Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Tuesday May 14 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-04-15 20:52:32 |

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Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Tuesday May 14 2024

Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Tuesday May 14, 2024

Meher regrets her actions, acknowledging Veer ji's affection and feeling remorseful for her outburst. Sarab consoles her, assuring her that Jagga will come around eventually.

The following morning, Jagga notices Meher's silence and expresses concern. Kulwant reassures him and praises his caring nature, encouraging him to rest. She consoles him and puts him to sleep.

Meher receives a promotion call, mistaking it for Jagga's call, which leaves her disappointed. Sarab reassures her, reminding her that things will improve. Meanwhile, Yuvi returns home, where everyone warmly welcomes him. Jagga apologizes to Amrita, expressing regret for his actions and pledging not to repeat his mistake. They reconcile, promising never to part again.

During a video call, Param invites Yuvi to celebrate his birthday, singing for him in front of Meher. Jagga notices Meher's presence and ends the call abruptly. Meher retreats to her room, where Param questions her about her strained relationship with Jagga. Yuvi advises Jagga to mend fences with Meher, emphasizing the importance of family unity. Meher, still upset, leaves the room, while Yuvi and Jagga plan their next move.

Meher receives a text from Jagga, suggesting a surprise for Yuvi's birthday. Sarab encourages her to attend the celebration, assuring her that everything will be fine. Meher agrees to drop Param at the party but refuses to attend until Jagga reaches out to her directly. Jagga and Meher exchange texts, each unaware of the other's plan to meet behind the bus stop. As preparations for Yuvi's birthday commence,

Amrita questions Jagga's sudden departure, to which he responds by citing Meher's invitation. Sarab reassures Meher, predicting that things will change for the better. He bids her farewell with a request for a smile, a kiss, and a hug, to which Meher responds with a hesitant refusal.

Sarab departs, gesturing a heart, eliciting a smile from Meher before he leaves. Jagga presents a gift to Yuvi, who expresses gratitude, declaring he'll only open it when both Jagga and Meher wish him a happy birthday together. Kulwant is surprised by this request, but Jagga is overjoyed, joining Rana and Bitu in a song to cheer up the latter.

Amid laughter, they share a warm family moment, hugging Kulwant and swinging her around. Amrita advises Jagga to take care of his eye, and he leaves, promising Yuvi a big surprise.

Meanwhile, Meher bids farewell to Karan, assuring Param of her quick return as she leaves the house. Jagga, in high spirits, exchanges fond farewells with Amrita before departing, while Param expresses his intent to wait for Meher's return.

On the road, Yuvi initiates a call with Param, explaining the rules of "Formula 2" and urging him to refer to Meher as "bua."

As Meher and Jagga journey, Amrita calls Meher, expressing optimism about resolving their issues and Jagga's recent happiness.

Arriving at Jagga's location, Meher apologizes tearfully, recalling their childhood bond and significant moments. Overwhelmed with emotion, Jagga embraces her, and Meher eagerly awaits the surprise. However, her joy turns to horror as she sees Jagga being stabbed. In shock, she screams his name as he collapses.

As Jagga takes his last breaths, he implores Meher to forgive him and stay happy. Meher, distraught, insists he'll be fine, but he passes away.

Police arrive at the scene, and Meher, devastated, is informed that she is under arrest for Jagga's murder. Confused and horrified, Meher denies any involvement, but the inspector accuses her, prompting her disbelief and despair.

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