Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Wednesday May 1 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-04-15 20:52:32 |

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Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Wednesday May 1 2024

Choti Sarrdarni Written Update for Tuesday April 30, 2024

Meher contacts Sarab, expressing concern about Param's excessive use of the tablet and his neglect of personal hygiene. Sarab offers to talk to Harleen, but Meher declines, opting to handle the situation herself with an idea she has in mind.

Meanwhile, Param requests Ajay to prepare pasta. Meher takes Karan and hides away from Param, who starts searching for them. When Sarab inquires about the situation, Meher brushes it off, mentioning she will sit in the lawn to soak up some Vitamin D.

Amrita, prepared for work, is encouraged by Jagga to work from home, but she insists on going together. Kulwant praises Meher's initiative and offers her blessings, while Bitu suspects Meher has something planned.

Meher joins Sarab in the lawn, where she shares her plan to lure Param. She expresses confidence in her ability to convince him. Meanwhile, Param is engrossed in playing.

Despite Sarab's doubts, Harleen entices Param with a muffin, showing her affection for him.

Later, Meher counts down, expecting Param to come to her. However, he doesn't, leaving Meher disappointed. Sarab reassures her, and then he takes action to call Param, who eventually arrives.

Meher embraces him and expresses her concerns, insisting that she'll only accept his apology when he adheres to her schedule.

Meanwhile, Amrita prepares a timetable for Jagga's office and visits him there. She encounters Lovely, who reveals that Jagga is now his client. Amrita agrees to handle the tasks Jagga assigned.

Back at home, Sarab questions how Meher knew Param would come to her. She explains that children instinctively seek out their mothers. Later, Meher finds Param asleep with the tablet hidden under his blanket.

Meher enters Param’s room and uncovers the blanket, finding him engrossed in playing with the tablet.

Kulwant questions the darkness in the house, with Jeeto and Ginni citing their need for rest.

Concerned about food, Kulwant inquires about the status of the roti, suggesting Amrita, now a madam, might know. Yuvi mentions that Mama will arrive in half an hour, prompting Kulwant to take them out.

Meher admonishes Param for playing instead of studying for his upcoming test. She confiscates the tablet and locks it, emphasizing the importance of sticking to his schedule.

Meanwhile, Kulwant receives a distressing call reporting Amrita’s kidnapping and a demand for 25 lakhs in ransom. Panicked, Kulwant tries calling Meher, but with Sarab’s phone off, Jeeto reaches out to Meher, who instructs Harleen to look after Param before rushing to Kulwant’s residence. Upon arrival, Meher briefs Sarab.

Back at home, Param, upset about his tablet being locked, is comforted by Harleen, who offers him another one to play with.

In another scene, Meher arrives at Kulwant's house, ready to negotiate for Amrita's release.

Despite Kulwant's protests, Meher snatches the gun and disguises herself as Kulwant. She assures Yuvi of bringing his mother back safely and leaves, leaving everyone astonished.

Later, Bitu and Rana discuss Kulwant’s absence, with Bitu explaining that their mother orchestrated Amrita's kidnapping to discredit Meher. Meher, disguised as Kulwant, confronts them, and they flee. Meher discovers Amrita unconscious and revives her.

Meher, still in character, calls Sarab and informs him of roping Meher in the plan to rescue Amrita. Sarab supports her decision, praising Meher's adventurous spirit.

Meanwhile, Harleen tries to coax Param into sleeping, reminding him of his test the next day. Param bargains for a little more time to play, eventually agreeing to sleep after ten minutes.

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