Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 22 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-03-20 19:22:34 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 22 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 22 March 2024

Sarab warns Manav, "If you hurt my sister..." Manav interrupts, asking what Sarab plans to do, suggesting Sarab has spoken enough. He declares that everything has changed, including his decision.

Manav had contemplated taking Karan and leaving with Aditi and his mother, but Sarab's threat has altered his plans. He asserts his right to make his own decisions, declaring that his relationship with Sarab's sister is over from that moment onwards.

Aditi overhears their conversation and questions Manav's intention to leave her for another woman. Manav denies any involvement with the girl and admits to marrying Aditi under pressure. Aditi insists that they were bound for life, but Manav believes it's better for them to part ways.

Aditi expresses her inability to live without him and grabs a knife to harm herself. Meher and Sarab, along with Manav, plead with Aditi to stop, but she cuts her wrist and faints.

Everyone rushes to her aid, tying a cloth around her wrist and calling for a doctor. Sarab berates Aditi for her actions, expressing disbelief at her reckless behavior. He carries Aditi inside, followed by Manav.

In the midst of the chaos, Harleen demands answers from Manav, accusing him of intending to divorce her sister. She refuses to let him go, vowing to involve the police for provoking suicide.

Sarab intervenes, urging Harleen to calm down and handle the matter within the family. Harleen sits beside Aditi, while Sarab takes Meher and Aditi to another room to resolve the issue privately.

Elsewhere, Kulwant calls Amrita, questioning her whereabouts. Amrita explains that she's at Yuvi's school to submit his fees. Kulwant, suspicious, watches as Amrita hands her pouch to someone in a rickshaw, containing Amrita's chains.

Meanwhile, Manav blames Sarab and Meher for the situation, claiming they forced him to keep Karan and subsequently led to his threat to leave Aditi.

He accuses them of tarnishing his reputation and causing him embarrassment. Meher empathizes with him, acknowledging the challenges they've all faced.

Sarab shares his perspective, recalling his bond with Karan and pleading with Manav not to take Karan away from them. Sarab questions what Manav can offer that he cannot, to which Manav asserts his desire to give Karan his real father's name.

Manav declares his intention to remove Sarab's name from Karan's life. Sarab agrees to comply with Manav's wishes and retrieves a file. Harleen questions Sarab's actions and the contents of the file.

Sarab assures her that he will ensure Aditi's well-being. He hands the custody papers to Manav and instructs him to sign them. Manav, overcome with emotion, expresses his gratitude and signs the papers.

Sarab reminds him to write the father's name, prompting Manav to inscribe "Vikram." Sarab corrects him, stating that Karan's father is Manav. Manav complies, writing "Manav Sharma."

Sarab points out the discrepancy in Manav's identity, as all legal documents refer to him as Vikram.

Manav dismisses the importance of the name, asserting that Karan is his blood regardless of his surname. Sarab agrees, emphasizing that Karan's well-being is paramount, whether he resides with them or bears the Gill name.

Manav insists that Karan must stay with him, to which Sarab suggests maintaining an amicable relationship where Manav can visit Karan.

Seema calls Manav to inquire about Aditi's well-being, expressing concern after dreaming of her distress. Manav reassures Seema that Aditi is fine. Meher advises Manav to remain with Aditi to comfort Seema during her worrying moments.

In another scene, Kulwant confronts Amrita's brother, expressing her disdain for those who exploit their sisters' finances. She smears his face with black paint as a warning.

Manav reassures Aditi, holding her hand and affirming her importance in his life. Aditi pleads with him never to mention leaving her. Harleen insists on answers regarding the mysterious girl.

Sarab deflects, claiming it's a matter of the past. Harleen presses Meher and Sarab for details, but they assure her that they will handle the situation. Aditi expresses her determination to uncover the truth, trusting Meher and Sarab to assist her.

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