Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 11th December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2023-12-05 21:18:55 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 11th December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 11th December 2023

Perry reports to his dad that their chase for Meher has bore no fruit. He almost earns a slap from his dad, Mr. Sandhu who slams him for failing to catch a woman. They thought Meher is walk in the part only to realize she an hyena hiding in a sheep's coat.

They are now for the option of kidnapping or stealing her phone in amove to protect the dignity of their business, which they know if the video goes viral, will go down like a burukhenge. As they source for best opinions to help prevent Meher from leaking and uniting the whole nation, Mrs. Sandhu tells her husband Mr. Sandhu to inform Harleen about that issue whom she is very sure will help them out.

Meher is in Sarab's car enjoying a ride back home. She is so comfortable in it that she fell a sleep and cannot even realize they are at their house already. Sarab wakes her up and tells her they have reached. She says she did not know she has fallen asleep, which Sarab responds to that she slept because she has been on the cold for days(she has not slept for days). Meher thanks him for offering to drop her. Sarab too thanks him for everything.

Sarab is sorry for every emotional harm he caused Meher. He apologizes for hurting Meher so much and wishes there was a better word than sorry to express his regret

. He apologetically says, "Param texted Ginni from your phone. Please forgive me. I do believe in your decision but I was blinded by misunderstanding. We will be a team and get this marriage done".

Meher says, " but I will be the captain of the team." "Why?", he inquires. Meher responds "because I said so." They wish each other a goodnight after pledging to work together to see Rana and Ginni's wedding a success. Sarab is still feeling guilty and plans to set up a date to confess his love for Meher once and for all.

Minni, Robbie and Harleen are having a chitchat. Minni says that she does not want Rana and Ginni's wedding to take place. She so fierce that she does not want any question regarding her choice. She serves Harleen a hot soup of arrogance when she asked her why the sudden change of mind yet she wanted the wedding before. It is Robbie who tells Harleen that Kulwant has fooled them making dance the fulu fulu dance.

Kulwant also tells Bittu and Rana not to tell Mehee that she has fooled Minni. Soon, Meher comes and informs them that Sarab will be with them in the wedding and maybe Harleen too. She leaves them wondering about the kind of magic she used to bring back Sarab to activation mode, which she tells them they will know the following morning.

Sarab is shocked to hear Minni change that the wedding will not take place. He says that cannot be possible and the wedding will go on tommorow as had been planned. Harleen tells him he should forget about the wedding because his Mother-in-law has caused the postage. Afterall, she adds, Kulwant alone cannot conduct the wedding if the girl's mother does not want.

Sarab still does not understand the reason for the sudden change in mind. He promises to show them a video that will prove to them that Perry is not the right guy for Ginni. He goes to charge Meher's phone promising to come back and shock them with Perry's leaked video. Harleen smirks (smiles in a silly way) at him.

Dolly's phone rings and Param takes it to her. It is her usual guy. He needs his pay. He tells Dolly that it by chance he has not given away those photos to the "intruder" whom he says wants them as early as yesterday.

Dolly pleads with him not to sell the photos to anyone. He tells her the only way she can prevent that is by paying his money. If not he will have to sell them to the "intruder". Sarab comes with Meher's phone, now fully charged, to show Harleen and Dolly the video so that they can see the real Perry. He searches for the video but cannot find it.

A flashbackis shown where Sandhu calls Harleen informing her about that video. She promises to delete it. She later lures Param and asks him for Meher's Phone password, that he says is his birthday. Harleen logs in to Meher's phone and deletes the video.

Harleen deleted the video not only as away of helping Perry but also to make Sarab loose his trust in Meher. Sarab insists that Meher told him the video is there but Harleen asks him if he is out of his mind to trust Meher again after all that she sent Ginni.

Harleen does not how to chose her words well. She seems to have a lose mouth that does not coordinate well with her eyes and ears. Sarab reminds her again to mark her lane well because he has walked far and uncovered more that she is yet to know. Sarab tells her that it is Param who sent the messages and not Meher. Harleen, thinking she is a good player, attempts to tune Sarab's mind that "will he now blame his son or Meher?" But Sarab maintains "Meher is not lying".

They are now left with no option to bend Sarab's mind but to expose to him Ginni's past. Minni narrates how Ginni had an abortion when she was impregnated by some guy.

However, those stories do not move Sarab either. And on realizing that Sarab cares less to their jealousy-driven stories, Harleen suggest they should reveal them to Kulwant and see if Ginni will even last a second at her. Not knowing that may fuel Kulwant's blackmail towards them. Sarab also tells them he will reveal all that to Meher.

At Kulwant's house; a disco is going on. They dance like a cockcroach who have a missed a slippers slap from an angry luo lady and is now shaking at the quarels it is recieving. They could not control themselves from dancing on hearing that Sarab has agreed to support them in the marriage.

Meher reports to them how she made a video of Perry having a merry with his girls and "showed" the video to Sarab. Amrita praises her for being the Atari's lioness. Meher reminds her that Jagga too is a lion but has just decided to be a cat infront of her. They laugh happily. Meher says how Perry would have ruined Ginni's life but now they will ruin his. Before they can end their talk, Jeeto informs them Sarab has visited them.

Meher and Sarab joins the others in the hall where wedding dances are on going. Everyone dances with Rana and they filled with happiness. Meher too is happy and claps but Sarab looks worried. Ladies plan on engaging in a shoving game with men where they(the ladies) push them so roughly. Sarab is not an excemption.

Jeeto tells Meher about their plans to shove(push roughly) Sarab and she denies. She tells them to push anyone else but not her man. Instead, Meher is made to stand up without touching Sarab. She leans backwards pretending to be falling down. Sarab gets hold of her. Finally she has given Sarab an opportunity he was waiting for - he wanted to wisper to her that there is something very important he wants to share with her.

At the same time, Meher is eager to know how Harleen reacted to the video. Unfortunately, Sarab tells her there was no such a video in her phone. Meher wonders who may have deleted it, while thinking Sarab may not trust her either. Guess what? Sarab pledges that he trusts her but maybe she thought she recorded it but did not. She maintains she recorded the video.

Sarab then says, "I have to tell you something, Ginni had a boyfriend in Canada who impregnated her and she aborted".

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