Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Tuesday 2 January 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2023-12-05 21:18:55 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Tuesday 2 January 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Tuesday 2 January 2024

Amrita expresses relief that Mummy Ji is improving but mentions the doctor's instructions to limit visitors. Meher and Amrita are permitted to stay, while others are asked to leave. Harleen instructs Robbie to delete the post about Kulwant's death.

Sarab, concerned about a missing file, tells his man to contact Tarkash. Meher questions Kulwant about mentioning Manav, and Aditi, present as a visiting faculty, inquires about Manav. Meher fears the public will think Sarab leaked Kulwant's death rumor.

The press conference begins with reporters questioning Sarab about corruption accusations. Meanwhile, Param entertains Karan and Meher updates Sarab on the rumor's clarification. Sarab counters allegations during the press conference, promising evidence to prove his innocence. Vikram Deewan's connection fails, but he pledges to expose the truth. Param calls Meher, updating her on Karan and asking about the conference. Sarab assures Param, unaware of Vikram's interference.

Meher watches the news, learning that Sarab will present evidence the next morning. Sarab contacts Tarkash, whose phone is off, and instructs his team to find the crucial file. Meher calls Sarab, discussing the need to compile evidence and Param's care. Sarab assures Meher he can handle it. Back home, Param shares Meher's instructions with Sarab, creating a playful challenge for him.

Sarab returns home, finding Param secretive about Meher's directives. Param reveals Meher's concerns, challenging Sarab to manage household tasks. Sarab embraces the challenge, cooking, playing with Karan, and attempting various responsibilities. Meanwhile, Kulwant, fearing Vikram, recalls her past actions.

Kulwant startles, breaks the pipes, and spots Vikram in the corridor, prompting her to hide behind a door.

Sarab multitasks, assisting Param with homework while cooking and working on the laptop. Karan's crying interrupts, and Param suggests making pizza.

Sarab, confused, juggles calls from the office and attempts to manage household responsibilities. Param teases that Karan's cries are preventing his pizza, pretending to fall. Sarab acknowledges Meher's multitasking skills and Param's antics.

In the hospital corridor, Vikram walks toward Meher, who feels uneasy as he sings behind her. Meher leaves, and Vikram follows. Meanwhile, Kulwant contemplates Meher and Vikram plotting against her.

Vikram surprises Aditi in a hospital room, and they share affectionate moments. Meher comforts Kulwant, who accuses Meher and an unnamed accomplice of plotting against her. When Meher presses for details, Kulwant remains silent, suspecting a trap.

Meher gives Kulwant water, who then accuses Meher of trying to poison her. Meher dismisses the claim, but Kulwant hints at a conspiracy, refusing to reveal the co-conspirator's identity. A nurse intervenes, asking Kulwant to rest. Meher presses Kulwant again, but she maintains silence.

Meher assures Kulwant she'll return to meet Pinky. Meanwhile, Vikram and Aditi discuss ordering food. Vikram expresses disdain for Dhaba food, while Aditi insists they should try it occasionally. Vikram questions Aditi about her connection to the Gill family.

Meher offers water to Kulwant, who remains suspicious. Vikram questions Aditi about knowing the Gills, and she claims familiarity through an emergency delivery for Sarab's wife. Vikram expresses interest in meeting them for his case investigation.

Param quizzes Meher about math, asking 2+4. Meher responds with "6," but Param claims it's incorrect, linking it to a burnt pizza. Sarab defends his pizza-making skills. Param challenges Meher, asking her to come and witness the process. Meher declines, stating no one is with Nani, and she'll join when Amrita is available. Param insists, requesting Meher's presence.

Vikram and Aditi approach Kulwant's room. Vikram introduces himself, mistaking Amrita for Mrs. Gill. Amrita corrects him and informs Kulwant about Sarab's friend visiting.

Vikram, realizing Kulwant is asleep, decides to leave. Amrita recalls the visitor's name as Vikrant.

In another scene, Sarab prepares pizza, prompting Karan's cries. Sarab urges caution to avoid burning hands. Meher intervenes to ensure Param's safety, emphasizing the importance of waiting.

Despite the slight mishap, they collaborate to make pizza together. Param expresses his desire to help, and the trio works together in the kitchen.

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