Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Wednesday 10 April 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-03-20 19:22:34 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Wednesday 10 April 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Wednesday 10 April 2024

Param and Sarab are at the tubewell. Param complains about being dirty and asks Papa to get him new clothes.

He insists on drinking only mineral water, but Sarab explains that the water from their land is the purest. They all play in the water.

Meanwhile, Manav instructs his men to keep an eye on Sarab and Meher, ensuring the kids don't suffer.

Kulwant arrives and berates Manav for falling in love with her daughter and then kicking her out. She demands to see his wife, Aditi. Param's shoe breaks, and he laments not being allowed to take his new shoes.

Sarab jokingly refers to Param as their wheat bag, and Meher playfully asks how much he costs.

Aditi intervenes, claiming ownership of the house and ordering Sarab's mother's photo to be replaced with hers. Kulwant accuses Aditi of manipulating her husband for Sarab's property.

In another scene, Meher and Sarab walk with the kids, wondering where they'll sleep. Kaushal informs Manav of their location, and Rana and Bitu update Kulwant.

Param suggests recalling God for help, and a mysterious man gives Sarab a paper that blows away in the wind.

They follow the paper to a stable, where they find shelter. Meher believes the man was sent by God to guide them, and Sarab reassures her they're on the right path.

Param observes, "This house is so dirty. There’s nothing here." Meher responds, "People make a house a home. We will make it a home with our love." Param expresses hunger, prompting Sarab to promise to bring food.

Meher questions where he will find it, to which Sarab replies, "I will find some work to do. I won’t use my name. I will find work and bring food. Take care of the kids."

Harleen contacts her lawyer, expressing concern that Sarab didn't take any money and she doesn't know their whereabouts.

Meanwhile, Manav interrogates his men about their disappearance, and Kulwant questions Bitu and Rana about missing them.

Manav and his team attempt to locate and assist Sarab and Meher. Sarab, on the other hand, faces difficulties finding work as people recognize him wherever he goes.

Aditi confronts Manav at his office, questioning his negligence towards her. Manav accuses her of ruining everything and expresses worry about the safety of Param and Karan.

Meher and Param are shown cleaning when someone throws garbage at Param, scaring him. Meher reassures him that there are no ghosts where they live.

Sarab struggles to find work and worries about feeding his family. He prays for help and eventually finds a man selling corn. He exchanges clothes with him and sets out to find a job.

Meher instructs Param not to touch anything while cleaning the house. Sarab transports wheat bags and earns money through hard work.

Meanwhile, Param looks at other children buying kulfi, reminiscing about getting ice cream. Sarab's efforts are noticed, and he receives praise and payment for his work. However, masked men observe him ominously.

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