Thapki English Written Update Episode 359 Wednesday February 1, 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-01-19 21:02:43 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 359  Wednesday February 1, 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 359

Wednesday February 1, 2023


Next morning, Thapki – Kabir, Bihaan – Sankara come out of house. Sankara says we will play on the ground. Kabir asks Bihaan to stop staring his wife and rather see the house for last time. Neha is hiding still behind the bed. She comes out of house and runs after Kabir’s car asking him to stop, but Kabir or Thapki don’t see her.


At cricket ground, Vasudhara comments that lets see who will win and who will lose? Bihaan gets ready to bat…Kabir gears to throws the ball. He throws the ball. Bihaan doesn’t play. Vasudhara asks him to play the game. Bihaan starts playing. Vasudhara gives him courage asking him to play well, and his victory is sure. Bihaan hits 4’s and 6’s. Sankara is happy. Thapki gets the ball and throws at Bihaan while he was taking runs to make him out, but ball hits Bihaan. She asks him if he is hurt.


Bihaan says you have given me immense pain and says it is nothing. Kabir tells Thapki that she hit him at right place. Thapki says I didn’t do it intentionally. Kabir says whatever, but it hit at right point.


Vasudhara gives commentary. Shraddha comes to bat and thinks I will play my own game, will kill Aditi and her baby. She eyes Aditi. Aditi is tensed looking at her. Vasudhara says Shraddha is ready to bat while Dhruv is throwing the ball. Dhruv throws the ball. Shraddha hits the ball targeting Aditi. Aditi is shocked to see the ball coming towards her, but Thapki holds the ball at right time. Vasudhara says so you are trying to kill like this. Aditi is shocked. Dhruv asks Aditi if she is fine. Thapki warns Shraddha and says I know what game you are playing here, and if anything happens to my sister or her baby then I will not leave you. Aditi thanks Thapki with a hug. Shraddha and Bihaan continue to bat. Vasudhara comment that Bihaan’s team have to work harder as they made only 40 till now. Sankara thinks she has to do something to make more runs, else they will lose. She sees the juice bottles at water counter. She goes there and adds some powder/drug in the juice. She says now Thapki’s team will drink this bhang, then catch our ball.



Neha comes to the cricket stadium and insists to go near her brother, but a man makes her sit and asks her to watch the match. Vasudhara comments that they are making runs slowly and says their total runs are 70. Shraddha turns comes again. She throws bat on Aditi. Aditi is shocked. Dhruv runs to Aditi and asks Shraddha if she is mad. Bihaan asks why did you throw the bat. Shraddha tells that she didn’t do it intentionally, it was just that bat slipped from her hand. Thapki warns her again. Shraddha tells her that she is not having time to hear her sister’s nonsense. She asks someone give me my bat. She plays match again.


Vasudhara comments asking Thapki to make Shraddha out and not to leave her. Shraddha is out from game by Thapki. Everyone claps for Thapki. Vasudhara asks her to get out. Kabir says good job Thapki. Vasudhara says Shraddha has a humiliated exit and announces a drink break. Everyone goes to drink juice. Thapki stops Aditi from drinking cold water, and asks her to drink plain water. Sankara sees everyone drinking juice, and thinks now nobody will stop our win. She says Bihaan…you can make 4 and 6 runs. Thapki looks at Bihaan.


Sankara comes as a new player. Bihaan and Sankara start playing. Sankara looks at everyone. Dhruv feels dizzy due to bhang affect. Sankara makes more runs, as Thapki’s team couldn’t catch the ball due to bhaang affect. Vasudhara comments that it seems they have applied oil on their hands and making the ball slips away. Bihaan’s team makes 110 runs. Thapki requests Umpire for the break. Umpire grants her break. Vasudhara gives commentary. Thapki talks to her team and says why we are unable to hold the ball. Kabir says it seems like we are drunk. They opines that they have drank something wrong.


Aditi asks Thapki if she wants to win or wants Bihaan to win. Thapki says I want to play fair game and says I have an idea. She comes holding a bowl with green chillies and asks everyone except Aditi, to eat to come out of the effect. Everyone eat green chillies and get back to normal. Sankara hears them and thinks Thapki’s mind runs faster, although she stammers while speaking. Vasudhara comments that Kabir is bowling now. Thapki catches Sankara’s ball. Vasudhara comments Thapki made Sankara go away from Bihaan’s life. Sankara says I am not out and asks Umpire. Umpire signs that she is out. Sankara says your wife played well, but my lady luck…my wife will make me win. Bihaan says I don’t need any lady luck. Preeti comes to bat. Bihaan asks her to take just 1 run and help him come to bat again.


Neha watches the match happily. Bihaan throws water on his head and wears helmet…Kabir throws ball. Bihaan plays and makes 4 runs. Kabir looks at him. Bihaan smiles. While he is taking runs, Kabir pushes him and makes Bihaan falls. Bihaan’s shoulder is a badly hurt. Bihaan screams in pain. Thapki runs to him. Bihaan says it is good, that a husband gives pain and wife comes to put ointment. He writhes in pain. Preeti says his shoulder is dislocated. Kabir smiles. They help him get up. Balwinder tries to make his hand set right. Bihaan shouts. Dhruv says lets go to Doctor. Bihaan says no, and says I will play this game even if I die. Everyone looks on shocked.


Thapki asks Kabir to play fair game and says you will fall in your own eyes and even in my eyes, she asks him to show some honesty. Kabir looks on as he is affected by her words. Bihaan and Suman are batting. Suman asks him not to worry and says she will not out. Vasudhara comments that Bihaan’s team made 180 runs, lets see which team wins the match. Neha is watching match and clapping. Vasudhara says this match is ego for someone, self esteem for other, love for someone and hatred for other…She says Bihaan’s team will have to make 9 runs in this last over which is quite difficult. Kabir compromises with the ball and gives it in Thapki’s hand telling her that he is sure she will make him win. He thinks ball will swing now. Thapki looks at Bihaan’s condition as he is in pain due to shoulder dislocation.


Thapki throws the ball. Suman waste the ball. Bihaan says you have wasted the ball and says this is last over. Suman says don’t know what happened. She wastes one more ball. Bihaan asks her to make 1 run and come to that side. Vasudhara comments asking Bihaan to focus. Thapki throws the ball. It hits on his shoulder. Bihaan screams in pain. Kabir asks Thapki to play fair game and support him. Vasudhara says Bihaan have to make two runs now. Bihaan and Suman manage to make 2 runs. Kabir says run out. Umpire says not out. Vasudhara says 1 ball is left, and 6 runs are needed. She says only 6 runs can save Bihaan now, else Kabir will win. Kabir looks on. Bihaan removes his safety helmet. Everyone see the game anxiously. Thapki throws the ball.

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