Thapki Video Ep406 Tuesday 4th April 2023 Part 1

user Thapki

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Episode Summary

Bihaan telling Amma Maayi that they will not leave without their daughter. Amma Maayi asks if they want to kill their daughter with their hands. Monty brings dogs and says they are human eaters and hungry. Bihaan asks how dare you to free dogs on a girl. Monty says now lets see what happens to your daughter. Thapki covers Bani as the dog runs to attack Bani. Bihaan runs. Prince asks them to leave. Shraddha tells Dhruv that they shall leave Bani here and think of any way and then take her back home. Dhruv says you want to leave her here. He falls in Shraddha’s trap and says we have to leave for Bani’s safety. Thapki says she won’t go without her daughter. Bani asks Bihaan to take her. Bihaan says I am going so that I will come and take you back and promises her, saying his daughters are his life. Bani says she is scared here. Bihaan says fear should be scared of you.

Bani tells Thapki that she is afraid and asks her to come. Thapki tells her that she will bring her Papa and asks her not to get scared. She promises her. Bihaan calls Thapki and thinks where did she go? Vasu says she was with you naa, and prays for Bani and Thapki. Tina says I am very scared. Shraddha says may be Thapki went home with Bani. Bihaan says without telling us. Vasu says she is not selfish and calls home. She asks if Thapki reached there. Servant says no. Thapki calls Bihaan. Bihaan asks where are you? Thapki cries an dtells him everything. Bihaan is shocked and asks where are you? Thapki tells that she is near the temple. Bihaan says I am coming. Thapki, Bihaan and Vasy come to take Bani. Goons stop them. Bihaan snatches gun from goon.

Bani says ghajab and hugs Bihaan. Thapki also hugs Bani and apologizes to her, and says they will take her back home. She asks her not to let anything happen with her and do not get scared of her. Bani hugs Thapki and cries.

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