Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Friday, 31 January 2025

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-09-05 18:03:38 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Friday, 31 January 2025

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Friday, 31 January 2025

Rajveer gives a dress and jewelry to Amreen and compliments her, saying she looks good. Kulwant praises Rajveer, saying a true Punjabi boy knows how to choose the right outfit for his girl.

Amreen smiles at Param. Kulwant teases, saying the atmosphere is heating up and hints at Harleen. Seher tells Rajveer that it is almost 2 o’clock, and she needs to go inside to handle the task. She leaves. Harleen wonders why they are going inside.

Param gives another dress to Neha. He then hands a white dress to Devika, saying it is for her. Harleen questions if it is too simple for a princess and suggests a heavily embroidered dress. Devika replies that Param’s choice matters more than the dress. If he thinks it suits her, she will wear it.

Devika’s mother praises her, saying she may be a princess, but she has no ego and loves serving people. She expresses gratitude for having such a daughter. Neha thanks Param for the special dress. Harleen tells Devika that she already considers her a daughter-in-law and wants to reveal Param’s choice.

Devika confidently replies that she does not believe in shortcuts or rushing decisions. If Param is meant for her, he will be hers. She walks away. Rajveer warns Harleen not to be too clever, reminding her that while she enjoys cheating, not everyone is like that. He leaves. Harleen vows to teach him a lesson.

Someone takes a necklace from Seher’s closet. Meanwhile, Seher tells Param and Karan that they must wait for the girls to get ready, as husbands often do. She invites them to the stage.

Seher then introduces the three girls Param helped get ready—Neha, Amreen, and Devika—as they walk onto the stage. She then presents the three girls Karan helped. The girls walk one by one, and the audience claps.

Ginni and Rana inform Seher that they have found four of the purple seeds. Seher feels relieved and happy, looking at Rajveer with hope, believing he will be fine soon.

Harleen instructs Mrs. Balla to provoke a man. Mrs. Balla tells the man that Rajveer said his daughter does not even deserve to compete in the contest. Enraged, the man confronts Rajveer, demanding an explanation and provoking Param and Karan.

Karan defends Rajveer, saying he did not say anything. Param agrees. Everyone supports Rajveer, recalling how he has always helped them. Seher firmly states that Rajveer can never say such a thing.

Meanwhile, a girl’s purse falls, and Harleen’s necklace drops from it. Harleen claims it is hers and accuses the girl of stealing it. The girl insists she did not steal it and has no idea how it got into her purse. Her father argues that they own a large business and have no reason to steal.

Devika pleads for forgiveness. Seher stands by Neha, saying she does not believe she is a thief. Harleen asks for proof and insists that someone must have planted it in her purse. When Seher tries to intervene, Harleen refuses to listen, declaring Neha a thief. Frustrated, Neha’s father takes her away in anger.

Harleen tells Param that royal blood remains royal and declares that Devika is perfect for him. Seher acknowledges that the incident should not have happened but insists that the show must go on. She asks Kulwant to deliver a famous dialogue. Kulwant playfully asks why everyone is so silent.

Seher then announces the next round, where the girls must impress her brothers. The winner will get to go on a date with them. Later, Seher tells Kulwant that they only have tonight to find the last purple seed. Kulwant reassures her that they will find it.

Everyone starts peeling the seeds. Ginni happily announces that they have found seven so far. They play music and continue working. Seher joins them. Ginni brings milk for everyone. Bitu requests coffee, while Rana complains about being sleepy. Kulwant jokingly declares that whoever sleeps must prepare the coffee.

Jeeto suggests that Param and Karan’s future wives should make coffee for them. Ginni struggles to stay awake. Seher advises her to rest, but she refuses. Seher offers to make coffee for everyone, but Rajveer insists on doing it instead. He prepares coffee and serves it to everyone.

Kulwant reassures Seher that they will find the last seed. Suddenly, Bitu exclaims that he has found it. Everyone is shocked. Seher eagerly asks to see it. However, it turns out not to be purple. Bitu apologizes, saying he was sleepy.

Seher steps outside, feeling disheartened. Rajveer follows her and tries to cheer her up. He jokes that once he finds the purple seed, he will teach it a lesson. Seher laughs and returns inside. She checks the clock as Kulwant encourages everyone to keep searching. They all sing and enjoy the moment together.

Meanwhile, Khushi calls Harleen, saying Diljit keeps asking about his father and misses her a lot. Harleen bluntly tells her to leave the child, saying she cares for her.

Khushi angrily replies that just as Harleen is her mother, Diljit is her son, and she cares for him. She hangs up. Robbie questions why Harleen behaves this way. Harleen, teary-eyed, says her heart aches. She blames a certain man for Diljit’s birth, calling the child a mistake. She vows to bring Khushi back by any means necessary.

Seher declares that only one purple seed remains. Everyone feels anxious as she peels another seed. Guru ji’s assistant doubts that Seher can complete the task. Seher prays as Ginni peels a seed.

Suddenly, Ginni exclaims that it is purple. Everyone rejoices. Bitu and Rana excitedly hug Rajveer. Seher feels overjoyed. Kulwant thanks God, believing Rajveer will be fine now. Seher confidently states that Guru ji must help them now.

Late at night, Seher sneaks out to take the seeds to Guru ji. As she walks, she trips, and all the seeds scatter onto the ground. Panic sets in as she realizes what has happened.

Desperate, she searches for the seeds, fearing that Guru ji will refuse to help Rajveer if she fails. Tears stream down her face. Suddenly, her phone rings. A woman on the other end pleads for help, saying her son is in distress, and no one is helping them.

Seher, torn between her task and the plea for help, prays to God to protect her seeds. Determined, she decides to save the child as well.

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