Thapki English Written Update Episode 430 Wednesday May 3 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-05-02 20:40:06 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 430 Wednesday May 3 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 430

Wednesday May 3 2023

Kosi was packing her bags thinking no one would trust her in spite of bringing her a huge proof. It’s better for her to leave this house, before she is thrown out forcibly. She foresee her conditions in the slums where she must now live. She turns to find Bani standing at the door, Kosi says Bani got whatever she wished for; her parents and family. If possible, she must remember her real grandmother sometime. Bani takes her bags and says she won’t leave anywhere. Kosi complains for wrapping her in the mattress and throwing her away. Bani says she also wants to find the truth, Kosi assures she is telling the lie. She asks if she has ever found Aryan do a single job that Bihaan used to do? She gives her clues from the past events. Bani says this doesn’t bring about the truth. Kosi says she suspects that stranger since day one, then confirms if Bani would be in her favor? She cheers and was determined to bring the truth to Bani, proving Thapki as the biggest betrayer.

Thapki and Suman were discussing about the menu. Thapki says there must be a counter for Chinese as well, with Spring roll and Chi…. Chi… (She was unable to pronounce it). Aryan corrects her easily. Bani comes to remind them Bihaan never easily pronounced it, how come he learnt it now. Aryan says he can even cook it now, fifteen years is a long time to learn. Bani says Thapki hasn’t changed, its only Bihaan who changed. Bani requests to let her go to meet her friend. Thapki forbids her and upon Bani’s insistence gets angry. Kosi tells Bani to go and make Thapki up as she is her mother. Bani suggests Tina and Bihaan must come together like they used to make up Thapki’s mind in their childhood.

Bani keenly observes Aryan as he plays the guitar like Bihaan. Kosi was worried as soon as Aryan begins to dance with them just like Bihaan. Thapki also miss Bihaan. Bani was left open-mouthed. After the dance, Aryan announces that one thing is still left and bring a Taaj Mehal decoration piece to Thapki and reminds he could never forget the identity of their love. Thapki holds the Taaj Mehal, Aryan says ‘Gajab’ as Thapki has agreed. Bani comes to hug Aryan, she was weepy and says she doesn’t want to go to her friend anymore; she didn’t want to hurt Thapki and leave. Everyone leave too. Thapki says this is how knowledge about the past is important, she told him about the minor details for this day. Aryan boasts about remembering these details.

In the room, Bani curses herself for suspecting her father. She tells Kosi that now they won’t do anything against her father. Kosi wonders how she would now prove that the stranger isn’t their Bihaan.

At the temple, Vasundra tells everyone about the rules of fasting, husbands had to hold their wives up on stairs and help their partner break the fast. Tina boasts Samar would do it easily. Thapki requests Vasundra to let the children do this ritual. Vasu says they have been away from each other for long and it’s needed in their relation. Munna holds Bani, Samar takes Tina upstairs. Vasundra notices Thapki and Aryan were still there. Aryan finally holds Thapki upstairs. Tina takes a selfie as memory for doing something together. Her phone slips. Samar bends her down and she fell half way. Tina was teary but Samar assures everything is fine. Bani looks around and tells Munna no one can see them here, she demands him to be put down. She tells Munna that his bag is there behind the temple, he must leave for Mumbai as this is the best chance he leaves. Munna tells her to take care of herself. Bani hugs him after thanking him for doing what he has done for her till today. Munna leaves with a heavy heart.

Upstairs, Thapki tells Aryan to put her down as Vasu is no more watching them and he won’t be able to do it. Aryan takes it as challenge and carries Thapki till the hall of temple. He turns to leave as he has won the challenge. Kosi brings Bani to a side and says she would get the proof today. If this Bihaan is a stranger, Thapki would never let him break her fast.

Aryan watches Vasu coming upstairs, he brings a pot of water for Thapki to break her fast. Kosi and Bani observes his actions as he had his eyes on Vasundra. He brings the pot of water to Thapki. Thapki pushes the pot of water off his hand saying only husband breaks a fast of his wife, and they aren’t spouses. He isn’t her Bihaan, he is Aryan Khanna. Bani was taken aback, tears roll down her eyes. Vasundra comes to the temple worried that the pot of water for her fast fell off. Thapki lies that she has already broken her fast, she says she drank water and handed the pot to Bihaan but it fell down. Vasu boasts about the true relation of husband and wife. Bani was furious and was about to speak but Kosi holds her hand back.

Aryan asks Bani about Munna. Vasundra asks Bani to reply. Kosi laughs saying Munna had to go for some important task so he left. Vasundra calls everyone else for Pooja.

Later, Kosi stops Bani on the way. Bani asks why Kosi stopped everyone, she must have revealed her mother’s reality who brought a stranger as her father to home. Kosi says Thapki is very cunning, she could have make up an excuse. Bani says this time Thapki won’t be able to do anything. Kosi says only Thapki hurt her, not the whole family; Bani must only punish Thapki. She advices her to keep this secret as her power card and reveal it at the right time. She must play a trick with Thapki such that Thapki shatters and is disgraced in front of the whole world. Bani was determined to become a devil now and defeat Thapki in this game.

Munna cries thinking about Bani as he gets into the car. Aryan comes there and asks where he is leaving, what such important. Munna doesn’t reply and asks him to leave. Aryan says he has nothing important than Munna, he must demand what he wants. Munna cries hugging Aryan, Aryan also cries hugging him. Munna says Bani doesn’t want to marry him and told him to leave. Munna says he can’t hurt Bani as he always wants Bani to stay happy. Aryan asks what’s the guarantee that Bani lives happy when he has left. Aryan says no one would force, but love would get love; he will make this marriage possible.

Vasundra was sitting with Tina as he was crying. Tina asks how she can do this to Samar, Thapki was clueless. Tina says Samar’s mother told them about the drama. Tina says Thapki went to Samar and questions why he wants to ruin her channel’s reputation, what was the need to insult the minister. She said she was mistaken when she gave him favors earlier, it is either her order or an advice but he won’t step into Channel’s office until he marries Tina. Thapki stood clueless. Tina says that work is Samar’s life, she pleads Thapki not to hurt Samar. Tina leaves the hall. Vasundra scolds Thapki for making her upset. She says if Tina wants so, Samar would go to office and work there. Thapki cries silently and comes to Bani’s room angrily. Bani was swirling the keys on rocking chair. Thapki asks if Bani went to Samar’s house as Thapki. She reminds Bani promised to begin a new relation. Bani stands up in Thapki’s attire. Thapki asks what she did now.

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