Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 15 April 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni

Posted by kiongos on 2024-03-20 19:22:34 |

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Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday 15 April 2024

Choti Sarrdaarni Written Update For Monday April 15 2024

Greed is nowhere near Sarab and Meher’s isolated room but when it comes to Aditi’s mansion, greed is wailing in high volume. Aditi instructs Tarkash to inform everyone that that mansion should be called by her mother’s name and offers 11Million in return.

Harleen comes out very furious of Aditi’s take. She decides that if it is about bringing forth mother’s names them their mother is worth 5 times Aditi’s mother. She vows never to let an outsider take Sarab’s respect and walk escort free. She counters Aditi’s offer 5 times. In short, when Aditi gives 11M, she will give 55M. It has turned into a woman-woman warfare.

Harleen sways straight to Manav. She intends to persuade him in helping bring back Sarab home and in return take and give him Karan. However, she finds Manav very skeptical. He turns her off by telling her that their relation is not based on profit and returns.

Harleen is not just worried about her brother’s well-being for no reason. They are really passing through hell. At that moment, they are really running helter-skelter in the house because of mice. Meher and Param runs around screaming so loud while asking each other to throw them out. Meher screams the louder, louder enough to indicate that she misses screaming a lot and it is long since she last screamed.

Param challenges her into using her lioness character in throwing the mice out. She traps all of them. Param is left lamenting how he want to get back home because of ghosts, which Meher tells him to stop worrying about, the mispresents.

Before they could finish their discussion, Meher hears some noise outside that almost tricks her into believing in Param’s ghost but upon getting on she finds it is the usual kids.

Meher declares, "I am going to reveal the ghost."

Meanwhile, blood gets thicker than water on Manav's side. He can't withstand the pain of Karan staying in undesirable place. He issues a warrant of their search.

He groups his men, with an instruction of searching for Meher and Sarab on all corners of Punjab. He stresses more on locating Meher. He is so disturbed on imagining that the only pot that once quenched his thirst is dangerously placed and fears for its cracking.

On the other hand, Meher is engaging herself in a special trick to nab the "ghosts" who have been scaring Param.

Her plan almost backfires but quickly, she gets a game-changer. She drops a clump which irritates the kids bodies causing serious itching. Param and her run to them.

Meher apologizes for hurting them claiming she thought they were adults. She does first aid to them while crying. Her cry could not go unnoticed for a detective-in-the-making kid was around. The kid asks Meher the reason behind her overflowing tears. She expresses her pain, being a mother she could not wish to see a fellow woman's kid hurt that way.

The kids are total orphans. Meher suggests that they become friends with Param but one of them, Monty, rejects her idea. Monty then goes ahead to command them to vacate that place citing it is their playing ground.

Param is left writhing in pain and cursing himself for none of them wants to associate with him.

Aside, a responsible man is always at crossroads when his family has nothing to feed on. Sarab is hurt but cannot bear the shame of seeing his family starving because he has failed to bring them food.

He prepares himself to face the music of his choices and dance to its tantalizing tunes just like Luo ladies rolling their wasp-shaped waists constructing the protruding bulk of ground/seat kissing apparatus whenever Nyogaya hits the air, at climax.

When Meher retaliates to have him stay in the house for carrying heavy loads will exhause a greater percentage of his energy leaving him with little or no energy to supply his "home" with Kenya Power, Sarab slaps back with amazing comeback.

He pokes his nose in Meher reluctance to take risks, claiming that he cannot see his kids suffer. He says, "I can't see my kids hungry."

Meher is so frustrated and feels a sense of discord. She wonders, "I thought we were together, but you're not listening to me." Sarab reiterates the practical challenges, asking, "Where will we eat from?" Meher, angered by the situation, storms off inside.

Manav was on the way coming with a car, in search of Meher. On seeing Manav, some kids scatter nails on the road so his car can get a puncture and have him directed to a workshop/garage where they get a commission on every referal.

However, their deed almost turns out to be helpful to Manav. He shows them a photo of Meher ready to offer some token for any lead but they get scared when Kulwant called and run away before they could see the picture well. He is now left to wonder his own wondering.

Kulwant inquires if there's any news about Meher, to which Manav replies negatively, but promises to keep her informed.

Meanwhile back to Meher, Param and the kids, Meher reassures Param, saying, "Don't worry, Param. Yuvi wasn't your friend either, but you became friends over time." As the kids play nearby, Meher fills a water bucket and asks Param to bring the second bucket from home.

Back to his sixth sense, Sarab lessens his stubbornness and offers to save his energy for any possible farming. Sarab affirms, "Okay, Meher, I won’t go to work. You care about me, and I care about the kids."

Param struggles to lift the bucket for Meher. Sarab offers, "I will take it. You take care of Karan." Param notices the milk is finished and offers to refill it, but remembers Sarab had earlier on instructed him not to leave Karan alone. He spots a wooden cart and places Karan in it and pulls him towards a milk shop.

At the milk shop, Param requests milk but is denied due to lack of money. A generous man forgets his money, which Param retrieves. He hesitates in returning it seeing Karan cry, but resolves to return the money, apologizing for his inability to buy milk. The man praises Param's manners, and Param regrets not being able to get milk for Karan, pondering where to find the money.

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