Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Tuesday April 16, 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by Kiongos on 2024-04-15 20:52:32 |

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Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Tuesday April 16, 2024

Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Tuesday April 16, 2024

Indeed it is true firstborns undergo a lot at the expense of their successor’s. As young as Param is, he displays the true spirit of a firstborn. It does not matter whether the others are half-siblings or not. He is now paying back the privilege of seeing the mother expectant of other kids.

Karan is in dire need of milk and Param can’t let him starve when he is around. Even though he didn’t have money to buy milk for him, Param deduces a plan that would earn him an amount enough to buy milk for Karan.

He quickly remembers where the street kids said they get money from -they beg from people. He sees no difference between him and them and joins their club. He goes out and starts begging for cash from people to, at least, be able to buy his half-brother some milk.

Instantly, Meher and Sarab realize they are not around and launches a thorough search for them. They head towards a market where Param is. Coincidently, Manav is also within that market right in front of Param. Just when Param was about to reach him his accomplice, Kaushal, takes Manav away.

Begging for money was a nice idea for Param little did he know it could lead to a restructuring of his cheeks. The day turns out to be a bad day at work for param when Meher and Sarab found him.

On seeing him, Meher goes and offers Param a reconstructive electric slap aimed at reuniting any form of neuron particles that could have disengaged from his medulla oblongata leading him to begging despite having been informed before never to participate in such “uncouth” acts. The slap was hot enough to provoke tiny twinkling stars on Param’s eyes sending him on a hugging-attachment making the ground his slap-life partner.

As Meher salamanders and restores Param’s mental ability, Sarab has turned out to be a lost sheep in the desert. He looks so confused that a “mumu man” would gladly flock together with him. Meher takes Param home under a tight and conditioned walk.

Elsewhere, Pathak has stage-managed a demo to downgrade Sarab’s position and, in substitute, uplift Kulwant’s – and their party. He leads a team of demonstrators to Gill’s mansion claiming that Sarab has run away from his responsibilities leaving the Punjab’s in the care of non-being. He presses that there is a need for a new leader who will ever be available to represent the Punjab’s, not a leader who goes into hiding instead of being around for his people. He proposes a new leader who is KULWANT whom he says will ways be around for them just like Senior Kiongos has always placed his fans at heart.

To the disappointment of Harleen and Robbie, Kulwant gets out of one of the convoy car’s that Pathak organized. Harleen is pissed off and orders their security to drive out those protestors.

However, their security team seems very slow in acting and technically fails to handle the convoy. It is like they have inadequate knowledge in handling protestors. It’s high time that they need to come for a benchmarking in Kenya from Raila After Kura Retaliation Union of Kenya (RAKRUOK) so they can learn the art of “peaceful” demonstration.

Param and Meher has reached home. She grills Param to know how he could dare beg. Luckily, Param had gotten a glimpse of what may happen in the grilling chamber if he stumbles when speaking. He narrates so fluently from tooth to toe leaving Meher blaming the “kiherehere” of her hand that slapped Param.

Meher gets very embarrassed when she learns that Param begged because Karan was hungry (needed milk) but there was no money to buy him milk. Param has called the spade by its baptismal name leaving Meher hiding to cry and punish herself for it is because of their disorganization that has caused suffering to the two lads.

Sarab follows her, tries to console her but when she maintains her cry, Sarab also breaks into a loud cry.

Later, Meher comes out crying and finds when Param is looking at the empty milk bottle. She hugs Param and apologizes for slapping him before she get to know what pushed him that far. However, she tells Param that the slap wasn’t about money – which they lacked and still lack but because of BEGGING.

Meher reminds Param that their family believes in God and hard work. She adds that God plus hard work has been their drivers and whenever they want something, they work hard for it as they pray. She tells Param to emulate his dad and always be hardworking not depending on other people’s sweat. They embrace each and Meher wipes his tears as Param promises, “I will never ask for money from anyone, I will always be hardworking and prayerful.”

Meanwhile, people welcome Kulwant with chants and ululations. She clears her throat getting ready to dispense wisdom carelessly to the people of Punjab. She begins, “Pathak is an owl. If you see a snake or Pathak, kill Pathak the first. He is accusing my son-in-law to get votes. I will never be part of any other party apart from Punjab Dal (Sarab’s). I promise you people Sarab will come very soon and talk to you.

She marvels Harleen and Robbie (who were surprised to see her with Pathak) with her speech. Kulwant finishes by leading people against Pathak and raising Sarab’s name quite high. She equally informs Harleen that no family stays apart during trying moments. They hug each other in happiness.

Aditi is praising herself for what she is taking Sarab through. She hints that Sarab’s kids will have to turn into street boys and beg. Right at that moment, her personal assistant shows her a photo of Param begging on the street. That provokes Aditi’s curiosity revealing that continuous scenes like that will have to push Sarab to return home.

At Sarab’s place, Sarab opts to sit outside in the ewe of the night while reflecting the troubles his family goes through. He recalls how he walked out of their mansion. At that moment, Meher is inside preparing Param and Karan to sleep. Sarab returns in while on silent mode.

Meher talks to him but he stays mute. He proceeds to sleep without replying, causing Meher to sleep too but in the opposite direction-maybe waiting for any possible sentiments like “kwani leo umeamua kulala ukiangalia hiyo side ingine”. However, worries has taken over Sarab’s (their) control and even the independent -thinking cobra has lost its memory.

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