Choti Sarrdaarni Video Part 1 Ep21 Saturday June 17 2023

user Choti Sarrdaarni

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Episode Summary

Gulwand says to Amrita you should talk to Meher. SHe is your friend. Amrtia says we should ask her consent first. Meher says you people went to see a guy for me without asking me? Gulwand says we wanted to tell you. Try to understand. A mother knows what is good for kids. He is a good man. Meher says I don’t care what he is. I don’t wanna marry him. Gulwand says so is there someone else? He has a palace like house. He will keep you like a queen. Meher says I want to tell you something. I.. Amrtia says Meher go to your room. Meher says I want to talk. Amrtia says you have any sense of elders? Go to your room. Meher goes to her room in tears. Amrita says what is wrong with her. Amrita says we should give her some time. Gulwand says go and talk sense into her. Harlen’s husband says rest of the family is weird. Gulwand is using her mom. Harlen says we like Meher. We don’t care about other people. SArab says I have no issues. Scene 2 Meher calls Manav. Amrita comes to her room. Amrtia says you calling him right? SHe says who? Amrita says the guy you were in temple with. Everyone would have seen you. Why did you hide all this from me? Meher says I was waiting for right time. Amrtia says too much wait ruins everything. Meher says actually.. He works at a dhaba. Amrita is shocked. AMrita says what. Meher says he just got a job.. He is a genius. Amrtia says it’s too late. Your proposal with sarab has gone too far. Meher says please help me one. I can’t think about anyone. Amrita says then ask him to come here tomorrow. Or mummy will say yes to Sarab.

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