her eyes signs him that right side apple is coming first and center apple then and left apple lastly. Bihaan understands her eye signs. He is holding the knife and throws on the right side apple. Everyone smiles seeing Bihaan hitting on the right side apple. Next Bihaan hits on the center apple. Everyone claps for him. Kabir is surprised. Bihaan hits left side apple then. Everyone claps seeing Bihaan victory, and claps. Bihaan smiles. Thapki claps for him.


For next round, Bihaan is sitting for polygraph test/lie detector test. Kabir says I will ask you three questions and this machine will test your answer. If your answers are true, then green light will beep else red. He says if you answer all questions right then you will get 5 crores Rs. prize money, and asks if he is ready to bring his life deeds out in front of everyone. He asks can we start. Bihaan says yes. Kabir thinks now see how you lose your house, game and everything. He says your first question….and asks did you fail thrice in 8th standard. Everyone claps….A viewer taunts Bihaan and calls him illiterate. Shraddha asks that woman to mind her own business. Kabir asks Bihaan to answer rightly else he will lose.


Bihaan accepts that he has failed in 8th standard thrice and then left his education. Kabir asks really. Geen lights blinks…Everyone claps. Kabir says next question and asks if you have ruined someone’s life and burnt their happy family alive and their house during your gunda giri. Bihaan says never….He says I can’t do this work in my life…ever. Green lights blinks. Everyone claps for him. Kabir is about to tell about Bihaan burning Neha’s house. He asks Bihaan to answer again. If he burnt someone’s house or not. Bihaan says no, I have never done such things. Kabir says this machine is wrong. He asks him to accept. Bihaan says I have never burnt someone’s house or family. Kabir says I don’t believe this, this machine is not working.


Host asks audience to take a break, till then they will get the machine repaired. Kabir is shocked and thinks Bihaan is lying…He says I will take revenge for my sister’s tears…you will not get 5 crores Rs. Kabir comes back to his seat and tells Bihaan that his luck is good or machine is not working properly and green light blinked. He asks him to wise while answering third question. He says this question can make you win 5 crores Rs and you can fulfill your motive. He says if you answer wrong then you will lose all prize money. Bihaan nods. Kabir asks do you love your ex-wife Thapki even now….Thapki and everyone looks on. Bihaan looks at Thapki. Kabir asks him to answer, yes or no…Bihaan turns to Vasudhara. Vasudhara asks him to give right answer only and not to give wrong answer due to anger. He recalls Thapki and Kabir’s marriage, and then Thapki insulting him and challenging him to earn 5 crores Rs, Thapki slapping him on his face etc.….Kabir asks him to answer. Bihaan answers that he loves Thapki. Thapki is happy and emotional, tears flow down from her eyes. Sankara is angry and stares Bihaan. Viewers gossip that machine will blink red light now. Machine blinks green light. Thapki cries happily. Bihaan wins 5 crores Rs. Kabir is angry and upset as Bihaan won even though he tried all means to make him lose. Bihaan goes to Thapki. Oh Ranjhana plays……


Kabir gets upset and goes away. Bihaan looks at Thapki smilingly. They have an eye lock. Everyone claps for them. Host comes back and says Bihaan Pandey gets 5 crores Rs. He has won the prize money. He wishes Pandey family and Thapki, all the best who have supported Bihaan always. Vasudhara appreciates Thapki. Thapki says I have just supported him and he is the one who helped himself. Host announces that he will give prize money cheque to Bihaan. Bihaan takes the cheque. Everyone is happy and celebrate his victory. Bihaan looks at Thapki. Vasudhara congratulates him and says you have made us proud. Balwinder says now we will be known by your name, and hugs him. Thapki is taken away by someone. Dhruv and others hug him. The goons lock Thapki in the room. Thapki thinks who they to kidnap me are. She asks someone please save me. Neha and Sankara comes there. They smile. Thapki is shocked.

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