Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Thursday May 9 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-04-15 20:52:32 |

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Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Thursday May 9 2024

Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Thursday May 9, 2024

Param prepares for his trip, bubbling with excitement. He expresses gratitude to his father for the amazing surprise. Harleen promises to take him shopping for the trip the next day. She wonders aloud why Meher hasn't returned yet, as it's getting late.

Kulwant weeps, lamenting her loss of vision and pleading for help. The doctor delivers grim news, stating her condition is severe, and she may lose her sight. Everyone reacts with shock and concern. Jagga, visibly distressed, questions their next steps.

Meher prays for Kulwant's well-being. Jagga confronts Meher, holding her responsible for the situation due to her stubbornness. Meher defends herself, stating it was Kulwant's own stubbornness. She insists she loves Kulwant and considers her as her mother too.

Jagga accuses Meher of inciting Amrita's actions. Meher asserts that she can only be blamed if she's wrong, highlighting the importance of considering Amrita's rights as well.

Jagga, however, prioritizes Kulwant's wishes above all else, dismissing Amrita's concerns. Meher pleads for understanding, urging Jagga to think about Amrita's well-being. Jagga insists they must obey Kulwant unquestioningly due to her age, expressing regret for listening to both Meher and Amrita.

He resolves to end their influence and commands Meher to leave. Meher refuses to comply, leading to further tension. Kulwant blames Meher and Amrita for the house's troubles.

Meanwhile, Sarab calls Meher, inquiring about her return. Meher decides to stay, but Jagga demands she leave, stating they don't need her. Kulwant accuses Meher and Amrita of causing chaos in the house.

Amrita weeps as she packs her bag, reminiscing about Jagga's hurtful words. Yuvi asks where they're going, and she replies, "To your nani’s place. You are also coming with me. There’s no respect for me in this house."

Yuvi refuses at first, but Amrita urges him to come along if he wants to maintain a relationship with his mother. Yuvi agrees and wants to bid farewell to everyone, but Amrita feels there's no one left worth saying goodbye to.

Meher cries over Kulwant's hurtful words and Jagga's behavior. Jagga insists that both he and Kulwant love Meher.

Harleen asks about their trip to Darjeeling, but Sarab reveals they can't go because Kulwant had an accident and lost her sight due to fire. Bitu informs them that Amrita left the house, leaving a note behind explaining her reasons.

Jagga, in a drunken state, keeps trying to call Amrita but gets no response. He finally sits next to Amrita and holds her hand, instructing Bitu and Rana to take care of Kulwant while he goes to find Amrita. Their wives plan to watch a movie and leave Kulwant alone.

In another scene, Kulwant calls out for help but gets no response. She steps on glass and calls out again.

Meher and Sarab arrive, and Meher comforts Kulwant, asking where everyone is. Kulwant explains that she needed to use the restroom and found no one at home. She reveals that Amrita left, prompting Meher to call Jagga, who rushes home.

Yuvi insists Jagga apologize before they go home. Jagga defends Kulwant's actions, but Amrita recounts the insults and mistreatment she endured.

Yuvi reveals that Amrita called Jeeto to inquire about Kulwant, which softens Jagga's stance. He pleads with Amrita to return home, emphasizing Kulwant's care for her. Amrita demands an apology, but Jagga fails to offer one, leading to further conflict.

Kulwant apologizes to Meher for her harsh words and explains Amrita's departure. Meher confronts Bitu and Rana for leaving Kulwant alone and taking her to the movies. She chastises them and kicks them out.

Meher then tends to Kulwant's needs and suggests taking her home with them, which surprises Jagga.

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