Thapki English Written Update Episode 358 Monday January 30, 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-01-19 21:00:28 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 358  Monday January 30, 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 358

Monday January 30, 2023


Sankara smirks as usual. Kabir smiles and looks at everyone batches. He says it has become important for me to make Bihaan lose, as I have my lady luck Thapki, her mother Vasudhara and sister Aditi Pandey. Announcer says it is yet to be seen who will win the challenge now. If Bihaan will forget his first love and win, and if Thapki will forget him and make her new husband win, lets see the game Thapki Pyaar Ki. Kabir holds Thapki’s hand while Sankara holds Bihaan’s hand. Announcer asks them to have equals participants in the team. Aditi says I will support Thapki and asks Dhruv. Bihaan asks Dhruv to be with his wife. Dhruv comes in Thapki’s team. Vasudhara tells her husband that she will support Thapki for Bihaan’s happy life. Her husband also joins her. Announcement says lets toss. Kabir says we will toss with a special coin and shows the coin with Thapki and Bihaan’s pic on it. Thapki gets teary eyes.


Kabir says if Thapki comes, then Thapki will decide and if Bihaan comes, then he will decide. They toss the coin and see Thapki’s pic on front. Announcer announces that winner is Thapki. Vasudhara gets hurt as Preeti drops something on her feet. Announcer asks her to do commentary instead. Kabir says we will do batting first and will win. Bihaan says we have big bad luck with us, lets see what happens. Sankara comes on the cricket field and is about to throw water. Someone comes and asks her to go. She makes an excuse. The man goes. Sankara throws water on the land and says she will win only.. She says when the land is wet, you will lose one by one.


Kabir shows money loaded bag to Preeti and Suman, saying if you get a price for losing in the game. They are shocked to see lots of money. Kabir says this is 50 lakhs rupees. You can have 25 lakhs each if you support me. Suman asks have you gone mad, you wants to buy us, we want our house. Kabir says if you lose then you might have to beg on road. Preeti says begging…and tells Suman that they shall get 50 lakhs rupees, and asks her to agree. Suman also looks at money and agrees. Preeti says we accept your deal. Kabir says I know you will come to your truthfulness, and says good decision…it is all yours. Suman and Preeti thank him and get happy taking the bag.



Bihaan and Thapki looks at each other. Pamplet of the cricket competition falls on her face. Bihaan takes it out and says your husband have changed all the competition. He says Thapki Pyaar ki, but Thapki for me is for hatred only. Both of them get teary eyes. He tears the pamphlet and throws in air. Thapki looks on. Sankara smirks.


Vasudhara does compentary and says Bihaan and Thapki’s teams are ready to play the game. She says empire’s name is Insaaf Khan. Announcer says that’s why he got divorced 4 times, as he never lies and it is sometimes wrong too. Vasudhara says lets see if truth wins or lie.


Bihaan throws the ball. Kabir is out…Everyone hug happily. Empire says no ball. Vasudhara says empire signed that there was a no ball, Kabir is saved. Kabir says this is lady luck/destiny. Bihaan says game have just started. Vasudhara says Bihaan throws ball again and this is 6 runs….Bihaan continues to throw the ball and Kabir continues to bat. Thapki takes runs with Kabir. Thapki’s turns come. Thapki moves. Kabir says we have to win this match, be careful. Bihaan throws ball again…Thapki moves the bat and makes 4 runs. Sankara thinks Bihaan melted seeing Thapki’s sad face and will make us lose, I can’t let this happen. She goes to get the ball and says now you will out. She rubs the ball with her dupatta and smirks. She says I have applied oil on it, it will slip from Bihaan’s hand and your face will break. She gives ball to Bihaan. Bihaan throws the ball and it slips from his hand and hits Thapki’s head. Thapki faints and falls down. Everyone rush to her. Bihaan takes her in his arms and asks are you fine? Kabir asks him to stop acting. Someone gossip that Bihaan can’t see his ex wife happy with her new husband.


Vasudhara does Thapki’s bandage. Kabir asks her to drink water. Thapki says thanks and drinks water. Kabir asks what did you say that you wants victory by fighting and not by cheat. He says you tried to snatch the win. Bihaan tells Thapki that he doesn’t know how the ball slipped. Kabir accuses Bihaan. Thapki says Bihaan can’t hurt anyone knowingly and shows trust. Kabir says if Thapki can play. Vasudhara asks have you gone mad and says Thapki will rest. Sankara says we shall go now. Thapki insists to be present there, and says I will not play but have to be there. Vasudhara agrees. Thapki thinks I can’t let this game stop, and says Bihaan have to win this game and save our house.

Aditi comes next. Kabir asks her to be careful. Shraddha is having ball on her hand and aims Aditi.


Shraddha throws ball and Aditi hits 4 runs. Vasudhara says Shraddha is dangerous and can go to any length to get victory. Aditi bats and gets another 4 runs. Bihaan goes to get ball and looks at Thapki….Ranjhana plays……..Thapki also looks at him. Shraddha asks him to give ball. Suman tries to catch the ball and lets the ball hits 4 runs. Shraddha also compromises with the ball and decides to hit on Aditi’s stomach to make her lose baby. She throws the ball…Aditi bats and makes the ball go high. Suman acts to hold the ball, but stops. Bihaan comes and holds the ball. Aditi is out from the game and that’s how her baby is saved. Vasudhara comments that Suman talks much in house, but now she is hesitant to catch the ball. Thapki sees money in the bag and thinks that’s why Preeti and Suman are not playing well. She thinks how can this be possible? How they can do this?

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