Thapki English Written Update Episode 452 Monday May 28 2023

Thapki English

Posted by Kiongos on 2023-05-26 14:50:36 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 452 Monday May 28 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 452

Monday May 28 2023

Suman asks Rajo to remove the veil off her face. She comes forward to hold the veil. Lovely says Rajo won’t show her face, she had an accident and her face is burnt. Tina assures Rajo that according to Thapki the real beauty lies in inside. Vasu and Panday ji also assures they only care about the inside. Lovely says its upon her will, she can stay in veil for as long as she can. Aryan urges her to speak something. Lovely says she is dumb, can’t speak. She had lost her ability to speak as well. The family feels pity over her. Vasu assures Rajo since Thapki is with her, so is her family. She comes and hug Thapki and says it felt as if she is someone very own of hers. Lovely goes inside to get some money for Rajo.

 Aryan asks Thapki why she didn’t share about her accident earlier, they could have helped her. Lovely says she has great self respect, she never takes any helps. She didn’t want to take their help. Aryan offers her to stay here and can help them in their wedding preparations. Aryan thinks he needs to make this Rajo stay here to know about her reality. Lovely was helpless as everyone had decided for her. She tells Lovely to take her to the guest room.

Upstairs in the room, Thapki removes the veil. Lovely says Thapki must have agreed to stay here only to reveal her reality. Thapki tells Lovely she didn’t speak there and was dumb, she agrees that she holds her Bani dearest to her, and would leave right away; Lovely must only leave Bani. Lovely stops Thapki as she would otherwise have to answer Aryan about it. She warns Thapki to stay here, in veil and as dumb else she wouldn’t leave Bani. Lovely leaves. Thapki watches a group photo of the family, then prays to a God’s idol there for courage. and ability to reach Bani.

There in the room, Aryan looks towards the photo he found in Lovely’s house. He wonders who is that Rajo and what are her intentions. He thinks about finding a way to get to know. He says this photo and that veiled lady can take him to Thapki and Bani. Vasu comes there asking about what he is talking about to himself. Aryan says he was worried about Thapki who would have missed Bani. Vasu remembers the day Thapki brought Bani home. She shows a wedding dress to Aryan. Aryan was determined to find Lovely soon. He thinks he has a single way to reach Thapki, the photo and veiled lady.

Samar complains to Dolly that the renovation work of their house is not being complete. Dolly thinks she was the one who asked the contractor to dely the work. She tells Samar such work always get a bit late, she tells Samar that everyone here respect him. She thinks Samar would soon be the son in law of the house again. Samar watches a photo of Bani on his cell phone saying her memories are always with him in his heart. Dolly brings a glass of milk for Samar and hears him saying only Bani is everything to him. She was upset that Samar loves Bani.

In the kitchen, Aryan thinks about a way to see the face under the veil. Thapki comes there. Aryan offers her to stay here as long as she wish to. He watches a plate on the table and turns the plate around in a way to be able to see her face. He was onlly able to see Thapki’s chin while the rest of her face had been veiled.

Suman comes to the kitchen. She notices Rajo had cooked all the favorite dishes of the family. Suman cheers. Aryan looks towards the fan and asks Suman to switch it on. The veil over Thapki’s face fly off Thapki’s face, Aryan notices she held it over her face. Suman takes a bite from the food and was lost at once, she says this Cheese-Palak reminds her of Thapki. Thapki didn’t cook after operation. Tears fell off Thapki’s eyes as Suman hugs her, she gets hiccups. 

Suman brings water for her. Suman says her hiccup doesn’t go even after drinking water, Aryan gives her a bite to eat and tries to look at her face. He was shocked to notice her hiccup had gone at once. Suman says this Rajo doesn’t only cook like Thapki, she is also like Thapki; Thapki’s hiccup also goes after eating. Suman goes to call the family. Aryan tastes from the food and wonders how this is possible, she resembles Thapki.

Tina was reading a book when Munna comes to the room. She smiles at him while he apologizes to disturb her. Tina hides the book behind herself. Munna asks why she is hiding the book. Tina says this is just a simple book. Munna sits beside her and asks to see the book. Tina says she is doing what Vasu told her to, they both loved different people but the truth is that they turned to be spouses. Atleast she can give their relation a chance, earlier she attempted to do this for herself but this time she will do it for her family. She can’t hurt the ones who brought her up with much love, can’t get tears to the eyes which hold her dearer; she wants to get their relationship a chance. 

Munna asks what if she fails. Tina says atleast she would be satisfied that she gave it a try. Munna says when he came here he realized what family is and how it matters. He was also ready to make an attempt for this family, who gave someone like him a space in their house and hearts. Munna will now live for the family. Tina forwards her hand to Munna asking Family? He takes the hand.

After a while, Dolly ji comes to Tina’s room. She was upset about the decisions of the children and think about all the jewelry. She tears the book apart out of rage.

Thapki comes to her room and cries missing Bihaan. She wish her Bihaan comes to help her and take care of everything and bring their Bani back. Lovely comes to the room and says Aryan suspects her presence and she can’t thus let Thapki live here anymore. She was about to push Thapki out of the room when Thapki turns to slap her. Lovely couldn’t bear the slap but Thapki holds Lovely’s hand. Lovely reminds Thapki about Bani and says she will just call and get Bani killed. 

Thapki tells her to rethink, if they kill Bani what will happen to her then. She is silent only because Bani is alive, but if Bani won’t live she would not spare Lovely. Thapki says Lovely never realizes what a mother can do to revenge the life of her child. Thapki says if Bani is her liability, its Lovely’s liability as well. Even Lovely was trapped in the net she spread for herself. She swears to Bani’s blood Lovely won’t be safe if something happens to Bani. Lovely tells Thapki if she attempts to hold a hand over her again, she won’t spare both Thapki and Bani. Lovely leaves the room. Thapki cries recalling the video of Bani.

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