Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Tuesday 5 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-02-07 20:13:22 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Tuesday 5 March 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Tuesday 5 March 2024

Meher adjusts Sarab's bed while he sleeps and brings him breakfast. Sarab greets her, expressing his desire to leave the hospital. Meher teases him about his popularity among the nurses, who compete to administer his injections.

Sarab remarks on his boredom and longing for home, prompting Meher to remind him of his resemblance to a child. They share a moment of longing for their children, unable to bring them to the hospital.

Sarab suggests exchanging kisses symbolically, reminiscing about Param's affectionate gestures. Kulwant interrupts, presenting flowers to Sarab and announcing her intention to share breakfast with them.

Meher questions her presence, but Kulwant confidently asserts her freedom, claiming release orchestrated by Vikram Dewan. She shows them a video of Manav, apparently alive and well, shocking Sarab and Meher.

Sarab remains skeptical, insisting on evidence in court, but Kulwant emphasizes Manav's absence from the murder scenario. Sarab resolves to ensure justice prevails, refusing to accept Kulwant's claims without verification.

Meher and Sarab discuss the possibility of Manav's survival and his whereabouts. Before Meher can respond, the nurse interrupts with Sarab's medication, diverting their conversation. Sarab suggests Meher visit Vikram's home, prompting Meher's departure.

Meanwhile, at Vikram's home, Seema accidentally drops a bowl, attracting Manav's attention. He questions her presence in the kitchen, concerned about her well-being.

Seema explains her preparations for Aditi's dinner and justifies fasting for her son's marital happiness. Aditi checks Seema's blood pressure, revealing her low levels.

Vikram notices Meher's hospital file containing details of Sarab's decision during Meher's delivery complications.

Shocked by the revelation, Manav confronts Seema about the truth behind Karan's parentage, pondering over his relationship with Meher.

As he attempts to contact Meher, she arrives, unaware of his call. Meher consoles Seema, who mourns Surya's demise, before reflecting on his contributions to their family.

Manav arrives at the hospital and inquires about Meher's whereabouts from the nurse.

Directed to her ward, Manav finds Sarab alone and greets him. Sarab welcomes him inside, expressing gratitude for bringing him to the hospital promptly and donating blood.

Manav reciprocates the thanks, acknowledging Sarab's silence regarding his father's actions. Sarab reassures him, attributing his actions to brotherly duty rather than fault on Aditi or Seema's part.

Meanwhile, Aditi reflects on the complexities of relationships, realizing the inevitability of some individuals finding love despite their negativity.

As Manav offers water to Sarab, Sarab poses a question, seeking insight into his uncle's attempted attack on Meher and subsequent suicide.

Manav speculates on the possibility of hidden secrets motivating such actions, hinting at his own survival as a testament to withheld truths.

Sarab receives a call from Param, and Manav passes the phone to him, witnessing their endearing exchange.

After the call, Sarab expresses his affection for both his sons to Manav, who curiously asks a hypothetical question about choosing between Param and Karan. Sarab dismisses the question, emphasizing his equal love for both.

Harleen enters, greeting Manav before inquiring about Seema's well-being. As Manav leaves, Harleen and Sarab discuss Vikram's enigmatic behavior.

Vikram surveys the office, locating Aditi's room. Upon entering, he searches for a specific file.

Interrupted by a nurse, Vikram explains his presence, claiming Aditi requested the file and inquires about Meher's delivery documents. The nurse directs him to the ground floor. Meanwhile, Meher phones Sarab, checking on his well-being.

Sarab updates her on Vikram's visit, mentioning his peculiar remarks about Manav being alive and questioning Sarab's affection for their sons, Karan and Param. Sarab expresses hope for Vikram's timely arrival at his meeting, leaving Meher puzzled.

Meanwhile, Manav, processing the timeline of Meher's delivery, realizes the implications.

Recollecting Meher's pregnancy announcement and Aditi's insinuation about the paternity of Meher's child, Manav is overcome with shock. Remembering his joyous proclamation of impending fatherhood, he collapses in anguish.

Observing the babies in the nursery, Manav is consumed by emotion, acknowledging Karan as his own flesh and blood. Determined, he asserts his paternal bond with Karan to himself and to the newborns, reaffirming his newfound sense of purpose and identity as a father.

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