Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Saturday April 13, 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by Kiongos on 2024-04-12 18:59:14 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Saturday April 13, 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update for Saturday April 13, 2024

It is a new morning. A new day that Sarab and Meher have to face the tuff world again, together. Meher wakes up, the first, prays and cleans the house whilst Sarab, Param and Karan are still trapped in sleep. 

She wakes them up but they all complain how early it is. They should be left alone to enjoy they sleep. Meher insists that they have to wake up since it is already 8 o’clock and water in the toilet wouldn’t be available past 8.  

Meher’s claim provokes a response from the on-looking orphaned kids who tell them that there would be water but a dirty one (from the gutter). These are the kids who keep peeping scaring Param thinking ghosts are all over.

Meanwhile, Sarab tries to get up from sleep and prepare to go for work but his back is so aching that he can’t stand well. Meher commands him not to dare go to work. She urges Sarab to atleast care for himself. 

Despite Sarab’s insistence on going to work, Meher pressurizing him to lay down and not dare get out claiming that he carried too much weight the previous day. 

The dirty water is already flowing in and Param can’t withstand the smell. He finds himself shouting of ghosts being around. Meher is equally devastated and wonders how so much dirty water flowed in. 

She hands Karan to Param and starts sweeping-cleaning the house. Sarab intends to help her in driving the water out but she tells him to instead go take care of the kids.

Elsewhere, Pathak and Robbie are making their plans out. Pathak echoes how he will be happy to see Robbie triumph before Sarab and Meher comes back to the house. He urges Robbie to go pplay his game well with Harleen. Robbie leaves having thanked him for his generosity.

Robbie goes straight and pretends to have slept in a garden outside Harleen’s dwelling place. Harleen, who was wondering around the garden, bumps unto him. He cunningly tells Harleen that he slept there all night. He narrates how he hugged the night-long cold just because of her. He professes his love for her and promises to kill himself if she fails to forgive him. 

He, again, reminds her how she has never liked Karan being part of their family and it is because of her ambition that he had to work round the clock to see her win. Regretably, Sarab and Meher wouldn’t give up on Karan. 

Women are beaten with words and “words”. Besides, no matter how a man is useless, he will never be useless when it comes to handling his wife. Robbie has successfully pierced and melted Harleen’s heart. She is left dazzling with lips shaking ready for hot-tantalizing night with her Robbie. 

She sweetly says to him, “Go and sleep inside.”

In the interim, Meher makes Sarab lie and suggests on getting some oil to massage his aching back. He pities Sarab and apologizes for all the miseries he passed through the previous day fending for his family.

Amidst her consolation, Sarab beckons how he could still carry Meher affirming that a producer had approached them to produce a movie. He says he can do it because he is a hero – which Meher sarcastically reponds “don’t be a hero now.” They all laugh in tonnes of happiness.

Param joins the conversation and laments how that game is so difficult that he wonders whether they will make it out.   Sarab reminds him not to be shaken because whenever Sarab and Meher are together, they win every battle. 

On the other hand, Meher prays casting away any bad spirit of doubts. She hopes to win the game; cure Sarab and get everything movie as before. She does not see a need to call a doctor contrary to Param’s expectation since even Harleen once called a doctor when Meher was ill. She reasons Param out that they never carried anything with them. He urges him to remember the rules of the game.

Param gives water to Sarab while not understanding what kind of a game is it that even calling a doctor to cure his hurt dad is out of order. Sarab professes to missing his sister Harleen and promises to unite with her soon. Instantly, Harleen experiences hiccups which exemplifies to her that her brother and his kin must be thinking about her.

Meher meant business when she said oil is needed for Sarab’s cure. She is already out going for the oil. She first collects the herbal leaves she will need before heading to the temple where she intends to get oil. 

 While Meher is away, Karan begins crying of hunger. Param outdoes Sarab’s plea and makes Karan some milk to drink before Meher returns.

Elsewhere, Kulwant is unwell too. She is under examination by a doctor who advices her to be eating well-a requirement to people at old age. Kulwant almost fumes at the doc. She tells the doc she is still sweet sixteen and calling her old means it is the doctor who is old. 

Amrita joins in to make her eat but she decline claiming she won’t unless she sees Meher eating. However, Amrita beats her pants down. She tells Kulwant that even if she fails to eat, that won’t find Meher. Kulwant agrees with her and plans to employ a separate strategy-formula 101-in getting Meher.

Meher comes back home with her therapeutic oil. She tells Sarab to take off his shirt. Sarab removes it while remembering how he was picking the sacks and the goons who beat him up. He stops and Meher takes his shirt off.  

Meher could not believe what she has seen on Sarab’s back. His back has stretch marks. The marks are so huge that one could think they were ridges dug on Kano plains or along Olare Kendu for planning rice. Likewise, the marks were so deep that they could be used to water from eroding Sarab’s back when he is bathing. What a hilly back! 

That son of man suffered a lot when fending for his family. He urges Meher not to be so quisitive about the bruises for they are a token of depreciation he received from some goons who wanted to softly take his hard earned money. 

Meher applies the paste on his back, massaging him so calmly while praising him for his courageous actions. Unexpectedly, the message invokes Sarab’s emotional strength. He urges Meher to do more of it. It is so romantic. Were it not for his backache, paradise could have been a story to tell now not letter. 

At Kulwant’s house, she has called a crisis meeting. No parent is always more disturbed when a child is in distress than the mother. Kulwant vows to reward anyone who can uncover Meher’s whereabouts an amount not less than one hundred thousand. She urges the investigation should be done in a more contained manner so that it does not go on media.   Bittu and Rana take the task and promises to share the amount 50-50 once she is found. 

At Gill’s mansion, Ajay brings so much food exceeding that which Aditi ordered. Upon inquiring. Harleen cheeps in and informs Aditi that she decided to give a portion of food that could have been eaten by Sarab and Meher to atleast 100 poor people. She intends to continue with that until Sarab and Meher come back.

 While Aditi sails in five-star meal, Meher has prepared a salty porridge (made with rice and lentils among other ingredients) for lunch and Param cannot hide his disliking of that meal. Also, the dish is not enough for all of them. It takes Meher and Sarab’s intelligence to have Param eat alone. They pretend to have eaten to their fullest and urges Param to show his prowess by finishing it all, yet they are as hungry as a man who as swallowed s*x enhancement pill.  She makes Param eat but mid-way, they feed each other satisfying the law of sharing (only feed who feeds you).

Greed is nowhere near Sarab and Meher’s isolated room but when it comes to Aditi’s mansion, greed is wailing in high volume. Aditi instructs Tarkash to inform everyone that that mansion should be called by her mother’s name and offers 11Million in return. 

Harleen comes out very furious of Aditi’s take. She decides that if it is about bringing forth mother’s names them their mother has 5 times Aditi’s mother. She vows never to let an outsider take Sarab’s respect and walk escort free. She counters Aditi’s offer 5 times. In short, when Aditi gives 11M, she will give 55M. It has turned into a woman-woman warfare. 

Harleen sways straight to Manav. She intends to persuade him in helping bring back Sarab home and in return take and give him Karan. However, she finds Manav very skeptical. He turns her off by telling her that their relation is not based on profit and returns. 

Harleen is not just worried about her brother’s well-being for no reason. They are really passing through a lot of hardship. At that moment, they are really running helter-skelter in the house because of mice. Meher and Param runs around screaming so loud while asking each other to throw them out. Meher screams the louder, louder enough to indicate that she misses screaming a lot and it is long since she last screamed.  

Param challenges her into using her lioness character in throwing the mice out. She traps all of them. Param is left lamenting how he want to get back home because of ghosts, which Meher tells him to stop worrying about the mispresents.

Before they could finish their discussion, Meher hears some noise outside that almost tricks her into believing in Param’s ghost but upon getting on she finds it is the usual kids.  

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