Thapki English Written Update Episode 369 Monday February 13, 2023

Thapki English

Posted by kiongos on 2023-02-04 18:46:20 |

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Thapki English Written Update Episode 369  Monday February 13, 2023

Thapki English Written Update Episode 369

Monday February 13, 2023


Thapki wonders if Bihaan heard her answer or not. Bihaan thinks if she is in danger. Sankara asks Neha to stop playing and make Thapki’s car die hitting on the big tree. Thapki crashes her car against the bags. Sankara and Neha are shocked. Sankara says Thapki’s destiny is good. Thapki comes out of car and goes. Kabir says we will take a break. He goes inside and tells the host that he wants to change the game rules. Host says we can’t change the rules. Kabir says I will take back sponsorship. Host agrees. Thapki comes there and asks guard to let her go inside, says she is Bihaan’s wife. He lets her in. Bihaan worries for Thapki. Vasudhara says she will call her. Bihaan feels her presence as she runs inside and says Thapki……Bihaan comes out and looks for her. They see each other. Ranjhana song plays………They look at each other.


Kabir tells Bihaan that he has passed first round successfully and asks what he would like to do with the prize money if he wins. Bihaan says someone have challenged me and prized our respect at 5 crores. I will give that money to him. Kabir says okay and explains Bihaan about the second round, where he would have to risk his life and his loved one have to participate in the game show instead of him. Everyone sees a box which is unveiled.


Kabir tells that he will lock him in the box and his hands will be tied with chain and lock. He says whoever plays this game will have to answer 5 questions correct to get code to unlock the lock. He says whoever is coming to play have to think wisely as there will no option for the questions. The box will not be empty, but will have poisonous gas which can kill him within 5 mins. Balwinder says how they can change the rules. Suman says they have the right to change. Shraddha asks who will go. Vasudhara says I will go. Thapki tells Vasudhara that she will go as she calls her Bihaan’s destiny. Sankara stops Thapki and says he will make Bihaan lose.


Vasudhara stops Sankara and asks Thapki to go. Thapki comes to Bihaan and says she will support him. Kabir says your ex-wife might make you lose. Bihaan shows trust on Thapki and tells that she will never let him lose. Kabir says let’s start the new round. Bihaan walks inside the box and his hands tied by chain. Thapki looks at him. She prays for Bihaan’s victory. Kabir tells the question, what is acute, obtuse and right? Thapki says Angle. Poisonous gas is filling the box. Kabir says right answer. Everyone claps for her. Kabir says Bihaan gets his first code. Thapki tells Bihaan that it is 5.


Kabir says second question, He asks her to complete Sanskrit’s shlok Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu? Thapki completes the shlok. Kabir says correct. Everyone claps for her. Kabir gives next code. Thapki says 9. Bihaan types the next code. Kabir says next question is according to Abhigyana Shakuntalam, as result of which Rishi’s curse did Dushyant forget Shakuntala? Bihaan coughs in the box due to the poisonous chemical flow. Thapki says Rishi Durvasa. Kabir says correct and tells next code 1. Bihaan types 1 in the lock. Thapki asks Kabir to tell next question. Kabir says you need 2 more codes. He says next question is the courts of which of those Grand Slam tournaments is often called as Lal Bajri by the Hindi Media? Thapki thinks of an answer. Everyone is tensed. Thapki sees Bihaan’s condition. Kabir says you have less time, if you doesn’t know answer then Bihaan will lose, but his life will be saved. He asks Thapki not to take revenge from her ex-husband. Dhruv asks Thapki to concentrate and think that you know it.


Thapki closes her eyes…thinks and tells French open tournament. Kabir claps and says brilliant. He says next code is 6. Everyone claps for her. Bihaan types the code in the lock. Kabir says last question, and says it will open Bihaan’s life lock. Bihaan is suffocating. Thapki is tensed. Kabir says next question, Objects appear to weigh less in water than air, True or False. Thapki looks at Bihaan. Bihaan sits in the box and is about to faint. Thapki thinks of an answer. Kabir asks her to leave competition else Bihaan will die. Thapki tells him that nothing will happen to her Bihaan. Kabir says he will die in 2 seconds if you don’t tell. Vasudhara asks Thapki to answer fast. Thapki says answer is true. Everyone waits anxiously. Kabir is shocked and says right answer. Thapki asks Bihaan to type 8 code. She runs to Box. Bihaan opens the lock and comes out of box. They look at each other. Ranjhana song plays…………He hugs Thapki happily. Thapki cries hugging him. Kabir is angry and upset. Neha and Sankara are upset too.


 Kabir telling Bihaan that he has won 2nd round also, and is 2 rounds away from the Prize away. He asks are you happy? Bihaan says yes, I am happy but few people are upset. Kabir says let’s play. Machine starts beeping. Kabir says time is up for today and we will resume the game tomorrow. Vasudhara tells Bihaan that he is her Shravan Kumar, and he will win as Thapki will be with him. Bihaan asks Thapki to take care. They see Dil Se Dil Tak Promo….and tells that even their relation is without name now. Once they were in a relationship, but now. Bihaan says atleast we can see this unique show together. Kabir is angry and takes out his anger. Bihaan comes and says ghajab…and says he is seeing his anger…He says you couldn’t digest my victory. Kabir asks him to see what he does tomorrow, he says I will change your victory to your defeat. Bihaan says Arjun’s focus was on the fish, and I am focused on my victory. Kabir says let’s see who will win.


Bihaan says I will answer you. They have a cold war. Vasudhara asks Kabir to hold on his anger and says if you have challenged him, then get ready to accept defeat also. She asks Bihaan not to get happy about victory before he actually wins, and says it will divert your mind. She asks him to go. Kabir says my motive is also big. Thapki says I will make you win…Bihaan. Sankara scolds Preeti for giving credit to Thapki for saving Bihaan’s life and for getting him victory in 2nd round. Sankara says Bihaan have done everything and risked his life, and asks her not to give credit to Thapki. Bihaan and Vasudhara comes there. Bihaan says he has managed to reached here because of Thapki else wouldn’t have succeeded. Vasudhara asks Sankara not to tell anything against Thapki and says you are in this house because of her only. Sankara gets irked.

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