Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Wednesday 13th December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2023-12-05 21:18:55 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Wednesday 13th December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Wednesday 13th December 2023

The doctor arrives, addressing Sarab, "Mr. Gill, we are sorry. We can either save the child or Meher. Please decide." Sarab's mind races, recalling the profound moment when he acknowledged the child as his own, inscribing his name as the father.

Driven by urgency, Sarab enters the operating room. Tenderly, he caresses Meher's face, holding her hand and kissing it. With determination, he declares, "I won't let anything happen to you. I will do anything to save you." Memories flood his mind, beginning with the realization that Param couldn't have a better mother.

Sarab reminisces about Meher's early care for Param, her support in finding his father, and her unwavering fight to protect him. The emotional journey continues with memories of Meher revealing her pregnancy with another man's child, their wedding night, and their travels to Serbia.

In the poignant moments, Sarab recalls assuring Meher that she would always be with him and Param, even sharing a lighthearted memory of Meher giving him orange juice when he had an upset stomach. The depth of their connection intensifies as Sarab reflects on Meher risking her life to save Param, elevating her to a god-like status for him.

As Meher's condition becomes critical, Sarab desperately pleads for her to open her eyes. Tragically, her breathing stops, and her heartbeat ceases. In the harrowing moment, Sarab's scream echoes through the room. However, to everyone's astonishment, Meher's heartbeat returns. Sarab, overwhelmed with relief, kisses her hand, expressing gratitude that she's okay.

Meher, in a heartfelt revelation, shares, "There wasn't a time when I didn't want to live." Sarab responds, emphasizing Param's choice of her as a mother. They revisit their wedding day, marking the beginning of their intertwined destinies.

Meher expresses gratitude for the respect and life Sarab gave her. Their shared moments, such as Sarab holding the pot during a ritual, are illuminated with the song "Tujh Mein Rab Dikhta Hai." Meher acknowledges Sarab's decision to give his name to her child, solidifying his place as an equal parent.

The journey continues with Meher recalling the time she intervened to stop Param's grandparents from taking him away. She recognizes the divine connection between them, especially when she donated her liver to Param. Sarab's commitment deepens, echoing Meher's sentiment that they have equal rights to their children.

As Meher reminisces about Param's school incident, the love and bond within the family shine through. Meher's proclamation that her favorite place is where Sarab and Param are cements the importance of their companionship. She expresses her gratitude for having Sarab as a partner and reflects on his selfless acts, such as retrieving her father's photo from a fire.

In the face of the doctor's pressing decision, Meher articulates her love for Sarab and Param, emphasizing the happiness they've shared. Despite the dire situation, she expresses contentment in having lived those moments. Meher reveals her one wish, hoping to spend more moments with her complete family.

Sarab, desperate to keep Meher alive, pleads for her to open her eyes. The doctor interrupts, presenting a dire ultimatum – Sarab must decide immediately: save Meher or the baby. The weight of this decision hangs in the air, leaving the fate of their family in the balance.

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