Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 25 December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2023-12-05 21:18:55 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 25 December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 24th December 2023

Jeeto expresses gratitude, saying, "Thank you, mummy ji, for this gift. I always wanted it." Kulwant nonchalantly replies, "So have it." Ginni detects a burning smell, to which Kulwant dismissively says, "Why should we care?" Jeeto agrees, and Kulwant adds, "Yes, no hope." Jeeto and Kulwant share a laugh, while Ginni decides to leave.

Harleen reassures others that Meher mama is fine, explaining, "She was taking your exam. You should also take their exam." She discusses the idea that when a child counts to 10, their parents appear if they love them. Param counts to 10, and when they don't come, he opens the door, upset.

Meher mentions, "This is the first time Param didn't come even when I cried." Harleen comforts, saying, "Don't worry, Harleen bus is here." Sarab apologizes to Param by looking at his photo. Param decides, "I will count till 100."

In another scene, a photo falls from Aditi's hand, triggering memories of her childhood. She promises her mother that she will achieve everything for her, even though her mother expresses concerns about funding her education due to medical expenses. Aditi vows to become the best doctor and treat her mother for free.

Param hears a baby crying and, despite his earlier decision not to talk to the baby, he enters the room, offering toys and reassurance. Meher and Sarab smile and playfully interact to calm the baby.

Param admits he's still mad but expresses his love, and Meher and Sarab apologize to him, promising not to let him cry.

In another scenario, Ginni throws water on Rana, and Rana confronts Kulwant. Jeeto suggests that Rana show anger, but when he does, Kulwant dismisses him. Jeeto consoles mummy ji and offers to massage her feet. Ginni threatens to ruin Kulwant's life.

Finally, Harleen discusses Param's whereabouts with Robbie. Harleen expresses her efforts to keep him away from Meher and her child. Tarkash brings a necklace to Sarab, and they hide it as Meher arrives. They share a happy moment, discussing the significance of the baby's naamkaran and reminiscing about their journey together.

Param addresses the baby, stating that it will be named today, and reassures that he will always be with the baby during its functions. As the phone rings, Param picks up Yuvi's call and shows him the baby.

Yuvi comments on the baby's cuteness, and Param mentions being busy taking care of him. Meher praises Param, calling him a super big brother, and Param expresses his commitment to always take care of the baby.

In another setting, Jeeto is mopping, and Kulwant instructs her to clean thoroughly. Rana asks what he should do, and Kulwant scolds him, inquiring about Ginni's whereabouts.

Rana informs her that Ginni is applying nail polish and cannot work. Kulwant instructs Rana to bring Ginni.

Param seeks approval from Sarab on his appearance, and Sarab compliments him, saying he looks like a hero. Sarab inquires about Meher, and Param mentions her getting ready, stating that she asked not to be disturbed.

Sarab sees this as the perfect time to make Meher wear the necklace. He watches Meher getting ready, and their theme song plays as Sarab smiles. Meher ties her blouse, and Sarab helps her by tying it.

In the next scene, Ginni cries on a call, expressing her mistreatment. Rana informs her that mummy ji is calling her to clean, and Ginni decides to confront Kulwant.

Ginni successfully avoids slipping on soap water left by Kulwant, who ends up falling instead. Ginni decides not to let Kulwant get away with it.

Aditi reminisces about Meher inviting her. Meemsingh suggests she think about attending, and Aditi decides to get flowers to do something she couldn't for years.

Sarab and Meher discuss Aditi's attendance at the function. Meher speaks to Aditi and Harleen, hoping they both attend. Meher wonders if Harleen will come, and Sarab assures her that this day won't end without Harleen's blessings.

Sarab suggests going to Harleen's room to invite her. Sarab, Harleen, and Robbie exchange gifts, and Harleen expresses her joy, stating that she can't stay away from Meher and the baby.

In another scenario, Kulwant hits Ginni, and a lady inspector arrives, threatening to arrest Kulwant for domestic violence. Kulwant laughs and challenges them, but Ginni reveals she has a video as proof. The inspector leaves, and Ginni plays the video, warning Kulwant about the consequences.

Sarab tells Meher that everything is fine now, but Meher receives a call from Amrita. Sarab steps back as Meher takes the call, and Amrita informs Meher about Harleen's blessings and gifts. Amrita hides her tears, and Meher plans to visit in the evening.

Someone informs Aditi about a news story, and she expresses her intention to enter the Gill mansion. The media breaks news of corruption allegations against Sarab, leaving everyone shocked.

The reporter announces that Sarab's name is being implicated in a corruption case of 2 crores. Param questions his father about the news, and the reporter suggests that Sarab could be called for an investigation at any time.

Aditi, on the phone, expresses eagerness to roll out the rest of the news, stating that the game has begun. The reporter further adds that Sarab could be arrested at any moment. Harleen dismisses the information, questioning how such details are broadcasted before an investigation.

Robbie tries to contact the channel owner, but Sarab realizes the news is on all channels and suggests calling a press conference. Harleen advocates leaving the naamkaran function and addressing the situation, but Sarab decides to handle it after the ceremony, not wanting to spoil Meher's happiness.

Meanwhile, Meher is in the kitchen preparing Karaparsad for the naamkaran. Param interrupts, asking for Karaparsad and informing Meher about Sarab being on TV. Meher tries to inquire about the news, but Param is more interested in the Karaparsad.

Phones start ringing, and Sarab requests everyone to turn off their phones. Aditi arrives, and Harleen comments on the unfortunate correlation between Meher's happiness and Sarab's troubles. Robbie suggests that Harleen's relationship with Sarab can only work if she is supportive.

In another scene, Aditi recalls a traumatic incident from her past where she was mistreated. Sarab welcomes Aditi with a bouquet, and Aditi struggles to breathe, using her inhaler. Sarab officially welcomes her to the Gill family.

Back at the house, Meher tells the baby about Harleen's gifts and the anticipation of Harleen choosing the baby's name. Param, excited about his own creation, shares with Meher the factory he built with his blocks.

As Sarab introduces Aditi to the family and shows her around the house, she recognizes her father's photo and seems distressed. Sarab shares stories about his father and the importance of maintaining relationships.

In another setting, Kulwant openly admits to hitting Ginni but expresses little concern. A lawyer advises Kulwant about the potential consequences, including police involvement. Bitu and Rana worry about the situation, and Kulwant expresses a desire to obtain Manav's missing file.

Param approaches Meher, who informs him that the baby is sleeping. Param shares his plans to make a chimney, but Meher needs the item. Sarab, visibly stressed, arrives and informs them that Aditi is here. Despite Meher's concern, Sarab insists he is fine. They proceed downstairs for Aditi's arrival.

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