Thapki English Written Update Episode 373 Friday February 17, 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-02-04 18:53:00 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 373  Friday February 17, 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 373

Friday February 17, 2023

Sankara repeats that Bihaan had not burnt her house. She says as he couldn’t do, I had done his work. Bihaan gets up shocked. Sankara says how do you know this? Thapki says crime and criminal can’t be hidden for long. She says when Neha came to our house, that day you went to her house. A fb is shown, Sankara goes to Neha’s burnt house and says I have burnt her house and today she landed in my house. Thapki hears her. She says I will make Neha against you and make Bihaan go far away from you. Neha cries, goes near Sankara and slaps her. She hugs Thapki crying. Sankara says you are my friend, listen to me. Neha says you can’t be anyone’s friend and cries. Kabir also cries. Sankara pours something in the fish bowl. Sankara cries and shouts... She looks at her body. Thapki says nothing has happened to you. She asks Neha, shall we tell truth to her. She says you tried to make me mad, and I had just done some acting to bring your truth out, and asked Neha’s help.


Neha says I knew your truth and that’s why decided to support her. She says I will make you understand. A fb is shown. Thapki tells Neha that she will prove that Bihaan is innocent and says he had not burnt your house. She asks her to give a chance and support her to nab the real culprit. Neha asks what I have to do. Thapki says you have to make Sankara believe that you want to kill me along with her. She asks if you will help me. Neha nods and gives her approval. Shraddha asks about blood coming in Thapki’s eyes. Thapki says it was all acting. An fb is shown. Thapki sees Neha about to put something in fish water and pours some red color in her eyes. She then pretends that blood is coming out from her eye. Fb ends. Thapki says I acted to fly high in air. An fb is shown, Thapki uses rope to get lifted in air and switches off lights so that nobody can see the rope. Fb ends. Bihaan asks about her dance and asked how she had broken the bed. Thapki says it was acting too and tells that she had cut the bed and made it fall, to make them belief that she is possessed by ghost. She says Vasudhara and Neha helped her. Everyone is shocked.


 Thapki telling everyone that Vasudhara helped her along with Neha. Vasudhara tells her that she trust Thapki a lot and she is a daughter for her, and will support her always. Kabir asks how you can do this with my sister, being a woman. He says I thought Bihaan is guilty, and says you are guilty of even Bihaan and Thapki. Bihaan says if we punish her then what will be difference left between us. Kabir says Thapki says right that you are really good and apologizes to Bihaan, Thapki and everyone. Meanwhile Sankara tries to free her hands. Kabir says whatever I have done with her is wrong, she is all yours. Bihaan says you are not at fault, it all happened because of misunderstanding, now there is no complains and forgiveness. Sankara gets up from chair seeing everyone busy, picks knife kept there and keeps on Thapki’s neck. Dhruv asks her to leave Thapki. Sankara says I will kill her and cut her neck. Vasudhara asks her to leave her bahu.



Sankara says I am your bahu and will always be. Bihaan asks her to leave Thapki. Sankara says I have suffered a lot and bear Kosi’s tortures thinking I will get you and you never loved me. She says it would have been good if I had killed Thapki along with her baby, that day in car accident. Thapki, Bihaan and others are shocked to know about Sankara being the real culprit. Sankara says that was not an accident, it was a murder. I have killed your and Thapki’s baby. A fb is shown, Thapki is hit by a car. Fb ends.


Bihaan is angry. Sankara says although baby died, but she got saved. Bihaan shouts and says I am breaking all my relations with you, and says your love is curse for me. You have killed my baby and if you do anything to Thapki then….Preeti is holding the pot in the balcony. Vasudhara sees her and signs Bihaan. Kabir also sees her and asks Sankara to move. Preeti throws cow dung on Sankara. Bihaan pulls Thapki towards him. Sankara is shocked and angry. Vasudhara says you deserves this and appreciates Preeti. Shraddha tries to hold her. Sankara runs. Bihaan is running after her, but Thapki stops him and says Sankara will be caught and will not dare to return back home. Vasudhara says Thapki made everything fine.


Vasudhara tells Bihaan that Thapki has been waiting for him. Bihaan says even I was waiting for you, and asks her to make his moti buddhi right. Thapki says how I can change your good heart. Bihaan bends down on his knees and apologizes to her. Thapki asks him to get up and apologizes to him for doubting him for their baby’s death. Bihaan says I can’t live without you. Thapki says even I can’t live without you. Oh Ranjhana plays……Everyone claps. Bihaan and Thapki have an emotional hug and union.


Later Thapki and Bihaan comes to the accident spot where they had lost their baby. Bihaan cries and calls himself unfortunate for not knowing about his baby’s existence when he was in the world. He apologizes to his baby for not being able to protect him. Thapki says you haven’t done any mistake as you was unaware. Bihaan asks her to tell their baby to return. Thapki says our baby will return just as our happiness returned. They put bouquet on the accident spot and cry together.


They come back home and see everyone busy with the arrangement. Shraddha and Preeti make Thapki sit. Bihaan wonders what is happening. Balwinder is talking to someone about the arrangements. Aditi comes and says she has invited the guests. Bihaan asks why? Vasudhara tells that today is yours and Thapki’s marriage. Bihaan is surprised and happy. Preeti says if he don’t want to marry then it is okay. Bihaan says I want to marry and I want this marriage to be permanent and fixed so that we never get separated again. Thapki says we want our lost happiness back. Kabir says this is not possible as this marriage can’t happen. Everyone is shocked. Kabir says it seems you have forgotten your divorce papers and Thapki and my marriage certificate. He says these are fake just as our relation. He tears the papers and throws in air. He smiles and says nobody can stop your marriage now. You both are made for each other.

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