Thapki Written Update Episode 303 Saturday 3rd December, 2022

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Posted by kiongos on 2022-11-26 16:20:51 |

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Thapki Written Update Episode 303  Saturday  3rd December, 2022

Thapki Written Update Episode 303

Saturday  3rd December, 2022


Bihaan says I will tell many times that you are Thapki. Kosi comes and asks why you are troubling her, she is not Thapki. She asks Vani to come downstairs. She tells Bihaan that Thapki was delicate and used to cry even for small things, but Vani is strong headed person and a businesswoman. Bihaan is determine to make Vani speak her truth that she is Thapki only. Kosi gives file to Vani. Shraddha gives her pen. Vani writes T just as she is about to sign, then makes V with T and signs. Shraddha doubts and thinks if she is Thapki. Vani signs and asks Kosi to sign as well. Kosi signs happy.


Assistant asks Kosi to be honest with Vani. Shraddha talks in her favour. Vani asks her name and says your name should be lotha, who keeps on sliding to one place from another. She tells that she is opening restaurant soon. Kosi asks her to give deal to her only and calls her beta. Vani asks her never to call her beta again. She asks Assistant Surbhi to come. Shraddha tells Vani that she has misunderstood her and says she is honest and can take up the responsibility. Surbhi tells that Vani speaks to head only and tells her she will talk to boss only. Dadi comes, sees Vani and apologizes to her, saying she did bad with her. Kosi asks her to go. Preeti and Suman take her inside. Kosi apologizes to Vani. Surbhi says Vani have to attend an important meeting. Bihaan asks what is the hurry? He says today is Thapki’s barsi..when you are here, then attend her barsi. Kosi asks what you are saying? Bihaan says everyone will understand everything now. Vani looks on.


Bihaan asks Vani to do Thapki’s barsi rasam and asks everyone to come out. They put all thapki’s stuff and pours kerosene oil on it. Balwinder asks you kept all these things safely till now, but now…Bihaan says I had kept all these things safely thinking she is alive, I thought I couldn’t give agni to her body so thought to burn her stuff. Vani and her assistant see him about to burn the stuff. Vani asks Bihaan to stop. Assistant thinks what will happen now. Bihaan thinks I know you are Thapki, come and tell everyone. Vani comes to Bihaan and asks him to do this rasam properly. She says you have dropped few things mistakenly inside, so I brought it. She shows him Thapki’s mangalsutra and sindoor bottle and throws it on the stuff. She asks him to burn it now, and says it is not easy to burn life partner’s stuff. I will help you. Bihaan looks on shockingly.



Vani holds Bihaan’s hand and makes him give fire to her stuff. Bihaan is shocked and looks at her. She sees her stuff, pics, mangalsutra and other stuff burning. A song plays…Lo Maan Liya Humne Pyaar Nahi Tumko plays…………….He recalls his marriage etc with Thapki and wonders if she is not Thapki, else she would never burn her mangalsutra.


Thapki recalls Bihaan slapping her, thinks no woman can insult her mangalsutra, that’s why I have replaced my mangalsultra with fake one, which you burnt. She thinks my mangalsutra is with me, and goes with teary eyes. Bihaan looks at her with teary eyes. Bihaan thinks he kept all these things safely, but Thapki burnt it. He picks the burnt mangalsutra and thinks what do you think that you will end your truth and my faith that you are not Thapki, no…I will prove your truth very soon. Thapki looks at her mangalsutra and cries, thinking why did I fall weak and kept this mangalsutra with me. She thinks she has no relation with Bihaan and is not his wife anymore. She thinks I am unfortunate mum of a baby who is taken away by Bihaan and thinks to remember her revenge.


She gets a call from someone, and tells that she is fine, but few things was unexpected, but she handled. She says you have supported me since 2 years, and I will not be defeated. She says I have no separate Shraddha and Kosi Devi to fulfill the promise made to my baby. Later she comes to Pandey Nivas with her assistant. Surbhi gives a gift to Kosi and says it is worth 20 lakh rupees, and is made of gold. Kosi is happy and takes it. Surbhi gives a small gift to Shraddha. Shraddha gets excited and opens it. She finds silver bangles in it. Surbhi says what you can expect, as you are Kosi’s servant/ assistant.


Vani says gift’s value should not be seen, but intention of the person giving gift. Kosi says right and goes to attend the call. Shraddha looks at Kosi’s 20 lakhs saree. Thapki says it is nice saree, anyone would want this. She tells Shraddha that she can work with her, but have to prove her capability. Shraadha says why anyone will refuse it. Thapki stops and stammers silently, then gets courage and speaks fluenty. She says you think you are smart and intelligent, but you are a big fool of the world. She says this saree work can be moved too. She writes number of the shop and asks her to prove her capability and get the work removed from the saree. Kosi comes back and tells Shraddha that she will keep the saree.


Shraddha says she will keep saree inside. Kosi tells Vani that she will make food with her hand. Vani asks if you will add something in it and says I have many enemies. Assistant says she has many enemies. Vani asks her never to ask her to have food. Bihaan calls her Thapki and then says Vani. Kosi asks Bihaan not to trouble her. Bihaan says I am not troubling her, and will take care of her. Kosi gets a call again and goes. Bihaan says I know your time is precious, and can celebrate with me also. He tells that he is the one who have cleared it from there. He brings wine and asks her to drink it, for their new business relation. Vani apologizes and says she is not feeling like drinking today. Bihaan says may be you never drinks, and tells that Thapki never touched it. He asks her to accept that she is not Thapki.

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