Meher Speaks With Sarab, Minutes Before Escaping

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by Kiongos on 2024-06-17 22:06:15 |

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Meher Speaks With Sarab, Minutes Before Escaping

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Wednesday June 19 2024

Meher Speaks With Sarab Minutes Before Escaping

Sarab runs to receive the ringing phone as he is desperately waiting for any news about Meher. Sarab hurts his leg and then is also disappointed because the call was not from Meher. He gets overwhelmed with emotions and cries.

Both Meher and Sarab are thinking about each other and can literally see each other. Sandhya is saddened to see Sarab’s condition and she cries as she is bound by Meher’s swear.

Sushma apologizes to Meher for the torture she has to face because of her husband and son. She says that they will rot in hell. Meher asks if she has talked to Sandhya.

Sushma tells her that although she heard Sandhya but was not able to talk to her properly as the phone got disconnected. Meher gives her sim card to Sushma and asks her to make him talk to Sarab.

Meher finally gets to talk to Sarab. She enquires about kids and Sandhya. She also asks Sarab not to cry and he does not look nice when he cries. She says that she will come home in seven days.

Sushma disconnects the call as she hears footsteps. she acts as if she is beating Meher. When kids ask about Meher, Sarab tells them that she will be back in some days. Seher and kids are thinking about how will they wait for 7 more days.

Kulwant is pleased to see Sarab and kids. She greets Sarab and Harleen and tells them that she has made Param’s favorite laddu. Yuvi takes the kids with him.

Sandhya uses this opportunity to escape so that she can meet Meher. She bumps into Rajan but turns around before he could see her. Jeeto meets Sandhya and asks her name. Sandhya tells her that her name is Sonu. Sarab wonders why she is lying.

Param asks Kulwant to take selfies. Param asks Sandhya to take selfies as well but she denies it as she has covered her face due Rajan’s presence. Param distracts Rajan and tells Sarab that Sandhya is scared of Police.

Sandhya is thinking to escape while Kulwant asks him where is she going. Kulwant asks her if Rajan is anyhow related to her. She says that she can say that she and Rajan are related somehow.

Sandhya takes a pause while Sarab enters the room. Kulwant apologizes to him again and says that I realize my mistakes and appreciate you for coming to our house.

Kulwant tries to ask him to stay for langar but he leaves. Kulwant says that if you ever need any help then you can come to me.

The kids are playing at Gill mansion when Sandhya asks them to sleep as it is bedtime. Seher asks her to tell them a story so that they can sleep well.

Sarab confirms with Mehta if the location of the call is traced. Harleen tells Sarab that Sandhya is controlling kids as they listen to her more than me.

Sarab goes to their room where Sandhya is telling them her story. She says that chunky was a fun-loving girl. She met Mauji, she fell in love with her and got married. Some wolves tried to kill Chunky and Mauji, they tried to escape.

A fairy arrived to help Chunky and Mauji. She somehow managed to save Chunky but the wolves got Mauji. Seher asks then what, Sarab enters and says then a policeman came and chunky got scared. He asks if he is right.

The kids went to sleep but Sarab continues with his question and asks Sandhya with all due respect that he cannot wait anymore. He knows that she is scared of the police but he also knows that only thieves are scared of Police. He gives her final two days to talk to him.

Sandhya thinks that if she was not bound by the promise she gave Meher then she would have told him everything. She decides to tell everything to Sarab. Sarab does a background check on Sandhya but finds her innocent. He is desperately waiting for Meher’s location to be traced.

The Police arrive at Kulwant’s house and ask her to talk to the villagers as they listen to her. Sandhya also arrives at her house and tries to talk to her. She gets scared after seeing the Police and tries to walk away. Kulwant asks her to stay. The Police insist Kulwant to come quickly with them as there has been a brawl between two villages.

Sandhya’s mother finds out that Meher has escaped. She is scared for her as Prataps’s men are at every corner of the village. She tells Pratap to stay out of her room as she is going through her periods.

Kids go to Sandhya’s room to wake her up but find her missing. They go to inform Sarab who has just received Meher’s location. they tell him the location of her last call, which govindpur. Sarab informs the kids that he will have to leave. Kids tell him that Sandhya is missing.

Sandhya calls Sarab before getting into the bus for Hisar. Sarab asks him to come home quick as he has to leave urgently

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