Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 25 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-03-20 19:22:34 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 25 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Saturday 23 March 2024

Amrita weeps and apologizes to her mother-in-law. She recalls everything and demands to see the contents of the file.

Going through the jewelry one by one, Amrita explains that she exchanged everything her family gave her for the jewelry.

Kulwant retorts that whatever the girl's family gives becomes the in-law's property, questioning Amrita's respect in the household.

She then mandates Amrita to wear artificial jewelry as punishment, despite Ginni mentioning Amrita's allergy to it. Kulwant dismisses them both.

Meanwhile, Manav returns home, and Aditi inquires about his whereabouts. He shares that he was at the temple with his mother.

Aditi apologizes for her actions, acknowledging her mistake in cutting her hand and expressing regret for her inquiries about the chunri girl. Manav reassures her and affirms his commitment to her, prompting Aditi to hug him.

In another scene, Meher and Param gather vegetables from Sarab's farms together. Sarab joins them, and they banter playfully while picking vegetables. Sarab expresses admiration for Meher's beauty and good mood.

Later, Manav meets with his lawyer, expressing his desire to regain custody of his son. The lawyer assures him of her representation and inquires about their legal opponents. Manav begins narrating his story.

Back at home, Seema gifts Aditi a pump, and they share a moment before Aditi prepares to leave for Bangalore. She informs Sarab of Manav's assurance regarding their relationship before departing.

In another setting, Sarab meets with his lawyer and expresses determination to win custody for Karan.

Kulwant confronts Amrita about her allergic reaction to the artificial jewelry, while Jeeto reveals the situation to Amrita's mother over the phone, leading to emotional distress for Amrita.

Meanwhile, Manav discusses his case with his lawyer, who outlines a plan to establish his paternity and secure custody of his son.

However, Sarab's lawyer suggests discrediting Manav's claim by insinuating that he sexually assaulted Meher, a notion that enrages Sarab and Meher, leading to the lawyer's dismissal. Sarab apologizes to Meher for the lawyer's inappropriate suggestion.

Sarab asserts that he cannot falsely accuse anyone. Manav tells Devika that he cannot bring himself to falsely accuse them either.

Devika questions what would happen if they accuse him. Manav confidently replies that they won't do such a thing as he knows them well.

Devika warns him that he might lose the case with this mindset. Manav reaffirms that he will do anything to regain custody of Karan but refuses to accuse honest people like Meher and Sarab.

He implores Devika to think like a parent, emphasizing that she's his last hope. Devika reassures him, promising to help him retrieve his son and places her hand on his shoulder. Just then, Aditi storms in and shouts at Manav.

Meher expresses gratitude to Aditi for her support. Aditi grabs Manav's collar, accusing him of being the chunri girl and deceiving her. Manav clarifies that the person is actually his lawyer.

Aditi questions the reason for the lawyer's hand on his shoulder. Manav shows Aditi CCTV footage and their contract, explaining that he met the lawyer for the first time.

He acknowledges that what happened was not her fault and reassures her that there is no one in his life other than her. Aditi, satisfied with his explanation, leaves for her flight.

Later, Aditi calls Meher and asks her to send a sorry card and flowers to Devika and Vikram. Sarab wonders who Devika is, and Aditi admits her mistake, explaining that she mistook Vikram's lawyer for the chunri girl and got upset.

Meher advises that apologizing strengthens relationships, and Sarab arranges to send the flowers. Meher then inquires about Devika's identity.

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