Harleeen Threatened To Kill Param, A Bike Hits Devika, Thursday February 27 2025

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2025-02-20 21:16:53 |

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Harleeen Threatened To Kill Param, A Bike Hits Devika, Thursday February 27 2025

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Thursday, 27 February 2025

Rajveer starts packing his bag. Seher asks him what he is doing. He replies that wherever she lives, he will live too. Seher reminds him they must follow Param’s decision, but Rajveer refuses. He insists they are going to Babbar Mansion because he cannot accept Param’s judgment.

Frustrated, he questions the fairness of the situation, blaming Khushi for trying to ruin their relationship. He declares he won’t let anyone come between them and insists they leave immediately.

Seher stops him, asking if they are two separate individuals or one. She reminds him that they are each other’s strength and have a responsibility to face this situation together. She asks if they leave, will they still be "Sehraj"?

Rajveer, emotional, says he cannot be apart from her and questions why others get to decide their life. Seher assures him that no one can separate them, but they must respect others’ feelings to avoid any perception of injustice. She tells him that his presence makes everything better and confesses she won’t be able to sleep without him.

With tears in his eyes, Rajveer listens as Seher justifies Param’s decision, saying he made it from their father’s place. She assures Rajveer that their love is strong, and no distance can change that. She agrees to move to Babbar Mansion and start fresh, leaving the past behind. She wipes his tears.

Rajveer picks up his bag. Bittu and Rana help him move. Seher holds Rajveer’s hand, reminiscing about their time together. They eventually let go and walk out of the room separately. Gullu, confused, asks Rajveer if he is leaving. Rajveer smiles and tells him he is just moving to a different room.

Gullu insists that he take Seher with him too. Seher gets emotional. She locks herself in the room and reassures herself that although they are physically apart, their hearts remain connected. She whispers that she will miss Rajveer every moment.

Seher sprays Rajveer’s perfume, longing for his presence. She wonders how she will sleep without him. Rajveer calls her. She immediately tells him she misses him, and he replies that he misses her too. He tries to lighten the mood, saying everything happens for a reason. Seher questions what’s good about living apart.

Rajveer jokes that they can now experience a long-distance boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. He admits he cannot sleep without her either but promises to be her boyfriend in the meantime. He hints at a surprise for her.

Meanwhile, Param struggles with his decision. He recalls Rajveer questioning him and Seher accepting his judgment. Devika brings him coffee and notices the money and documents scattered on the floor. She tells him it’s disrespectful to blessings. He assures her he will clean it up, but she offers to do it instead.

As she picks up the locker keys, she attempts to pocket them, but Karan catches her. He takes the keys, locks the locker, and places them securely. In his heart, Karan acknowledges Param’s concern for Rajveer and Seher but remains confident that their love will endure.

Elsewhere, Rajveer struggles with their forced separation. He tells Seher that he feels helpless, unable to even be close to her. Seher reassures him that they are still together in spirit. Rajveer expresses his frustration, saying they are being punished for something he did not do.

Seher reminds him to trust their love, which is their greatest strength. She tells him to keep hope. He confesses he cannot sleep without her. Seher suggests keeping their call on speaker, so they can still feel connected. They both fall asleep thinking about each other.

Meanwhile, Devika confronts Khushi, asking her what’s next. She reminds her that things have worked in her favor, but Rajveer now hates her. Devika expresses her frustration, saying Khushi’s actions have ruined her own plans.

With all the family functions halted, she is losing out financially. She asks Khushi to deal with Karan, who is constantly suspicious of her. Khushi hints that she has a new plan for the next day.

That night, Rajveer and Seher struggle to sleep. During a video call, Rajveer recalls the DNA test. Unable to stay silent any longer, he goes to Param and demands to know why he made this decision. He asks if Harleen pressured him to side with Khushi. Param admits that sometimes, situations are more complicated than they seem. Rajveer presses further, wanting to know the real reason.

Finally, Param breaks down and reveals that Harleen threatened to take her own life. She had come to him, saying she loved him as Sarab’s son and had always fought for him. Now, she expected him to fight for her and Khushi. When Param hesitated, Harleen warned that if she felt he made the wrong decision, she would kill herself.

Feeling helpless, Param gave in to her demand. He admits that he knew it was wrong and considers it a sin, but he had no idea how to fix the situation. He fears Seher will never forgive him. Rajveer hugs Param, who cries and confesses that he never wanted to separate him from Seher. He asks for forgiveness.

Rajveer reassures Param, reminding him how much Seher loves him. He tells Param that she accepted his decision happily, thinking he made it for her well-being. Param, guilt-ridden, says he feels unworthy of taking their father’s place. Rajveer empathizes with him, saying he understands the pressure he faced.

However, he firmly states that he will protect his marriage. He vows to do what Meher and Sarab would have done in this situation—fight for the truth. He promises to gather proof of his innocence. Param, relieved, promises to support him and expresses his trust in Rajveer’s love for Seher.

The next morning, Dolly confronts Harleen, asking if she blackmailed Param. Harleen unapologetically admits it, saying she had no other choice. If she hadn’t interfered, Param might have ruled in Seher’s favor, which would have been disastrous for Khushi.

Kulwant overhears and lashes out at Harleen, calling her shameless. She condemns her for manipulating Param and accuses her of being evil. Harleen, unbothered, defends herself, saying she is only protecting her daughter.

Meanwhile, on the road, a bike hits Devika. At the last moment, Karan pulls her to safety. Concerned, he asks if she is okay and rushes her home. The family gathers around, worried about Devika’s injuries.

Karan explains that the bike was about to hit him, but Devika pushed him away, risking her own life. Kulwant praises Devika for saving Karan despite getting hurt herself. She thanks God that the injuries are not serious.

Grateful, Karan thanks Devika. She tells him she will always look out for him as his bhabhi. However, in his heart, Karan wonders if he has been too harsh on her. Meanwhile, Devika smirks inwardly, thanking Khushi for the idea. She thinks to herself that the accident was worth it for the trust she has now gained.

Rajveer continues searching for answers. He calls Mohit, asking about the party from five years ago, but gets no useful information. Frustrated, he throws his phone. Khushi picks it up and tries to comfort him. Rajveer, furious, tells her he is not in pain—he is angry, and that anger will lead him to the truth. As she reaches for his hand, Seher steps in and holds Rajveer’s hand instead.

Rajveer declares that nothing happened between him and Khushi that night, and he will prove it. He insists that no one can separate him from Seher. Seher reassures Khushi that she understands her pain, but she and Rajveer will uncover the truth—for Khushi, for themselves, and for their love.

Rajveer and Seher stand in front of Sarab and Meher’s photo, praying for guidance. Rajveer asks for their blessings as they search for proof of his innocence. Seher prays for strength to fight for their love. Just then, Prince runs into the room, calling out, Daddy!

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