Thapki English Written Update Episode 384 Thursday March 9 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-03-08 18:52:20 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 384  Thursday March 9 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 384

Thursday March 9 2023

Tina is so impressed with Thapki after noticing her good and cool nature. She gets overwhelmed by joy and openly tells Thapki that Thapki is so nice. She leaves for her class while Thapki is left thinking about their experience. On the other side, Bihaan is coming to see Tina. He puts on some random coat so he can hide himself from a watchman who is keenly pursuing him.

Right on time, Thapki comes matching in admirable strides stepping majestically, one at a time, in steps that no queen has ever made on this planet. Bihaan has hidden behind a wall perpendicular to Thapki’s path, as well as watchman’s pursuit route. The watchman is just about to match in long steps that can only cost him three moves to catch up with Bihaan’s hiding place. Bihaan quickly uses Thapki for cover. He pulls Thapki and instructs her never to make any move or try to turn around and then flees when the watchman had done a no fruity job.


During all that time, Thapki felt Bihaan’s presence even though she never saw his face. This makes her open her eyes so wide and looks for him but in vain. She then concludes maybe she was just imagining that that guy was Bihaan, but then wonders who the guy could be. Tina has gone to class and she is in the same class as Bani.


What an unlucky man! The eagle-eyed watchman who seemed to have done zero job of pursuing Bihaan finally catches him in a fish and a bait-like battle trap. The watchman is accusing Bihaan of entering the school without any permission citing he must be a thief. After all, he has stolen a coat, Shukla Ji’s coat. Bibaan is now in hot soup. How will he get out of it? He says it out clearly that he is the father to none other than Tina Pandey and took the coat to meet Tina and take it back on his return trip. Bani on hearing this, looks at him so keenly. Tina steps in and says he is her father.


Thapki was still being disturbed by feelings and emotions, which kept dragging her to wait and see her husband. She sees Bihaan and gets overwhelmed by emotions prompting the flow of crocodile tears down the slope of her smooth and sloppy cheeks leaving two marks of parallel rails that can be translated to number 11.


She remembers every happy moment she shared with Bihaan, moments that every lady in love wouldn’t wish to forget about even when in the grave. She confesses how much she loves Bihaan and can’t leave without him. This comes to a true picture-like when the electric love between them triggers her leg muscles which relax and flex proportionately in a continuous accord propelling her at a supersonic speed towards Bihaan.


The teacher tells Bihaan that their institution has rules that guide how parents can meet their children. She adds that no one is allowed to meet a student without a permission. Most importantly, she cites that constantly visiting a child at school can deter them from adjusting to school life so quickly. In short, they will suffer from home sickness more often.


“Education is Light!.” Initially Bihaan could not even utter an English word and if he did he would leave others exposing their inner teeth and gums to face the reality of the outside world (laugh). Guess what? Bihaan never ashamed himself but conjoined to his environment and did as one who when in Rome: “when you go to Rome do as the Romans do”. He intelligently replied back in fluent English quoting, ‘I am my daughter’s strength and not her weakness. If I come to meet her, she will get motivated to study and not divert her mind. Surely, I will come to you next time, request for a permission and meet my daughter’. A statement which the teacher agreed to.


Thapki is about to touch Bihaan but quickly remembers Shraddha’s threats. She stops and reminds herself that she has to stay away from Bihaan for him to continue staying alive.

Tina is so impressed by Bihaan’s fluency in English and tells him that he can cool anyone’s anger. Bihaan responds to her with a huge YES before telling her it is already late he will come back to her the following day. Thapki’s memory is still fresh in Tina’s mind just like senior kiongos will forever be in your mind. She narrates to Bihaan how she met her classmate’s mother who hugged her like her momma and made her wish it was her mum hugging her that way.


Thapki recalls hearing Bihaan saying he is Tina’s father and remembers even her, she felt some connection with the little angel. Bani comes to her and calls her chuk gaadi. This makes Thapki to ask her why she gets angry when her mum is getting teased by other people but herself she teases her. Bani replies to her, “Why did you support Tina Today.”


Instead of replying directly, Thapki tells her to go do her homework and not to fight with Tina. Bani promises never to fight her anymore, in case they meet again. Thapki is now in dilemma. She knows Tina and Bani will be meeting daily and by chance Bani meets and recognises herself with Bihaan, how will things be? She thinks of transferring Bani to a different school to distant her from Bihaan, just as she is.


Back at school, some pupils tease Tina to talk while stammering. They misbehave with her, a behaviour which Bani finds unpleasant. She moves with speed without further ado and protects Tina from their uncouth motive. She takes a step further and warns them against teasing Tina again. The pupils feel sorry for their ill-hidden intention and apologizes to Bani and Tina, with a promise that they won’t repeat the same again. Bani then extends a friendship hand to Tina. Just as any other could, Tina questions Bani why she has protected her yet she was angry at her a few minutes back. All Tina’s unrest are summarized in as simple, but clear response “FRIENDS!” They both smile at each other, happily.

It is the D-day for Bihaan’s departure. He goes to Tina’s school and informs the Principal that they are leaving but before then, he wants to see his daughter first. Thapki is thrilled to hear him talk in English and remembers the promise he made to her that he will study hard and get educated.

The principal gives in to Bihaan’s request and orders him to wait for Tina in the library, a teacher has gone for her. As Bihaan walks inside the library, Thapki walks hurriedly in a hide and seek code and hides inside the library.


Back at home, Veer and Anu are back. They call Shraddha to inform her about their progress at school, just as any other kid could do. Anu tells Shraddha that their School is set to participate in inter-school competition. The most interesting of all is that both of them have been chosen to represent their school in various competitions. Anu is chosen in 5 competitions. Shraddha gets happy for her and kisses her over the phone and then questions what Veer will be representing their school in; Veer says running…


Bihaan disappeared unknowingly and Dhruv can’t get enough of it. He calls the inspector asking him whether he has any leads concerning Bihaan’s whereabouts. Shraddha comes to Dhruv. She wants them to make it out for few days. Dhruv tries to deflect claiming Bihaan is missing and they can’t be away. Shraddha persuades him that going out won’t be for her but for the kids. She gets Dhruv informed that the kids are participating in a competition in a boarding school and he should just agree to make them happy. Dhruv inquires about the school, which Anu says “Valley International School”- The School where Dhruv got Tina enrolled, as he reveals to Shraddha.


Shraddha makes a phone call to Valley International school principal asking how Tina is fairing. The Principal gives her light that she is quite fine, all because of her dad. Dad! Shraddha is shocked on hearing Bihaan is at Tina’s school. She tells Dhruv that Bihaan is very clever, they are worried about him for no reason. Balu gives orders that they are going to Tina’s school right away.


Back at the School Library, Thapki hides. Bihaan’s comes and stands right next to the books where she hides. Her “Lesso’’ gets stuck on the books and Bihaan gives it back to her. Just as any other lady could have experienced, Thapki gets very emotional and finds it difficult to cope up with the current situation she is in. She walks straight to the Principal with a request to be allowed to transfer Bani to another school. She plans to do this because she is afraid of Bihaan and Bani recognising each other.


She tells the principal that she want to transfer Bani to another school right away. The principal is astonished by such an unexpected move. She asks Thapki what makes her want to transfer Bani. The principal doesn’t know how secretive Thapki lest she couldn’t have asked for a reason. Thapki replies warmly, “out of my personal reasons which I can’t tell.” Left with no option, the principal asks her to, at least, leave Bani attend an annual function that is on in few days’ time before she transfers her. Thapki agrees hoping that Bani and Bihaan don’t meet.

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