Thapki English Written Update Episode 377 Wednesday February 22, 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-02-04 19:01:40 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 377  Wednesday February 22, 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 377

Wednesday February 22, 2023


Kosi says you was sitting in Goad bharayi naa. Suman reveals her face and says she was sitting instead of Thapki. Kosi asks where Sankara is. Bihaan brings Sankara and says she is here. Bihaan tells her that Sankara went to room to take her phone, but Thapki came out instead of her. Kosi tries to slap Thapki for coming in her way again. Thapki holds her hand and asks her never to dare to do this again and says this time Bihaan will punish you and not me. Bihaan says you have proved that you can’t be mum and says scolds her. Thapki gives remote to Dhruv and says they have diffused 5 bombs, but there may be many. Dhruv says he has called bomb squad and Police and they can come at any time. Bihaan says Police will come and arrest you. Sankara runs and picks a farming knife, and keeps it on Thapki’s neck.


Kosi applauds for Sankara. Shraddha takes her inside to tie her. Sankara asks Thapki to sit in car and drives fast. Bihaan follows them on his bike. Sankara asks Thapki to drive fast and says today your game will end. Thapki is shocked and looks back at Bihaan. They reach a valley. Sankara asks her to get down the car. Thapki shouts Bihaan. Sankara asks her to walk till cliff. Thapki screams and says my baby. Sankara says I will kill her. Bihaan says if anything happens to our baby then I will not leave you. Pandey family also comes there. Bihaan asks Sankara to leave Thapki. Sankara says she will push Thapki off the cliff. Dhruv and Balwinder asks her to leave Thapki. Aditi asks Sankara to leave her sister. He takes a small stone on his foot and makes the stone fall on Sankara’s hand. Sankara tries to push Thapki off the cliff.


 Sankara trying to push Thapki off the cliff, but Bihaan holds Thapki on time and Sankara gets pushed mistakenly by Bihaan. Sankara falls and holds stone asking Bihaan to save her. Bihaan holds her hand and tries to save her. Even Thapki tries to save her, but Bihaan holds her hand for long and she falls down the cliff. Sankara shouts Bihaan ji while falling in the cliff. Bihaan is shocked and shouts Sankara. Everyone present there gets shocked. Bihaan tells Balwinder that he didn’t do anything. Thapki says you tried to save her, but…..Inspector comes and accuses Bihaan for killing Sankara and says you are under arrest for her murder charges. Bihaan says I tried to save her, and she fell down. Thapki and Dhruv give statement in Bihaan’s favor. Inspector says we have heard Bihaan giving threat to Sankara and says you are under arrest. Bihaan is shocked. Inspector arrests Bihaan…..Mera Ranjha plays……………Thapki, Dhruv and Balwinder tries to stop, but in vain. Thapki shouts and cries taking his name. Bihaan looks at Thapki while going in Police jeep. Thapki cries badly.


Thapki comes to the Police station and asks what has happened and blames herself. Bihaan says Police have a misunderstanding and says I tried to save Sankara. Thapki says Police is against you and asks what to do to free you from here. Bihaan says you only says that truth always win and says my truth will not lose. He asks her not to lose faith and asks her to take care of herself, their baby and all family members. Thapki says I will bail you out soon and asks him not to worry. Kosi comes and says Bihaan will be hanged. Thapki is shocked to see Kosi free, how a criminal can is walking freely. Kosi tells that even God can’t save Bihaan and tells that she has hired a lawyer who got 55 people hanged and says Bihaan’s number is 56. Thapki says Bihaan didn’t do anything. Lawyer says Police will give statement against him and he will be my 56th number to be hanged. Kosi claps and asks her to get ready to see Bihaan’s death and to become a widow. Thapki says nothing will happen to my Bihaan.


Thapki tells Bihaan that nothing will happen to him. Constable asks her to go. Bihaan asks her to promise and take care of herself and their baby. Thapki cries. Bheege Naina song plays……Thapki goes to temple and recalls Sankara falling down in the valley and Police accusing Bihaan. She asks God, why she separated them, as they met after facing lots of troubles and separation. She says you made our Jodi and asks if they are destined to stay separately. She says this is our baby, and I thought our relation will get a new identity, but now how to save Bihaan as the law is against him. She asks how you let wrong can happen with us. She rings the temple bell and sees dummy hanging, gets shocked and shouts. Sankara comes there alive and says this is just a dummy and real Bihaan will be hanged.


Thapki asks are you alive? Sankara says I am alive, what you thought that I am dead and tells that she held the tree branch and climbed up slowly. She says it was decided before how to fall and climb up. She says that bombs was fake, so that you can expose me and then I can play my game and take you near the cliff. She says Bihaan tried to pull me up, but I take off my hand from his hand. Thapki says nothing will happen to Bihaan as you are alive. Sankara says I will hide in the pataal yog and will never come infront of anybody. She says you will never find me. She says Bihaan will be hanged and you can continue cry and plead infront of God, but this God will not help you, but I can save Bihaan and can give him another life. She says you have to do something in exchange. Thapki asks what you want. Sankara asks why you are getting shocked, and asks if you will agree or will let Bihaan die. Thapki says she is ready to do anything. Sankara says I knew that you will agree as you loves him. Thapki asks what I have to do. Sankara shows the papers and says it is your neck rope which will be with me.


She says it is written that real Sankara is dead and I am her look alike and you are betraying the law to free Bihaan. Thapki asks why you are doing this. Sankara says I am doing this to cut your feathers, else your baby will not see his baby’s face. She says I will kill your family with real bomb and asks who will save them now. She asks her to save Bihaan or….Thapki asks what do you want? Sankara smiles…


Bihaan is freed from police station. Balwinder hugs him. Bihaan hugs Thapki and says I knew you will protect me. Nothing can happen to me when you are with me. Thapki cries. Sankara says I got you out. Bihaan is shocked and says I will tell Police. Thapki says I have forgiven her. Sankara smirks. Bihaan asks what you are saying. Thapki says Sankara came to me and told me how she fell down from the cliff and how she saved herself. She says Sankara apologized to me and told that she will help him and save him from punishment. Bihaan says Thapki. Thapki says we shall take her home. Aditi asks what you are saying, she tried to kill you. Thapki says where she will go and says she is changed. Bihaan says I don’t want to see her face. Balwinder asks her not to trust Sankara. Bihaan asks her to come.

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