Choti Sarrdaarni Video Ep2 Part 1

user Choti Sarrdaarni

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Episode Summary

Meher comes back. She says whose car is this? Meher says whose car is this. Ask that idiot to move it. A guy says this is VIP’s car. She says so what? They can park it the way they want? A man comes and says this is on my guy. Do what you can. Gill is in car. Meher says say sorry to me. Gill looks at them. The guy says sorry we made a mistake. He collides with Manva. Manav gives him ice cream to calm down. He gives second ice cream to Meher. She says one? He says we are one as well. She says I saw you gave him the ice cream. He says calm down. Tarkash says to Gill she was such a loud girl. He says girls aren’t loud. Guys make them. Gill says there is good news. A guy from our village has a doctorate degree. This guy can make my ream come true that I want for our Punjab’s fields. Meher says to Manav we are going shopping. Gulwand says to Meher do you like the family photo? She says yes. Gulwand says let’s go for Lohri shopping. She says no I have to get my red dress dupatta with Bubli. She says you can wear what you want. There are many dresses. Amrita says she might want to. Rana shows a picture of Gill’s car to Gulwand. Meher sees it as well. Gill comes home. There is a girl. She gives him a kurta. He says would it fit? She says this is for Param. Khushi comes. She says this is my trophy. I won’t my competition. The girl is Gill’s sister. Khushi says Param is so dumb, He doesn’t even know his name’s spelling. The maid comes and says I have been looking for Param. He is nowhere. Gill looks everywhere for Param. He sees broken glass. He sees a closet and picks it. Param comes from under the bed. Gill heaves a sigh of relief. Param is under the bed. Gill says thank God you’re fine. Come out now. He says what were you doing there? He says making a drawing. He shos drawing it says, papa mummy. Param recalls his wife dying. He said to his wife Param you can’t leave me alone. Please open your eyes. His sister came there with his son Param. Gill hugs Param in tears.

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