Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 16 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-02-07 20:13:22 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 16 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 18 March 2024

Meher is inside, causing worry for everyone. Sarab attempts to release her, but Meher warns him not to come near as the bomb will detonate. Param cries while Sarab reassures him that he won't let anything happen to Meher.

Kulwant advises against touching anything, but Meher insists that everyone leave immediately, stating there's no time left. Sarab urges everyone to exit, instructing Bitu and Rana to escort them out, and even tells Kulwant to leave.

Sarab refuses to leave, and Param pulls Meher, but she insists that he leave. She implores Param to take care of Karan and complete his homework on time. Sarab is bewildered by Meher's requests, but she persists, urging him to take the children and leave.

Despite Param's reluctance, Meher insists that Sarab must live for their children. Eventually, Sarab asks Amrita to escort the kids out, while Kulwant struggles to maintain consciousness.

Meher expresses her love for her children and kisses them before Sarab pushes everyone outside and locks the door, ensuring his own exit as well. Param cries as Sarab vows to protect Meher.

However, Sarab returns inside, causing panic and cries from everyone outside. Meher begs him to leave, emphasizing that he must live for their children.

Sarab declares that she is his life and professes his inability to live without her, as they reminisce about their shared moments. They share a tender moment as the song "Tere Liye" plays, and Sarab kisses Meher's forehead.

Harleen arrives and attempts to open the gate with her key, witnessing Meher and Sarab's emotional farewell. They hug each other as the bomb detonates, shocking everyone. Aditi arrives and questions the situation, finding everyone on the ground in tears.

Eventually, Meher and Sarab open their eyes, revealing they survived. Kulwant rejoices at her daughter's survival, while Manav helps Sarab up.

They are all brought inside, where Harleen expresses relief at their safety, and Amrita hands Karan to Meher for a family hug, reaffirming that nothing can separate them. Manav observes the emotional scene.

Harleen says Param don’t cry. Sarab plays with Karan. Manav says aditi check Karan if he’s okay or call a doctor to check him. Meher and Sarab play with karan.

Meher says papa mama both are here. sarab says the world will remember how you saved lives of everyone. Meher says you saved us all. Harleen says Sarab you should go back to hospital. Robbie calls in inspector.

Param says I am sad. I thought we would celebrate diwali. But everything is ruined. Kulwant says nani is here. I got you laddus. Let me make you eat. Meher and Sarab look at her.

Vikram gets mad at his officers for being late. Sarab says it’s okay it was so sudden. What could they do. I trust my Punjab police. Manav says an innocent kid could lose his life.

Kulwant says don’t worry about Karan. He’s safest with Karan. Sarab says inspector my family was attacked. I won’t pardon the person who did it. He asks Meher how did it happen? Meher tells them about how their servants were attacked first. Everyone gives their statements.

Param us upset. He looks at the celebrations outside and the fireworks. Sarab says what happened?

Param says I wanted to wear new clothes and celebrate but now we won’t celebrate. Sarab say why won’t we? We will have candles and we will enjoy. Sarab asks everyone to get ready. He says it’s Diwali.

Meher says to Karan I am sorry son. It’s your first diwali and you had to suffer so much. Sarab says look in his eyes. He’s proud of his mom. He says we won’t let anyone ruin our day. We are all proud of your courage. You’re my lioness.

Meher says only two people gave me this courage. Two people who are my strength and power. My everything. Sarab says one is your dad who is the other one? Meher says my sartaj Sarabjit.

Meher holds his hand and says you’re my strength. Meher hugs him. He says I will always be with you. I will never leave you alone. Sarab kisses her forehead. Sarab says we have to celebrate for our kids.

Tonight will be special so get ready. He gives her earrings. Meher says this is Param’s favourite festival and we will celebrate it the way he wants us to.

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