DJ Bonez Shares Concerns About Kamene Goro's Smoking Habit


Posted by Kiongos on 2023-07-03 09:47:56 |

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DJ Bonez Shares Concerns About Kamene Goro's Smoking Habit

DJ Bonez Shares Concerns About Kamene Goro's Smoking Habit

In a recent podcast interview with Oga Obinna, DJ Bonez has opened up about his disapproval of his wife, Kamene Goro, smoking. While he refrains from directly asking her to quit, DJ Bonez expressed his concerns about the unattractiveness and health risks associated with smoking.

Kamene Goro, however, defended her smoking habit, asserting that she smokes responsibly and refrains from doing so around those who dislike it. She also downplayed the significance of her smoking, arguing that everyone has their own vices.

While DJ Bonez understands Kamene's perspective, he still hopes that she will quit smoking to safeguard her health and well-being. The couple's conversation on this topic has ignited a debate online, with some accusing DJ Bonez of being controlling while others support his genuine concern for his wife.

Ultimately, the decision to quit smoking rests with Kamene Goro. Nevertheless, DJ Bonez's valid concerns about her health warrant ongoing communication and discussion between them.

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