Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Wednesday 6 December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by Kiongos on 2023-12-05 21:18:55 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Wednesday 6 December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Wednesday 6 December 2023

Meher begs Sarab to at least eat but Harleen dismisses her, saying she should spare them her drama. She summons Meher to take away a plate she brought food with. Sarab also shows zero interest in her food by turning his face away from her.

Rana and Ginni had adopted a shed as their new home and Ginni does not like it anymore. She complains to Rana that she is tired of staying there they should seek refuge somewhere else, but Rana tells her they do not have anywhere else to go to. 

Meanwhile, Kulwant is very angry because she cannot reach Rana and Ginni. Neither are their phones working. As she laments, Bittu receives a parcel of Pizza he intends to take to Rana. 

At the party, the blackmailer arrives and demands his money from Dolly, which he terms “last pay”. With him are some photos which he gives to Dolly. After taking the photos, Dolly attempts him that she will not pay him. He insists and threatens that she must pay him, an amount which totals to 20M, and then leaves. Dolly is left crying, wondering how she will raise such a huge amount. Amidst her cry, Harleen calls her.

Rana and Ginni are still under the shed. Bittu takes the pizza to them. He gives to Ginni. She eats it with a lot of boredom. Bittu warns her against making any noise, or talking in a louder voice for she is no a music to attract disco matanga “chasers”. 

Since the shed is in their home compound, Bittu offers to take them inside the house in a well calculated move to prevent any chance of being seen.

Immediately they make their way in, Kulwant comes looking for Amrita. She almost saw were it not for her noise. She came in shouting to Amrita, if she called Meher. Rana, Ginni and Bittu hide behind a sofa. Bittu then gets out, distracts Kulwant and switches off the lights. This gives Rana and Ginni a chance to swiftly dash into Bittu’s room. Mission accomplishes. A brother has saved a brother. But, Will they hide forever?

Nonetheless, Meher arrives home. She is skeptical about Rana and Ginni’s whereabouts. She reassures herself that even though they have not found them (Rana and Ginni) they won’t hide forever. 

Ginni is very troublesome. She is not hide and seek living style. She starts complaining that the room is so dark. She switches on her phone to provide some lighting. What a big mistake! Immediately, the inspector intercepted their location, informed Sarab and they headed to Kulwant’s place.

At the sametime, Meher noticed presence of some burgers in Bittu’s room and automatically realizes it’s Ginni who likes them. She heads straight to the room’s store, despite Bittu asking where she is going, and orders the duo to come out. 

Right on time, Sarab and his team have arrived. Rana and Ginni come out. On seeing them, Sarab and Harleen can’t stop blaming Meher. They put every blame on her.

As they quarrel Meher, Rana and Ginni think of running away again. They dash outside at a speed of lightening. “lakini wanagonga wall”. They collide with Kulwant at the door. They remain with no any other option but to defend their love.

Harleen suggest that Meher must have hidden them inside the house and confused everyone with the hotel saga. Before she can proceed with her fake analyses, Ginni says it openly that she lobes Rana and they ran because Harleen wanted her to marry a rich man against her will.  Ginni angers Harleen who slaps her so hard. 

What follows is a total disagreement where everyone says their own mind. The disgareemnt escalated more after Ginni thanked Meher for standing with them. She narrated how Mher understood their situation and urged her to run away if things weren’t favoring her. When everyone is now blaming Mehe, Rana speaks his heart out. He echos that him and Ginni loves each other so much. this attracted and interjection from Jagga, shut up! What a confused moment. Even a brother points finger at a fellow brother. Luckily, they are three brothers and Bittus takes to Rana’s side. He intelligently asks Jagga what he could have done if either Rana or Ginni was his child. 

In the midst of the chaotic exchange, Meher seeks for an understanding from her husband.she pleads with Sara that she never lied. She maintains that she is innocent but all her please falls on deaf ears. Sarab leaves her in embarrassing way. 

Harleen talks badly at Meher and her family. She calls Rana, a donkey when Ginni said that she will go with Rana to Canada. Harleen is so angry at Rana. She mocks him if she he evn knows the spelling of Canada. Gues what? Rana said “Kannada”. But strangely enough, Jeeto who is correcting Rana’s mistake sid “Kanede”. This makes Kulwant to chase the two away.

Ginni still upholds that she will marry Rana. She goes ahead to expose that their home business which is currently going down is because or Robbie. She threatens to inform her mum about it if she won’t be allowed to Marry Rana. 

She then calls her mother, Minni and reports to her that she had run away because she is being forced to marry someone she doesn’t love. Minni the requests to speak to Robbie but Kulwant takes the phone saying she want to speak to her fellow elder. 

They engage in a talk and Kulwant keeps asking Minni to accept Ginni and Rana’s marriage pledging that they will pay dowry instead. Minni agrees to their marriage after Kulwant accepted to give 2M as dowry. She also says she has agreed because RANA IS Meher’S brother and she loves Meher. She adds that because of the love she has for her kids, she must say YES to what they want. She then hangs up without taking to Robbie. 

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