Choti Sarrdaarni Video Ep13 Tuesday June 13 2023

user Choti Sarrdaarni

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Episode Summary

Gulwand choose interior designs. She asks Amrita for color. She says why are we doing this? She says I have good news. Shamo comes. She says they said yes right? I will decorate the whole house. Shamo says they said no. Gulwand is dazed. Shamo says but don’t worry I have another guy. He is divorced and a film actor. Gulwand says how dare you to say that. I will make you bald. Don’t ever be seen near this house. Meher smiles. Gulwand says I can’t hear a no. Param and Gill are on the way to school. param says I don’t wanna go to school. Tell God to return my mom. Teacher said all kids would bring their moms tomorrow. But I don’t have a mom. Gill says did you show your diary to bua? He says no. Param says I need a mom. Gill hugs him. Meher is on bike with Manav. He drops her home. He makes her wear dupatta. Meher is dreaming all this. She sees them everywhere

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