The Dead Body Is Not Of Meher Tuesday June 18 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by Kiongos on 2024-06-17 21:53:15 |

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The Dead Body Is Not Of Meher Tuesday June 18 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Tuesday June 18 2024

The Dead Body Is Not Of Meher

Sarab receives a call from the Police who informs him that they have found a dead body of a young lady. Sarab drops his phone and starts to panic. When asked what happened, he tells Harleen that Police have found a dead body and they are saying that it can be Meher’s.

Sarab leaves in panic after telling the same to Harleen and Sandhya. Kulwant tries to know what happened but she is ignored by Harleen. Sandhya goes with Sarab. Sarab says that it all my mistake, I should have been alert when her phone went switched off.

Sandhya remembers Meher telling her to go can take care of Sarab and the kids till she comes back. Sandhya apologizes to Sarab in her heart because she is not able to tell him anything. They reach the place where the Police asked them to come. Sarab is told that her face is badly ruined. With a heavy heart, Sarab examines the dead body and says that this is not Meher as she dint had any tattoo on her body.

Pratap is seen trying to kill Meher when her mother stops her. He says that whether he gets Sandhya back or not but he will kill her. One Police officer reaches there before he could kill her.

 Meher tells him everything but the Police is with them. He tells her that it is not murder but honor killing. He says that we will torture you before killing you and I will find Sandhya before shooting her in the head. He says that his name is Chautala and he has been transferred to Amritsar. He ensures everyone that the job will be done soon.

Sarab asks God why is he facing all this and where is Meher. Sandhya tells him to get hold of himself. At home, Seher and the kids are waiting for Meher. She tells Param how Sandhya helped her with her performance. 

The kids decide to get a special lunch prepared for Meher. They notice that Harleen is crying in the hall. Harleen is also praying to God for Meher’s wellbeing. Param asks Halrleen what happened and why is she worried.

 Sarab enters the house and tells the kids that these tears are of happiness because Seher won the competition. Sandhya takes the kids to another room whielSarab hugs Harleen and tells her that the body was not that of Meher’s. He promises her that he will find Meher at any cost.

Sarab sits in his room while he talks to Meher’s picture. He says that he will stay optimistic from now onwards and won’t give in to negative thoughts. He says that my wishes are with you and God will keep you safe.

Seher and the kids surprise Sandhya with Amritsari Kulche which they got prepared for her. Seher asks her to eat quickly has her small baby must be hungry. Saran also supports the kids and asks for a lassi for Sandhya. He says that a pregnant lady must eat for her baby.

Rajan Chautala reaches Gill Mansion and informs Baba that he has reached Amritsar and will find Sandhya soon. He rings the doorbell and Sandhya opens the door. 

She is shocked to see Raunak on the doorstep. Sandhya covers her face with a veil. She recalls the first time she saw Raunak. He came to her house and her father decided to marry them.

 Raunak touched her inappropriately and then said yes to the marriage. Raunak meets Sarab and they greet each other. Sarab calls Sandhya by her name and asks her to go to kids. Sandhya goes inside with the kids. Raunak says that he is here to inquire about his wife. Sarab tells him everything.

While Sandhya is scared, Meher is also worried for her and is thinking about a plan to escape. Meher pulls the lamp down. Sandhya’s mother comes inside to talk to her. Meher tells her that Raunak might cause harm to Sandhya as she is currently residing in her house. Meher gives her the contact details of her house.

Sarab tells Raunak that getting Meher’s poster pasted in the town won’t be a good idea. He asks for a day to take a decision. Karan and Seher ask Sandhya not to worry as she is residing with the Singhs.

Kulwant sees her family sitting at the dining table. She tells everyone that nobody will eat till she has a plan to talk to Sarab. Bittu and Rana try their luck in suggesting an idea but she says that Yuvi is smarter than them. Manjeet says what if we all go to their house and apologize. Kulwant rejects her idea too and calls her Manjeet bartan bhandar. She then finally agrees on the idea of keeping a path at their home as Sarab will not say no to it and will definitely come.

Sandhya’s father tells Pratap that Meher is not disclosing the whereabouts of Sandhya. Pratap says that tonight he will make her speak. They go to the room where Meher is kept and ties her hands inside a bag full of rats. Sandhya’s mother calls Sarab but the call didn’t go through.

Kulwant comes to meet Sarab and tries to apologize. Harleen calls security upon her but Sarab stops her. He respectfully asks her to leave. Kulwant says that she knows that her daughter is in danger and she has kept an Akhand path at her home and invites them to come. Harleen was about to deny when Sarab tells her that one should not say no to Path. Sandhya’s mother call again and Sandhya picks the call this time. She talks to her but she disconnects the call as soon as she realizes that someone is listening to them.

 It was Sarab who overheard the conversation and now he knows that Sandhya has a mother and she was lying. Sarab goes to her room and involves her in a chit-chat. Sarab says that it’s my duty to take care of you, I have no rights in interfering in your personal life but I want you to be honest with my family, he says. Sarab asks her if there is anything he should know about but she is not telling her. Sandhya is about to say something but is hesitant. Sarab asks her to take her time but tell him till tomorrow before it is too late.

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