Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 15th December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2023-12-05 21:18:55 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 15th December 2023

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Friday 15th December 2023

NOW:Sarab comes hurriedly in company of Dr. Payal plus her nurses to catch up with the new nurse who did send Sarab out of the room, lying that the doctor needed him urgently. They find Param crying that a nurse has injected Meher. The nurse herself is nowhere to be seen.

However, the nurse in question brings herself out and says she is a new nurse and gave Meher the injection because the injection was written but had not been administered yet it is a very important one. She goes ahead to apologize for lying to Sarab terming it as a misunderstanding.

Kulwant comes with her family crying profusely asking Meher to ,at least, open her eyes. They are so afraid that she may leave them but Sarab assures them that she will be fine. Kulwant cannot hide the high hopes she has in Sarab. She is so sure that with Sarab around nothing bad can happen to Meher.

12HRS EARLIER: The wedding day;Meher saw Sandhu’s call on Harleen’s phone. Harleen could be seen going aside to answer the call. She was afraid of Meher getting a glimpse of their secret.

She reminded Sandhu never to call her again before texting first. Not knowing Sandhu had indeed texted her and she had not replied yet. Nonetheless, they went straight into discusing their main agenda.

Harleen got Sandhu informed that Sarab has heightened the security within. However, Sandhu believed in Harleen’s help. He urged her not to relent for she was like his remote on Sarab.

They ended their chitchat with an amazing deal. A gift was sent to Harleen in a package of fruits. The gift is Perry. He was hidden in a pack of fruits so that he could be allowed in without any defect.

Harleen went to the gate and found when Sarab was trying to open the basket carrying Perry and check what it contained. She sent him to go check the security at the back gate which she claimed was so down, having cheated him the basket carried nothing else but apples.

Even after Sarab had longed to taste one first before going, Harleen insisted on him inspecting the gate first. He went. But Meher followed the basket to discover what it contained.

Later, Meher found Jeeto crying because Ginni had called her a cheap parlous girl. Ginni had turned down their gifts alleging that they were so cheap that they should serve them to a servant not to her.

Ginni showed a very high class nature and could not align well to the gifts and fashion they were trying to show her.She even told Kulwant, straight on her face, that she does not do middle-class things but only high-class, before demanding that Kulwant pays her make-up and dress fee amounting to 26 thousand.

Kulwant could not believe her ears. She started bargaining but Harleen came and agreed to pay for Ginni with a motive of embarrassing Kulwant that they were very poor.

Perry was so tired of staying inside the pot that he asked how far they were from reaching the room. They were not very far. In fact, they were moving towards the room when Bittu ordered his men to stop at that point and leave the basket with him.

NOW:In the hospital, Kulwant wishes Meher could have not involved herself in Rana’s wedding saga suspecting that it is her strong stance that led to her injury. The new nurse is on a phone call to someone who asks if she administered the injection to Meher, which she says she did. The person on call then tells her to look for Meher’s X-Ray reports and send to her which she does, having stolen the reports from where Sarab kept them.

Sarabs comes and finds the reports missing. She begins looking for them while very worried. He then sees the nurse busy with her phone and goes straight to her. He finds her with the reports. She lies to him that she took the reports by a mistake. Sarab takes the reports and leaves. But the Big question is, Whom is she sending the reports to?

EARLIER: At the wedding, Param saw a basket(where Perry hid) and asked Yuvi what was inside it. When they pushed it, apples poured out and as they ran to hide, Perry came out too. Meher who was coming towards the corridor saw Perry’s back even after he tried so much to hide.

Meher later met Sarab and She could be heard predicting that something bad was going to happen, but not knowing what exactly it might be. However, she gave it a bite that Sandhu may not stay silent and watch the wedding take place. They encouraged themselves that they could win any war while together, describing themselves as a lion and a lioness.

AT the hospital, time is elapsing and Sarab is confused in a dilemma of a choice to make, Meher or the baby? He is so stuck that he wishes time can be reversed or her were more alert to prevent her from the accident.

EARLIER: Kulwant congratulated Sarab for a good arrangement. Bittu, Rana and Jeeto were in a conversation and Rana just talked rudely at Jeeto. Harleen looked keenly at them as man came and spilled juice on Rana’s wedding gown. They were left worried. Harleen opted to buy him a new one but Bittu objected citing that that would take longer.

Rather, Rana went to a room to clean the dirt. In the room, was Perry with a shock gun, (fainting machine) waiting for him. Meher was right in the corridor and saw how Perry grasped Rana and forced him to faint and hid him.

Meher hurriedly left and met Harleen, approaching the same room, who ordered her to go downstairs where guests were waiting for her. All that time, Harleen reached down to pick the glass which dropped while struggling with Perry. Meher left as Harleen went to tell Perry to leave the room immediately.

NOW: At the hospital, Meher is being taken to the Operation Theatre(OT) room and her pulse is dropping drastically. Param cries aloud and taunts himself for having caused Meher all that. He tells Sarab, while hugging him, that Meher is going that pain because of him but Sarab calms him down. He gets overwhelmed and goes out crying pittying himself.

EARLIER: At the wedding, Param told Yuvi that their baby is soon coming. Sandhu came to the wedding as well and Meher remarked “guests are blessings from God.” They welcomed him in. Sarab inquired if he was there to bless the couple(Rana and Ginni) or to apologize but instead of responding to him, Sandhu laughed and walked in.

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