Thapki English Written Update Episode 378 Thursday February 23, 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-02-04 19:03:12 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 378  Thursday February 23, 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 378

Thursday February 23, 2023


Sankara acts and folds her hands, tells that Kosi went to village and she is alone, says she will never trouble him. Thapki keeps Bihaan’s hand on her head and gives promise. Thapki asks Bihaan to forgive Sankara for her sake. Bihaan says I can do anything for you and says I will forgive her. Inspector asks bihaan to sign on the papers. He goes. Sankara tells Thapki that now she has to convince Bihaan for the deal else she will give signed papers to Police. She calls Bihaan and says I want to tell you…..just then she feels labor pains. Bihaan takes her to hospital. Sankara is angry.


Bihaan takes her to hospital and calls Doctor. Doctor says her condition is serious and says they have to operate her. Bihaan tells Thapki that nothing can happen to her. Kabir comes there. Everyone is surprised to see him there, and asks how come you are here? Thapki holds Kabir’s hand shocking Bihaan and says I called him here, and tells Bihaan that this baby is of Kabir and not yours. Bihaan and Kabir are shocked. Everyone is shocked too. Thapki faints and is taken to the OT. Sankara says you have broken Bihaan’s heart on my sayings. Bihaan says she is lying being scared. Kabir recalls Thapki asking him to help her. Kabir says I can’t betray Bihaan like this and hurt his heart. Thapki gives him promise and asks him to help her being her friend. Kabir promises to her and thinks Thapki needs Bihaan at this time.


Thapki thinks she lied to Bihaan and screams in pain. Sankara thinks she have to do something and make the baby go far from Thapki and Bihaan. She thinks of an idea. Thapki is critical and apologizes to Bihaan in unconscious state. Doctor comes out and tells Bihaan that she is critical, and asks them to get ready for any news. Bihaan cries. Balwinder says nothing will happen to her. Doctor operates Thapki. Bihaan goes to temple and asks God to save his Thapki and take his life instead. He cries and rings the temple bell. Thapki delivers baby. Doctor thanks God and says her loved ones prayers are answered today and saved her from death. He says both mother and daughters are fine. He says Thapki gave birth to twin daughters


 Nurse keeping Thapki’s babies in the ward. Sankara comes there secretly and thinks what if Thapki melts down seeing the babies, and thinks to kidnap both. Just then she hears Doctor coming there and hides. Doctor sees only one baby and calls Nurse. Nurse says she kept baby here only. They search for the baby in the ward, as if baby went by herself. Doctor says if Thapki or her family come to know that twin girls are born, but one is stolen then they will file case on our hospital and get it close. Nurse suggests him to tell them that they could save only one baby. Doctor agrees. He comes out and tells everyone that your prayers are answered. Thapki is save. Balwinder asks about babies. Doctor says she gave birth to twin daughters, but we couldn’t save one. They all get sad. Bihaan is in the temple. Dhruv calls him and tells that that Thapki is fine, and he was blessed with two girls, but Doctor could save only one. Bihaan gets sad hearing this and asks God if this is your answer. You have treated Thapki, and snatched my baby. He says I am going….and leaves.



Sankara brings baby to road and says I wanted to kill both of you, but I got just you, and asks her to die and suffer for her mum’s deeds. She takes a wooden box and cover it on the baby and goes. It shows that people are going on bike. Bihaan hears baby sound and sees baby as the tokri moves from baby. He runs and saves the baby just as truck is about to crush her. He says God gave me the baby this way and promises baby that he will never let her go, and says Thapki will be happy to see her. Thapki cries for her baby. Preeti asks her to see the baby who is alive. Bihaan comes and says your other daughter is here. Sankara is shocked and recalls keeping the baby on road to make her die. Bihaan says God has snatched our baby and gave other. He says he found baby on road.


Sankara thinks Thapki’s babies is like her, and is unhurt. Balwinder asks him to get baby checked. Aditi says I will get her checked. Bihaan sees baby and holds her hand. Sankara says Thapki said that this baby is of Kabir. Preeti says you said that you have changed and asks her to stand silently. Bihaan says Thapki said that due to stress. Dhruv asks if he is right. Thapki recalls Sankara’s threat and tells him that this baby is of Kabir. Bihaan gets up shocked and refuses to accept. He asks Kabir to make her understand and says you said that your marriage was fake with her. Kabir says Thapki is saying truth. Bihaan slaps him and asks Thapki to tell why she is lying and asks why she is helpless. He says I won’t let anything happen to you and asks her to tell. Thapki says I have told what I wanted. I am going with my daughter and Kabir, and asks him to take her from there. Bihaan cries.


Doctor checks baby and says she is fine. He don’t recognize baby, strange. Sankara comes there and says your father saved you, but I will see who will save you this time. Shraddha comes and slaps her hard. She says what you think that you will fool me like others. She shows the papers and says you are blackmailing Thapki with this paper and hugs her. She says you have done well. She asks why you want to kill this baby. Sankara says this baby will unite them. Shraddha asks her to use her mind and tells that Thapki is going and asks why she is scared. She asks her to take revenge on the baby and says she will lie, but due to your fear. Aditi hears them and says so this is the truth. She says I will tell truth to Bihaan. Shraddha asks Sankara to stop Aditi. Ranjha song plays……….Bihaan cries badly. All the family members look on sad.


 Bihaan trying to stop Thapki and says whatever you said is a lie, I knew it, and asks him not to leave him. Thapki turns her face. Kabir says lets go. He takes Thapki and baby with him. Aditi comes to Bihaan and says Bihaan ji. He stops his bike and tells Aditi that he don’t believe Thapki. Aditi tells her everything that Sankara and Shraddha are behind Thapki’s lie. Bihaan shouts Sankara and gets angry. He asks Aditi to sit on his bike. They follow ambulance. Shraddha says there is only one way and hits Aditi and Bihaan with a truck. They fall unconscious and severely wounded. Shraddha says what they thought that they will stop Thapki and says Thapki have to go from here so that we can rule on Pandey house.

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