Choti Sarrdaarni Written Summary For Thursday 7 December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2023-11-16 15:36:59 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Summary For Thursday 7 December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Thursday 7th December 2023

In the midst of the chaotic exchange, Meher seeks for an understanding from her husband. She pleads with Sarab that she never lied. She maintains that she is innocent but all her plea fall on deaf ears. Sarab leaves her in embarrassing way.

Harleen talks badly at Meher and her family. She calls Rana, a donkey when Ginni said that she will go with Rana to Canada. Harleen is so angry at Rana. She mocks him that he can't spell Canada. Gues what? Rana says “Kannada”. But strangely enough, Jeeto who is correcting Rana’s mistake says “Kanede”. This makes Kulwant chase the two away.

Despite that, Ginni upholds that she will marry Rana. She goes ahead to expose that their home business is currently going down because of Robbie, who claims to be educated than Rana. She threatens to inform her mum about it if she won’t be allowed to marry Rana.

She then calls her mother, Minni and reports to her that she had run away because she is being forced to marry someone she doesn’t love. Minni then requests to speak to Robbie but Kulwant takes the phone saying she want to speak to her fellow elder.

They engage in a talk and Kulwant keeps asking Minni to accept Ginni and Rana’s marriage pledging that they will pay dowry instead. Minni agrees to their marriage after Kulwant accepted to give 2M as dowry. She also says she has agreed because RANA is Meher’s brother and she loves Meher. She adds that because of the love she has for her kids, she must say YES to what they want. She then hangs up without taking to Robbie.

Robbie is eager to know why Minni said Yes. He tries to call his mom but she does not pick the call. Harleen directs him to ask Kulwant for any explanation. Sarab wonders what they will do, now that Minni has agreed to Rana and Ginni's union. They ate left with no option but to go and recollect their thoughts in their own home.

Meher asks Ginni to accompany them back, which Harleen warns her(Meher) to stop playing games with them by pretending to be good, but Ginni refuses. She is afraid that Harleen may marry her forcefully to another man. Kulwant supports her and urges her to stay with them, being that she is now her daughter-in-law to be.

Meher follows Sarab on his way out and accidentally injures her leg. Even though he is full of anger, Sarab shows some concern to her. He calls a doctor to come and attend to her before carrying on with his walk.

Amrita attends to her wound for some first aids and during the process, Meher tells her to ask Rana and Ginni who told them to run away. Rana says they do not need anyone's permission to run. They ran out of their personal choice.

Meher goes to her room where she recalls everything that took place. Back to Jagga; he is reprimanding Rana for placing Meher's marriage at wreck. He tells him that were it not for them running away, Meher and Sarab would be at peace right now. He wonders how they will make Sarab understand that Meher is innocent.

But just before his upper lips could comfortably hug its counterpart, Kulwant boldly says Param will bring them back together. She adds that Sarab loves Param so much and Param loves Meher, Sarab cannot go againts Param's will.

Indeed she is right. After a short while, Param and Meher engages in a video call. He then tells Sarab that the following day they should go and meet mama Meher. At the moment, Sarab is very tired and goes to sleep. He thinks about what Meher said to him throughout his Meher.

Robbies is still wondering why his mother said Yes to KULWANT. He calls and this time round she answers the call. She reveals to Robbie that Kulwant agreed to pay them 2M as dowry and tbat is why she agreed.

When she is informed about the rich Sandhu, she tells Robbie Harleen would deal with that her own way because she is only interested in Kulwant's 2M. She tells Robbie to keep it to himself promising they may divide that money once Kulwant pays it.

Sarab is in dilema. He finds it hard to believe what Mehee "did". He shares it with Harleen who tells him how bad Meher is and they should stay away from her forever. On the contrary, Dolly urges him to take some rest and talk about such matters when he is well compost. It is like Sarab wants to come back to his senses but Harleen still adds more darkness into him.

Robbie got into a deal with his mother. He has come to convince Harleen too so that Rana can smoothly marry Ginni. He tells Harleen that "what is done is done" they should forget about it and move on. But Harleen insists that they cannot give up no matter what. A heated arguement arises between and Robbie starts blaming her for taking up a responsibility and failing terribly. This leaves Harleen crying profusely consoling herself on Sarab.

Harleen is crying because it will a great shame when everyone learns that Ginni and Perry's wedding, which was announced hugely, was a forced wedding and has failed. Sarab offers to inform Sandhu's about it on her behalf. He promises her that everything will be fine.

Meher is still determinded to end her misunderstanding with Sarab and regain his trust, which she will win.

It is morning, everyone has woken up at Kulwant's place. It is only Ginni who is still a sleep. She tells her to wake up. Ginni wakes up but tells them she has woken up late - an indication that she is used to waking up late. Kulwant switches her words and tells her to enjoy they she wants. They are enjoying their win together.

Sarab is in the car and recalls Ginni’s incident. He says I know everything but I feel like Meher is not wrong, why can’t trust that she was wrong? Sarab is in a car going to Sandhu's place. He has come back to his senses. He asks himself how she could trust that Meher is wrong. He begins to think Meher may not be wrong. He then calls the doctor to inquire about how Meher's leg is fairing. At that time, Meher is with the doctor and hears him so well. The doctor tells Meher she has a loving and caring husband, making her smile sheepishly.

Param comes home to some good news. Guess what? He meets Meher who has branched from the hospital to check on Sarab. Harleen glares at her and cannot withstand seeing her around. She asks Meher to leave but Meher says she is there to meet Sarab. Harleen informs her that Sarab has gone to Sandhu's place to say sorrry.

Sarab riches Sandhu's home and finds when the situation that side is not easy as well. So it is true every home has its own miseries, troubles and worries. Sarab's arrival almost cools the situation where Sandhu was angrily telling his wife not to tell him to calm down. Sarab enters and asks to talk to Mr. Sandhu. He shows Sarab the wedding cards while very happy not knowing the message awaiting him is pot full of tears. Sarab tells him it is very unfortunate Ginni loves someone else but he just laughs at Sarab.

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