Thapki English Written Update Episode 453 Tuesday  May 2 2023

Thapki English

Posted by Kiongos on 2023-05-28 21:00:27 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 453 Tuesday  May 2 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 453

Tuesday May 2 2023

In the lawn outside Lovely curtly speaks to herself that Thapki was right, she must not say anything to Thapki until she gets married to Aryan. Suman comes from behind and asks why is she being so angry, she asks her about the mark on her cheek as well and thinks it is of a slap. Lovely makes up it’s the mark of her scratches. Suman goes to spread clothes, Lovely thinks about letting her go away and comes to help Suman. Suman gets sentimental that they have always considered Thapki as wrong but she always loved them all. She hugs Lovely and goes inside. Lovely curses the whole emotional family.

At night, Samar wonders where Bani’s photos from his phone are. Dolly comes behind and says she deleted them, she wants Samar to come out of Bani’s memories. She asks Samar if he loves Bani. Samar says he does and would always do. Dolly says he must step forward in his life, he can’t spend his life with the memories of a dead person. 

Samar says he loves Bani and her memories are his strength to live. Dolly poses to be weak and cries that she doesn’t want to spend a life in which she has to see his alone son crazy behind a deceased girl. Samar says he can’t do so. Dolly says she is dead for him then. She tells him to decide if he has to keep his mother alive or that Bani. Samar promises to try and insists on her to eat a bit.

Thapki comes to Lovely’s room and thinks about looking for her phone, she might get some information about Bani from it. She was looking in the drawers when she hears footsteps approaching. She wonders if it’s Lovely and goes to hide behind the curtain. Aryan thinks she isn’t here and wonders how he must know the truth, he must find out who is behind the veil as that is the only way he can reach Thapki or Bani. Thapki spots a cockroach on the wall, she hides herself under the veil and walks out of the curtain felling over Aryan.

 Aryan looks closely for a while remembering Thapki. Lovely comes to the room then. She asks Rajo what they are doing here. Aryan qualifies Rajo came for cleaning of the room. Lovely asks about him. Aryan says he came with a bracelet for her, she has turned to his life and the reason he lives; he promises to fill her life with utmost love. He makes her wear the bracelet and says I love you Thapki. Lovely looks towards Thapki boastfully and hugs Aryan.

Dolly comes to Tina’s room and says it’s good she has accepted everyone’s decision and Munna as her husband. Tina says she is doing this all by heart, she wants to give her marriage a true chance by heart. Dolly shows Tina a phone of Samar, she says it had Bani’s photos till yesterday but today it is empty. He never expresses anyone since childhood, today also he has forgotten Bani and didn’t want to put anyone in pain. She shows Tina her photos in the phone. Tina was upset.

Dolly thinks she put all these in the phone and will delete them before Samar gets to know about it. Tina turns around saying Samar himself told her to begin a new life with Munna. Dolly places a white shirt in the clothes Tina was setting in the closet and tells Tina that Samar loves her truly. Tina says may be there is something else in the fate. Tina notices Samar’s shirt in the clothes. Dolly says it’s a hint that Tina is still connected to Samar. She thinks she will surely tie her with Samar in this life.

In the room, Thapki thinks Aryan knows the reality and he is also aware Lovely kidnapped her and Bani. She wonders if she must tell Aryan that she is Bani. She hears footsteps approaching and covers her face. Aryan steps into the room, locks the door behind and says she cooked just like Thapki did, she got off her hiccup just like Thapki did; still she would say she is Rajo? Thapki nods. Aryan says she can be dumb, or cover her face but can’t change the feel of her touch. He has at once recognized she is Thapki and not Rajo. He removes the veil off Thapki’s face. Both share an eye lock.

Thapki tells Aryan about all the kidnapping scenario. Aryan says they were told both Thapki and Bani died in the accident, but he couldn’t accept the reality. Then he got to know Lovely is a dancer; then he was left with no way but to propose her. She agreed at once and he got to know it wasn’t Thapki. Thapki must never have agreed to marry him. He then reached the doctor who revealed the truth to him.

Aryan asks why is she wandering in her own house in veil. Thapki says its because of Bani. She requests Aryan to help her as he has always helped her. Aryan holds her hands and assures nothing will happen to Bani. He has become a part of this family now and he won’t let his family be in any pain. Thapki thanks him. Aryan was sure to save their family and asks for her hand. She holds it.

In the room, Vasu discuss with Suman that Rajo cooked exactly like Thapki. Vasu says Thapki has been in the house for so many days, then how come Rajo cooked exactly the likings of everyone. She asks how many people did Suman met who gets rid of their hiccup only by eating something. Suman replies only Thapki. Vasu doubts something wrong, and says they must get to know the face behind the veil.

Aryan comes to Lovely in the room, he sings and dances around with her. He pushes her down to the bed and gets a chance to throw her cell phone behind her where Thapki takes it under the bed. Aryan asks Lovely if she is happy with him and speaks his love out until Thapki gets the contacts from Lovely’s cell phone. Lovely finally closes her eyes as Aryan bends towards her. Thapki places Lovely’s cell phone back giving Aryan a signal of thumbs up and carefully walks out. Aryan sits up at once and says this all is not good before wedding, he leaves the room.

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