Thapki English Written Update Episode 397 Friday March 24, 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-03-22 19:55:45 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 397 Friday March 24, 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 397

Friday March 24 2023

The house is in heat, Sankara and Shraddha want Thapki to leave. But, Bihaan comes towards Thapki and says she hasn't only saved Tina’s life, but also his life and will never forget her favor. Thapki says Tina is her daughter, she is like Bani to her. Bihaan asks her then why should she make Tina sad and says they have built a special relation with her and requests her to stay till his marriage. Thapki says she can do anything for his happiness and agrees to stay. Shraddha fumes angrily. Sankara asks her to do something and says their plan is backfiring. Shraddha asks Dhruv to say something and don’t stay silent. Dhruv says Bihaan have bear so much in these 7 years and never asked anything. So being that a stranger can do anything for him, then they have nothing to do but to let Thapki stay till his marriage. Thapki looks on.

Later Bihaan is seated outside. Dhruv goes to him and inquires whether everything is okay with him coz he is seated alone worried outside. Bihaan says he was restless. Dhruv asks if he agreed to marry Sankara happily. Bihaan says Tina likes her and her happiness matters to him a lot. He says he agreed for Tina’s happiness and she needs a mother. Dhruv asks him to tell him if he don’t want to marry Sankara, then he will break this marriage. He goes.

Bihaan also walks on and meets Thapki seated at a corner. His eyes are so glued on Thapki that he wonders why he can't set his eyes off her. He wonders about the relation between them that can't let him stop thinking about her. He leaves. Vasu comes to Thapki and sees her crying. Thapki says Bihaan is feeling their love, but couldn’t understands his emotions because of memory loss. Vasu says he is helpless, but her (Thapki) is not helpless so she shouldn't watch someone break her house. She asks Thapki how can she give anyone a chance to snatch her husband. Thapki says she will end Shraddha and Sankara’s game and will not let the Sankara marry Bihaan.

Veer and Anu are playing with spider man toy. Shraddha passes by going to meet a messanger. They engages her with their game, but she tells them to play calmly and not to disturb her. She goes to the doctor’s assistant and asks what brought him there.He tells he has been called by the Doctor to bring Bihaan new medicine in replacement of the initial fake ones. Shraddha wonders who made that call coz she never did. Assistant adds that she said that her and Sankara have made Bihaan’s mind weak since years from the fame medicine. Shraddha suspects Sankara might have ordered the medicines and gets it from him.

She comes to room to keep the medicines and thinks 3-4 medicines are already here. She then hears the recording and gets shocked. Thapki comes. Shraddha is shocked and is about to take out the memory card, from Thapki questioning if she is the one behind the recording. Thapki says she kept camera in Veer’s toy. Shraddha asks if she will show it to everyone. Thapki says no, and says she will blackmail her just as she has been blackmailing her. She asks her to give the letter and take the chip, and end the game. Shraddha refuses to give letter. Thapki says she will show the recording to everyone. Shraddha agrees to give letter, and tells that she will take a revenge on her soon. She gives letter to Thapki.

Thapki tears the letter and gives the memory card to Shraddha. Shraddha says also cuts the memory card with scissor and says Thapki can’t blackmail her now. Thapki reveals to her that it is shraddha who can’t blackmail her (Thapki), but she (Thapki)can blackmail Shraddha right away coz she has an extra mem left. She shows the other mem card to her and says she has another recording as she knows they can do anything to blackmail her again. She says Bihaan was hers and will always be hers only. Thapki leaves.

On her way out, Sankara collides with her and asks if she is shattered with her marriage. Thapki says it will be last day for her in the house. Sankara looks on. Sankara switched the mem card with a recording she made on Thapki.

Dhruv comes to storeroom to search his file. Thapki comes there and says she knows that he don’t want Sankara to marry Bihaan and asks him to see the proof which will change his perception about her. Dhruv checks the recording. Sankara and Shraddha come there. Thapki is shocked as the recording is something else. Dhruv sees Thapki threatening Shraddha in the video and telling that Bihaan is hers and she will not let Sankara marry him. Thapki is shocked. Sankara recalls recording Thapki and Shraddha’s conversation and colliding with Thapki intentionally and changing the memory card cleverly. She smirks looking at Shraddha.

Thapki asks Dhruv to watch the video and says that is not the video which she wanted to show him. Sankara pretends to be cryinv and says she haven’t seen a cunning woman like her before. Shraddha says she left Bihaan and eloped with her lover Kabir and enjoyed. Now she came back and don’t want Bihaan to marry Sankara. Thapki tells Dhruv that they are giving fake medicine to Bihaan and are responsible for his condition. Dhruv doesn’t believe her and tells her he trusted her, but she betrayed him and everyone. He says they have brought up good and took care of Bihaan and he is alive because of her. Vasu comes and says Thapki is betrayed by them and says they have been troubling Thapki a lot. Dhruv doesn’t believe Vasu and says she has used me, Bihaan and then with Kabir. He says I won’t bear if she stays after Bihaan’s marriage. He asks her not to dare and stop the marriage.

Shraddha claps and says you both are a good actresses. She says she didn’t know that Vasu and Thapki are supporting each other. She tells that the letter was useless, but now the weapon against her is big….Dhruv and his hatred. She says she will use Dhruv and will kick her out. She says if this budiya/old woman supports Thapki then she will kick her out also. Vasu shouts Shraddha. Shraddha asks her to shut up. Shraddha illtreats Vasu and threatens to cut her finger. Thapki asks how dare she raise her hand to slap Vasu. She wants to slap Shraddha. Shraddha holds her hand and asks her to see Sankara and Bihaan getting married, and leave with her daughter. Thapki says Sankara and Bihaan can’t unite as Thapki and Bihaan have never separated. She gives her open challenge and says she can do whatever she can, but she(Thapki) won’t let Sankara and Bihaan marry.

Later in the inhouse temple, Sankara and Thapki are doing aarti. Sankara tells Thapki that she can do prayers as much as she want, but will not get Bihaan as he is hers now. She says Bihaan will apply marriage symbol on her forehead and will burn holika with her in the night and says you can just stand and see.Thapki stays quite. She asks her to answer. Thapki says my God will answer you from my side. Sankara says," I will show you and your God, Bihaan belongs to me".

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