Meher Got Kidnapped||Monday June 17 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-05-27 21:16:24 |

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Meher Got Kidnapped||Monday June 17 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 17 June 2024

Meher Got Kinapped

Seher says, "You don’t want to tell? I know why. Because mama is planning a surprise for us. I know it." Seher then says, "Eat this prasad." Sandhya says, "Thank you." Seher replies, "Don’t say thank you for prasad." Sandhya says, "This baby is saying thank you."

Seher asks, "Baby, can you hear me?" Sandhya says, "You’re too cute." Seher responds, "You’re cute as well." Sarab calls, "Seher." Seher says, "Papa, mama’s friend is better now. I gave her prasad." Sarab says, "Bring your new doll." Seher replies, "Let me bring it."

Sarab asks Sandhya, "What do you know about Meher? Why are you here? You took Meher’s name. This is her chunri. Please tell me where she is." Sandhya says, "Meher is my friend."

Sandhya recalls Meher asking her to run and not to tell Sarab anything as it would worry him. Sandhya says, "I don’t know where she is." Sarab asks, "Then why were you taking her name? How did you get this chunri?"

Sandhya says, "It’s mine." He says, "Don’t lie. What are you hiding and why? Please tell me where Meher is." Harleen enters and says, "Sarab, the IG is here." Sarab goes out. Sandhya recalls her family forcing her to marry someone.

Kulwant says, "Sarab isn’t picking up the call. I hope Meher is okay." Pratap says, "I will kill you. Tell me where Sandhya is." Amma says, "Will you kill her? How would you find out where Sandhya is? You go, I will find out the truth from her." The old woman locks the door and looks at Meher.

Kulwant looks at Meher’s photo and cries. Kulwant says, "Yuvi, we will decorate Meher’s room. Will you help me?" He says, "Yes." Kulwant says, "Wherever my Meher is, I will convince her. She will forgive me. I will bring her here. I made a huge mistake. Everything will be fine now."

The old woman gives Meher bread and says, "Eat it first. What are you made of? Suffering so much because of an unknown girl. Sandhya is my daughter, and this guy was her brother." Meher asks, "Why does he want to kill her?" He says, "Because of respect. Sandhya loved Sanjiv and married him. He’s from an outside caste. Sanjiv told Sandhya not to worry and that he would talk to her family. Her father found out. Pratap said he would kill Sanjiv. Her dad said he would kill Sandhya. She’s pregnant with Sanjiv’s child. Sandhya’s mom cried and said please don’t do this. They went out with a gun. Sanjiv and Sandhya were running on the road, and Meher gave them a lift as help."

Sandhya’s mom says, "Poor Sandhya. Sanjiv is gone already. If you tell them, Sandhya and her baby will die as well. If you don’t tell anyone, Pratap will kill you." Meher asks, "Can I make a call, please?

My husband and kids must be worried." Sandhya’s mom says, "I will get you a phone. Pratap and her dad have killed more than 20 people. They are very dangerous. They kill entire families if they become enemies with someone. Do you want to risk your family’s life?"

Sarab says, "There’s something she knows about Meher but isn’t telling me." The inspector asks the doctor if they can talk to Sandhya for interrogation. She says yes, she’s better now. Sarab takes him to Sandhya’s room.

Seher tells Karan and Param, "Mama’s friend is so cute. She has a baby in her tummy. She knows a surprising secret about mama but isn’t telling." Karan says, "I asked mama for a PlayStation. She must have gone to buy it." Param says, "Mama will bring you a princess dress." Seher says, "Yay."

The woman brings Meher a phone and says, "Hurry up. Pratap must be coming." Sarab comes to Sandhya’s room with the police. He says, "Sandhya, if you know anything about Meher, please tell us, or the police will be mad." Meher sends a voice note to Sarab.

Harleen says to play it. Meher says, "Don’t worry about me. I am doing something special here. It’s a solid surprise, so I will take time to come back. I sent my friend Sandhya home. She isn’t well, so take care of her. She is a very nice girl." Sarab is confused. The police leave.

Pratap comes to Meher’s room. She drops the phone. Pratap says, "Never do this mistake again, Amma." He breaks the phone and shouts, "Where is Sandhya?" Sarab says, "Everything is clear now. Sorry for the trouble." The police leave. Sarab says, "I am sorry, Sandhya ji."

Harleen says, "Come with me, Sarab." They go out. Sandhya cries and says, "All of this is happening because of me. He doesn’t even know his wife is in danger. Her kids are waiting for her. I am doing all of this for my child." She cries. Sandhya says, "You asked your family to take care of me, Meher, but I know what my family must have done to you."

Harleen says, "What is she so busy with? She went to Delhi for two days." Sarab says, "Don’t worry. I know Meher. She is responsible. There must be something important. I know she will call me when she gets a chance." She says, "So we can let a stranger stay in our house because Meher said?" Sarab says, "She’s Meher’s friend."

Sandhya says, "I am sorry. Forgive me, please. But I don’t want to be a burden on anyone. I am much better. I am leaving now." Sarab says, "You won’t go anywhere. You will live here. I should say sorry. Di didn’t mean it that way. You can stay here for as long as you want. Tell me about your family, and I will inform them you’re here. They must be worried about you."

She says, "I have no one. I am alone." Sarab says, "You were alone, but not now. We are all with you." She says, "You’re not getting it." He says, "Meher messaged me. Taking care of you is our responsibility. Please go to your room and rest." He asks the servants to take her to the room.

Sarab sends a voice message to Meher and says, "Thank you for sending me a message. I was really worried. I miss you so much. Don’t worry about Sandhya. She’s alright now. The kids are also okay. Come back fast. Love you. Everything is incomplete without you." Meher cries.

The kids ask, "What’s special tomorrow?" He says, "It’s no one’s birthday. What’s so special?" Seher says, "See, I told you papa won’t remember. If mama were here, she would tell in a second."

Pratap throttles Meher and says, "Where is Sandhya?" He steps on her foot. Meher screams in pain. Amma says, "Will you kill her? If she dies, who will tell Sandhya’s location?" She says, "Get up." Pratap’s father comes in and says, "Pratap, don’t kill her. If she dies, how will we know where Sandhya is?" Amma says, "She’s not breathing. You killed her. You are a demon."

Sarab asks, "What is special tomorrow?" Sandhya comes in and says, "Should I tell?" Seher says, "Really, you know what’s special tomorrow?" She whispers in Seher’s ear.

Seher says, "Tomorrow is a fancy dress competition at our school. See, mama’s friend knows everything." Sarab asks, "But how do you know?" She says, "Meher has marked all the dates on the calendar."

Sarab says, "Yesterday was very stressful, so I forgot. You should eat something." He gets her soup. Seher says, "Have it, mama’s friend." Seher says, "I am really confused. What should I wear in a fancy dress competition?" Sandhya whispers something to her.

Seher laughs and says, "Great idea." She hugs her and asks, "Will you get me ready?" Sandhya says, "Yes." Seher says, "Param and Karan too?" Param says, "No thanks." Karan says, "Only mama gets us ready." Seher says, "But mama is busy." Param says, "Papa, please call mama." Seher says, "Yes, papa, please." He calls Meher’s phone.

Rana and Bitu ask Kulwant, "You didn’t even tell us that you patched up with Meher? Who will return our 5 years? We won’t listen to you anymore." Rana says, "We are leaving you."

Kulwant hits them with a shoe and says, "People who threaten are the ones who earn. Go now." She’s worried about Meher. Amma makes Meher sit. Meher says, "I need to go from here." She says, "If you step out, you can’t be alive." Meher says, "Please show me a way out." She says, "When all men are busy watching the dance, you can jump out and go. Till then, pretend to be faint."

Seher says, "What’s the problem if Sandhya gets us ready?" Param says, "She’s a stranger. I don’t want her to get me ready." He runs out. Param asks, "What happened?" He says, "It’s our fancy dress competition. Who will get us ready?" Harleen says, "I will get you ready."

Param asks, "And Karan and Seher as well?" She says, "No, I am busy. I can only get one kid ready." Param says, "Then get Karan ready." Harleen says, "No, I will get you ready."

Karan cries. Sarab asks, "What happened?" He says, "Harleen is getting Param ready. Sandhya is getting Seher ready. Who will get me ready?" Sarab says, "I will get you ready." Karan asks, "Do you even know how to?" He says, "Yes, you will rock. Don’t tell this idea to anyone."

Sandhya comes in and says, "I can get Karan ready as well." Sarab says, "No, you need rest. Did you take meds?" She says, "Yes." Sarab asks, "Did you and Meher go to the same college?" She says, "No." He asks, "School?" She says, "No." Sarab asks, "Then? Did she meet you in Delhi?"

Meher tries to sneak out. Pratap and his dad are watching the dance with all the men. Sandhya says, "Yes, in Delhi." Sarab asks, "Where?" She says, "Janakpuri Paradise Mall. She was there for shopping. We met there and became friends."

Sarab says, "I never heard of such a mall. Did Meher tell you anything? If she’s gonna stay there?" Sandhya says, "Maybe she doesn’t want to tell you what she’s stuck in." Sarab says, "None of the messages are delivered to Meher yet." Sandhya comes to Harleen’s room. Harleen says, "What?" She says, "Di.."

Harleen says, "I am not your di. And say it, why are you here?" Sandhya says, "Seher has a fancy dress competition. I need a sewing machine to make her dress." Harleen says, "Then you would want expensive things like watches, money. What is your motive? Why are you here?"

Sandhya says, "I only came here because Meher asked. What do you want?" Harleen says, "Nothing happens in the house as I want. Sarab does what Meher says. It’s in the closet."

Sandhya comes to the closet and looks at Meher’s clothes. She recalls Meher saying, "Don’t worry about me, Sandhya. Just take care of my kids and Sarab." Sandhya says, "I will pray for your safety with all my breaths. I won’t let your kids feel alone without you." She is about to pick the machine when Sarab says, "What are you doing here?" She says, "I need to make Seher’s dress for a fancy dress competition."

He says, "It’s really heavy. Let me help you." He takes it to the room and brings a table, placing the machine on it. Sarab says, "My Meher is also an expert at sewing. She’s an all-rounder. Take care." He leaves. Sandhya looks at Meher’s photo.

Seher cries in her sleep. She says, "Mama, come back." Sandhya says, "Mama will come back soon." Seher cries. Sandhya gives her Meher’s chunri and says, "Don’t cry." Seher asks, "Did mama leave us?" She says, "No. Your mama is very brave. She’s a lioness. You are her small lioness. Why are you crying?" Seher asks, "Do you know everything about mama?" Sandhya says, "You should sleep."

Meher runs in the jungle. Pratap’s men surround her. Pratap says, "You made a huge mistake. Now you will die before my sister." He shoots her. Sarab wakes up in shock and says, "Meher ji."

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